Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An Overview of Surrealism - The Exquisite Art Form

By Domen Lombergar

Surrealism was a movement that was very creative and created a big buzz in the world right from 1920. But surrealism made itself involved in various forms that include politics, music, film and literature. Not only as an art, it created an impact but also as a philosophy and a statement that created a huge revolution. Surrealism was a response to the World's participation in the First World War which turned out to be a big terror for the people.

It is said that Andr Breton was the leader of surrealism while the following list of writers and artists were fundamental to the movement of Surrealism: Louis Aragon, Philippe Soupault. Paul luard, Benjamin Pret, Ren Crevel, Robert Desnos, Jacques Baron, Max Morise, Marcel Noll, Pierre Naville, Roger Vitrac, Simone Breton, Gala luard, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Hans Arp, Georges Malkine, Michel Leiris, Georges Limbour, Antonin Artaud, Raymond Queneau, Andr Masson, Joan Mir, Marcel Duchamp, Jacques Prvert and Yves Tanguy.

Surrealism entered into films. Surrealist films that got released were L'ge d'Or from 1930, Un chien andalou from 1929, Entr'acte from 1924, Le sang d'un pote form 1930, La Coquille et le clergyman from 1928.

In order to be more fiction oriented, surrealism was twisted got characterized as elements that were more realistic. Surrealism connected abstract and reality. It acts as a cross between fantasy and reality. Surrealism was required to play with human psyche. Artists who briefed about this art were Grgoire Michonze, Valentine Hugo, Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dali, Alberto Giacomett, Mret Oppenheim, Luis Buuel, Enrico Donati and Toyen.

The political philosophy of surrealism was taken all over the world with its art and it had its impact in the Caribbean, South America, from Europe to North America, Central America and in some parts of Asia. It became familiar in Latin America and had a huge impact in Argentina as many surrealists came from that country. It prevailed in America till 60s and was there in Europe in 20s. Surrealism was a major highlight in many of the art exhibitions that were quite remarkable to watch for.

Surrealist art exhibitions in the 20s include La Peinture Surrealiste in 1925 in France and the Galerie Surraliste in 1926. In the 30s, the surrealist exhibitions included the London International Surrealist exhibition in London in 1936, Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism in New York in 1936 and the International Surrealist Exhibition in 1938 in Paris. The 40s housed the First Papers of Surrealism in New York in 1943 and the International Surrealist Exhibition in 1949 which was also held in 19 59, also in Paris. The last surrealist Exhibition was in New York in 1960, the Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanters' Domain.

Surrealism has had an impact on the world not just for its new style of art but for the hidden (or not so much) political messages of generally Marxism, socialism and communism that was portrayed in the artwork.

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