Thursday, May 06, 2010

Could You Have Psychic Powers?

By George Eastley

Psychic powers have for a very long time been and understudied area of mystery. Real psychic powers give some people the ability of superhuman perception that regular people are simply not aware of and cannot see. Because of a large lack of understanding in dealing with psychic powers, many people are left confused and terrified of such things. Generally, most people have a small degree of psychic power but there is only a really small percentage that able to show extreme levels of psychic ability.

In most cases those who are psychic are described as having an extra "sense". Instead of 5 senses (involving sight, vision, hearing, touch and speech) there is an added perceptive ability that grants them the power to know, see, or feel things that are not in our present dimension.

There are even some individuals whose psychic powers allow them to see the future and its events; other people have a gift known as retro cognition (which is the ability to see into the past and experience what has already happened.); others with their psychic powers can see spirits and forms of energy that is not visible to the naked eye of the people around them.

Even ancient civilizations recognized the abilities of those who had psychic powers. There have been many names given to such people; soothsayer, fortune-teller, wise-man, spiritualist, mentalist and oracle reader. Of course there have been pretenders as well, and these people have fueled the fires of controversy.

There is no need to pretend to have such powers, because each person is indeed born with some natural psychic talent. If these powers are embraced and developed they will become stronger and more controlled. Once you learn how to tap into your psychic gifts it will be possible for you to call on them when they are most needed.

If you are ready to begin this journey you must first learn how to meditate and balance your mind, emotions and spirit. People who have true psychic powers also have discharged any negative emotions and unwanted thoughts. They have discovered how to clear their minds in order to open up to the energy and emotions of all that is in the world around them, both seen and unseen.

Once you start practicing everyday with regular meditation you will notice and feel the difference. Your inner most psychic power will then rise to the surface causing you to feel more alive than ever felt before. Your creativity, understanding and of course happiness will immediately take off.

A session of deep meditation needs to be scheduled at least once each day. You should spend 30-60 minutes in quiet, intense concentration to allow your body to release any negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Select a place that speaks to your soul, soothes your mind, and is free from distractions. It can be a corner of a room in your home, a secluded section of a park or even a cave. The type of setting is not important as long as it provides you with security, peace and an opportunity to concentrate on only positive images and emotions without any interruptions.

As you begin, your meditation is sure to study the feelings and emotions that go through you. You must learn how to push out negative thoughts with the right concentration and correct breathing methods. Upon practicing these steps, you will be more away of natural vibrations and the types of energy that are in our world learning to tell them apart. Building up your psychic powers will depend entirely on your psychic power to connect with the energy that connects all life in the world together.

Just like anything you must practice your psychic powers to get them stronger. You may want to give tarot readings a try or even palmistry. Between your family and friends you will have more than enough people who would like to test you. Just keep in mind that the person you will be reading for must be open minded. Their degree of will helps keep the channels of psychic communication clear and will make it more easy to sense images or vibrations.

A sure way to increase your psychic powers is to do it every day. If you practice meditation enough to hone you skill you will be able to see the auras that surround people. You will soon enough see that you can actually see color and sizes of other people's auras without concentrating to hard.

This will let you detect problems such as illnesses that the individual may not even be aware of. You will also be able to perceive a person's true character or intentions just by reading their aura. As you refine your psychic gifts you may be able to begin glimpsing the past, present and future. This is when you must work even harder to develop your talents so that you can channel your perceptive abilities at will.

The psychic powers to speak with a "ghost" of a dead person has been talked about with curiosity, controversy and fascination over the many years. There are good reasons why younger children can speak with and see these so-called "spirits".

Our psychic powers are naturally much stronger when we are children. We have not had lessons on how to fear and avoid the unknown. By tearing down the defenses built up in our minds we can communicate openly. Adults still have psychic powers but you must be retrained to not fear what your eyes or the eyes of others do not see.

Also, keep in mind that children have stronger psychic powers because they are very open to ideas they do not really comprehend yet. Instead of pushing away a spirits presence or voice they will try to connect with and talk to them, it is only when adults interfere that those mental defenses start to go up.

Take a page out of a child's book and let your mind be open and free of any preconceptions you have about the unseen and spirits. If you can detach any negative fear and preconceived thoughts about psychic powers or ghosts then it will be more simple for a person to connect with the energies of life that are present in our universe.

Having psychic powers is real natural phenomenon. The difference that exists is the level of perception you are born with and how hard you try and develop those abilities. If you put time and effort to growing these gifts it will assuredly reward you the chance to change the world that surrounds you and binds you. - 2361

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