Sunday, November 02, 2008

The 7 Best Poker Cheats

By Simon M Skinner

CHeating at poker is as old as the game. There are a number of methods to cheat at poker from very simple to very complex ways. There isn't much harm in knowing a few ways to cheat at the game, even if it is only to recognise when someone is cheating you.

1.How A Child Would Do It There isnt much technique or expertise required in 'peeking' but if you can divert the other players' attention and take a look at your opponents cards. Its quite difficult to prove you were intentionally cheating but don't do it too often or you will be caught!

2.How the Mean Players Do It A miser never likes to lose their money or part with it. A miser will try and avoid paying house feels and may also 'palm' his chips when he is seemingly placing a bet. Don't get caught though or you may get banned for life!

3.How the Magicians Do It A magician is an expert at producing rigged cards and so may try to the old hand-muck trick by replacing their true hand with a secretly hidden hand. Was this your cheating hand of cards, Mr. Houdini?

4.How the Shady Dealers Do It The shady dealers know how to cull their favorite cards, and place the most desirable cards at the bottom, the second to bottom, the middle or the second to top card position. They may also use their index finger to peek at the cards before dealing. Notice how closely everyone eyes a self-appointed dealer as he deals out hands.

5.How Manipulative Dealers Do It There are unscruplous dealers and there are downright crooked dealers. Any good cheat knows that they cannot win every hand. However ensuring another player gets a good hand will ensure that the pot continues to boil!

6.How the Card Makers Do It It is a low blow to bring your own cards to the table in order to cheat but if you do so then here are some methods you can utilize to win the game. You can set the cards up so that (say) every third card dealt will give you a great winning hand, or you could even bring 'marked' cards to the table.

7.How the Confederates Do It Collusion is a great way to cheat because people expect onlCollusion is one of the best ways to cheat at poker, since everyone suspects a single cheat, but they do not expect a team of cheats. Techniques in this case might include raisinfg and re-raising the pot to trap other players. - 2361

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