Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tips for Recording a Sound Effect Library

By SFXsource

In order to record sound effects for a personal or professional sound effect library one first needs a quality recorder. Personally I've tried all sorts of pricey gear and microphones throughout my sonic adventures only to discover that a solid $150 to $400 handheld digital recorder no larger than an old-school cassette tape box suffices to create sounds good enough for placement in any Film, TV, and media project. In addition, these units run on battery power and the recorded files can be dragged onto your desktop via USB.

You must make sure that any recorder you purchase records up to at least a 48k sample rate .wav file because audio for video is prepared as 48k. Any 44.1k samples you have would work fine on a CD but for DVD usage they will have to be up-converted to 48k which can result in "aliases," sort of sonic ghosts that compromise the quality of your recording. Also, 48k sound effects command a higher price on downloadable sites because their sound quality is simply better due to more samples per second of audio.

There are two basic types of sound effects that you will be recording: "hits" and "ambiences." Hits are single short sonic events such as a slap, gun shot, or dog bark. Ambiences are longer background elements such as ocean waves, restaurant environments, or playground noises.

Any quality sound effect library needs both types of sound effects so you should be intent on recording both types. Ambiences are the easiest to obtain because they require only being at a location, standing there, and recording. Hits, though, need more planning because you often need to do foley to get what you need or wait around at various locations for the right moment, such as visiting a new mother and her newborn in order to capture that perfect baby cry.

Actually recording each sound effect is a simply process that only requires hitting the record button. Though, in order to make the best possible recordings, keep in mind these several tips.

1. Make sure that you record as "hot" as possible, meaning with the loudest signal that does not clip or overload the microphone. If you notice a red LED light blinking when recording it means that your incoming signal is too hot and you will want to pull back your mic a bit from the source. You want the loudest signal without distortion.

2. In order to record sounds with high decibel levels, such as fireworks or loud crowds, buy a 10dB pad which will fit between the digital recorder and your microphone. For $20 purchased online, this pad will lower the incoming signal by 10dB

3. Keep background noise out of your recordings as much as possible without being obsessive about creating "the perfect" studio recording environment because positive and unexpected events can occur such as animal sounds or car noises. A good amount of background noise can be filtered out during editing and being to strict about your recording environment will slow your work down to a crawl.

4. Wind hitting the head of your microphone will ruin your recordings so keep your recorder out of the wind by using trees, walls, or your body as a physical barrier. If you cut frequencies below 200-500 khz during editing you can get rid of some wind sound but usually your recordings will be ruined by wind.

5. Make sure that your recordings do not contain any live or amplified music from a third party. Your recordings will be useless if they include music from such sources. This music is copyrighted and without permission of the copyright owner it is illegal to use or license such recordings.

It is the hope of this author that the simple advice in this article will aid new sound effect artists in their efforts to create a worthy sound effect library. New articles on editing distinct sound effects from these recordings, categorizing these new sound effects, and licensing them are forthcoming.

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