Friday, March 13, 2009

Get to Know the Features of Nintendo Wii Systems Game Console

By Jay Davis

The Nintendo Wii game console has been very successful because of its features. It contains some internal features made available from its firmware and hardware components. The firmware can actually receive periodic updates through the WiiConnect24 service while the hardware allows extendibility via expansion ports.

The great menu of the game console is also a contributor. It is a top level menu interface. It has 4 pages each with a 4 by 3 grid, with each pages displaying the current time as well as date. The applications or known to everyone as "channels", are navigated by use of the Wii Remote and are displayed in grid. Good thing, the grid is customizable which allows users to move channels amongst the menu's 47 customizable slots. However, this is not possible with the Disc Channel.

There are actually some main categories for the channels " the Pre-loaded Channels, the Downloadable Channels, and the Additional Channels.

In the category Pre-loaded Channels, there is the Disc Channel, the Mii Channel, the Photo Channel, the Wii Shop Channel, the Forecast Channel, and the News Channel. In the Wii Shop Channel, there is the Virtual Console, the WiiWare, and the Wii Channels. With these channels you can play Wii and GameCube titles, create an avatar, view photos, download games and other software, and listen to weather forecasts and some news.

In the next category, the Downloadable channels, there is the Internet Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel, the Check Mii Out/Mii Contest Channel, the Nintendo Channel, the Television Friend Channel, the Digicam Print Channel, and the Fortune Telling Channel. With these channels, you can surf the net, vote in simple and fun opinion polls, share Miis and enter them into popularity contests, watch videos, check what programs are on television, import digital photos, and view fortunes.

Finally, in the category Additional Channels, there is the Wii Fit Channel, the Mario Kart Channel, the Daigasso! Band Brothers DX Speaker Channel, and the Wii Speak Channel. With these channels, you can install a Wii Fit Channel, install the Mario Kart Channel, connect a game to a Wii console, and chat online. - 2361

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