Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What are Vocal Remedies?

By Elizabeth Schohl

If singing is an important part of your life, whether you are a professional or an amateur, you will find that you need to take care of you voice! There are things that can injure it, including exposure to harmful substances and simple over use and if you do not take care of the problem as it arises, you may find that you are dealing with more serious problems down the line. Remember that in many ways, your voice is like an important tool, so make sure that you take good care of it.

When you are looking at voice problems, you will find that you have the best chance of treating them if you know about the cause. For instance, if you have been practicing hard or if you have been in a situation that calls for a lot of yelling or screaming, you will find that your voice can go hoarse or even cut out altogether. This is a situation you will want to avoid, because the last thing you want to do is overuse and abuse your voice.

If your voice has been overused, this might mean that the tissues of your vocal cords have been abraded or that there might be a muscle spasm that is causing your voice to deepen or to sound very hoarse. This is just something you cannot afford to have as a singer. The care of your voice as a precious instrument is so important because if you don't care for it you are setting yourself up for health problems, if not now then later.

Smoking is one of the worst activities a singer can do as it dries out and abrades the membranes of the vocal cords. The results can be a hoarse, rough sounding voice with dry vocal cords that are not healthy. Avoid foods that give you Gastro-esophageal Reflux disease, which can back up in your throat and irritate the tissues there.

Raspy and dry throats will need some quick treatment such as breathing some hot steam. Start boiling some water, then put your face over the hot water while your mouth takes in the hot steam. Stay cautious, as you do not want to burn yourself, but you do want to get the hot steam gradually in your throat so that it gets moisture it needs which will in turn lessens tension and dryness.

For some instant relief for a hoarse or hurting throat, gargle some lemon juice and honey for some welcome relief. You can try this two times, for example once in the early morning and once in the evening, if you'd like. Another quick trick is to drink a 6 ounce cup of water combined with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to get your sore throat some quick relief.

If you want to use your voice for a long time, keep in mind you need to nurture your voice. You should not try to overdo it by singing too loudly, shouting, or clearing your throat too often if you are feeling hoarse and raspy. Keep away from alcohol and smoke because they can develop problems for your voice which you certainly don't want.

Keep in mind that visiting a doctor for the health of your voice is very important, as you want get the right treatment for your vocal problems. Don't be the singer who didn't do enough for their voice! Get the right professional help and care for your voice so that your voice can last for years, you will be glad you did it. - 2361

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