Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tips for Recording a Sound Effect Library

By SFXsource

In order to record sound effects for a personal or professional sound effect library one first needs a quality recorder. Personally I've tried all sorts of pricey gear and microphones throughout my sonic adventures only to discover that a solid $150 to $400 handheld digital recorder no larger than an old-school cassette tape box suffices to create sounds good enough for placement in any Film, TV, and media project. In addition, these units run on battery power and the recorded files can be dragged onto your desktop via USB.

Be aware, however, that any device you use must record up to at least a 48k sample rate because video uses audio with a 48k sample rate, not 44.1k. Any 44.1k samples you have will have to be upconverted to be used in a video production and this process always runs the risk of audio damage. Because of these potential problems with lower quality files, 48k sound effects are generally valued more by video editors and thus command a higher sale price should you choose to sell your sounds online.

Two basic categories of sound effects to be recorded are "ambiences" and "hits." Hits are single audio events like a burp, splash, or car horn. Ambiences are longer recordings generally between 30 seconds and 10 minutes that contain background sounds such as those found on city streets, in a hotel lobby, or a doctor's office.

In creating a library it is most valuable to have many of both types as they are both used in sound design. You will find that ambiences are the easiest to obtain, as you merely have to go to a new location such as a supermarket or post office and just stand there and record. Hits need a little more forethought and preparation such as collecting the items you'd like to record or stalking the neighbor's dog for that perfect dog bark.

The basics of recording a sound effect is literally as simple as hitting the record button. However, there are several tips to keep in mind in order to get the best recordings possible.

2. Record all of your sounds as "hot" as you can, meaning as loud as possible without overloading the microphone. You need to pull back from your source if you notice a red LED light on your recorder which signals that your incoming signal is too hot. Capturing the strongest signal without distorting is the goal.

2. In order to record sounds with high decibel levels, such as fireworks or loud crowds, buy a 10dB pad which will fit between the digital recorder and your microphone. For $20 purchased online, this pad will lower the incoming signal by 10dB

3. While you want to minimize unwanted sounds and noise in your recordings as much as possible, do not obsess over finding the quietest recording environment because great sound effects can occur unexpectedly such as a beefed up motorcycle cruising by. If you are too uptight about getting that perfect recording environment you will slow yourself down in your efforts to gain content and just remember that you can always filter much background noise from your recordings during the editing process.

4. Keep your microphone out of the wind while recording by standing strategically behind wall, trees, or parked cars because wind hitting the head of the microphone will compromise your recordings. Through the editing process and by cutting lower frequencies you can often minimize wind noise but for the most part wind will render your recordings useless.

5. Music from live performances and loudspeakers must remain out of your recordings. If you accidentally include such music in the background of your ambiences it will make your recordings useless. Selling and using sound effects with such music is a violation of copyright law since that music itself is copyrighted.

The previous points, though simple, are mentioned to help the aspiring sound designer in the assembling of a valuable sound effect library. Articles that cover the editing, organizing, and promotion of these recordings will follow in the future.

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