Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tips for Constructing a Great Composer's Website

By SFXsource

In today's internet driven society, a music composer's main window to the world is their website. Your website will serve you in many ways including acting as your twenty-four/seven all-purpose representative, hosting excerpts of your music and information about yourself and your work. A webpage is crucial to fostering a healthy musical career in the 21st century. Below are listed some chief things to incorporate into any composer's new website.

1. Choose a clean-cut, easy to navigate design for your site that allows visitors to easily learn about you and your music.

2. Show your activity by updating your site with new performances of your music.

3. Keep an up-to-date catalog of your work online. This allows performers or promoters of music to see if your catalog includes something that interests them.

4. Make sure to have both a full and a short biography available on your site which includes people with who you've collaborated, press, credits, etc. Frequently interested parties will request short biographies specifically.

5. Post no less than three music excerpts of your work for listeners to demo as easily accessible .mp3s.

6. Social networking sites are active arenas of musical activity so post links in profiles on such sites. Participate in the action!

7. Use professional and easy to remember contact information/email address. That means you should ditch that old guitarhero99 at email address you've had since you were thirteen and simply go with your formal name or business name.

An effective website that follows the above suggestions will increase your visibility and undoubtedly lead to extensive career opportunities. However, while you should maintain a certain level of professionalism you should not be afraid to show a little personality. It is certainly good to show your credentials but visitors will feel a stronger connection to you if you show your human side.

Good luck!

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