Thursday, July 09, 2009

Step By Step Guide To Producing Your Own 3D Animation Cartoon

By Cody Landon

If youre involved in the world of animation as a rising animator then more than likely, one of your better aspirations is to having a cartoon animation series produced. If you of a realistic nature you likewise realise that it's not going to be genuinely easy but it's possible.

Step one : Allow your imagination to flow. You need to come up with an idea for your series. Being as its a series you need an on-going theme. Probably if you look back at your old sketchings, you will see where you drew maybe an action figure doing some different things. The theme is what your action figure does. Presently you'll need to build your theme and once you do this, it becomes your foundation.

Step 2 : Naturally, there are going to have to be many characters in your series. You are going to need to think about each of them and what role would they play. This does not imply you are planning the plot of the story, it implies you are assigning traits to your characters.

Step three : Most cartoon animators dont consider themselves great at script-writing. This's where they'll rely on an expert in that field. Your job will be to present him with your theme and your thoughts regarding that theme. Your scriptwriter is the one who brings your characters to life. He would do this by applying the traits youve offered him. Make sure your choice of scriptwriter is one thats well versed in this kind of writing.

Step four : One of the key factors of your success is making your characters fantastic. You could enlist the services of a famous design enterprise for this segment of your project. They almost have to become household names. Hopefully to the point where a couple of products will be designed after them. Imagine a super hero youve raised becoming the greatest action figure on the market. I will class that as the supreme success.

Step 5 : Youre very close to the point of presently compiling your character bible. This's where you start to put things into action. This book, which has presently become a really valuable commodity of yours, will contain all of the information youve collected so far from the different venues you hired. You will take your character bible to an animation house in the hopes of having a pilot episode produced.

Step 6 : Now you would have attained a decision-making period. You could find a distribution organisation with your pilot to see how sellable the completed version would be.

Step seven : Some other choice to a distribution corporation would be to approach the television media to see if there will be whatsoever interest by them to develop your show. Here is the step where you've to be confident in your work. You know it's great and now youve to sell others on that very fact. . Step eight : As you could see, you have a long route ahead of you and there are costs involved. You simply have to be determined enough and believe in yourself and your work and go for it. - 2361

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