Monday, May 03, 2010

Satellite TV - Are You Saving Money

By Kim Pascel

If you think that if having a satellite dish on your roof will bring you in touch with the world. The system has been in place since the early 1960's. Who knows if the government intended to position satellites in space so that millions could watch TV in their homes.

But it is interesting to see what lengths we have gone to receive entertainment in our homes. Television was an invention that broadcast a picture through radio waves. And of course before television was invented people used the radio for music and news and basic entertainment.

And before the radio people kept up with the news through the telegraph system which uses the Morse code to communicate. But now we have satellite in space to beam back images to our television sets. The difference between satellite and cable TV or regular TV for that matter is that it provides a clearer more enhanced picture and audio reception.

This is because of the digital reception of the satellite image and audio. You can easily see this when you compare cable with audio. It is interesting to watch shows on satellite that you are used to watching on regular or cable TV. You can actually see blemishes on some of the stars of your favorite shows. You can see the glare off the tops of heads on TV who have no hair.

Most homes are set up with a direct home version of satellite reception. And this is a receive only mode not a transmit mode. They signed up with a satellite TV provider like they would if they had gotten a cable television feed. The stations that broadcast the shows make their feed available to the satellite provider.

The providers get the feed from the broadcaster and then sell the feed to their customers via satellite dishes on their roofs. The dish acts like an antennae. The people with satellite TV reception can be easily seen around your neighborhood. Just look for those lovely dishes on their homes.

You will still have to have a receiver on your TV to unscramble the feed from the satellite to your satellite dish. The receiver decodes the feed and then presents it on your screen. When many people think of this system they think of unlimited television reception. However this is not necessarily the case.

Some might think this is the case when compared to their cable television choices. But the reality is that there are many many governmental controls in the satellite TV business. New legislation is always being passed limiting or controlling to some extent the broadcast of far away feeds. The competition is controlled to a great extent by many government mandates. The industry limits access to certain feeds for the sake of promoting other feeds which pay more money to them to make them available to their customers. It is in large part an issue of money. So there is some freedom in the satellite television market but there are many restraints also. - 2361

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