Saturday, August 02, 2008

How to Build an Effective Music Composer's Website

By SFXsource

A composer's website functions in many ways and is the main means of communication with the outside world. A website will serve as a reference for your audience, act as your electronic agent, and store valuable media such as photographs, music excerpts, and information such as your biography for media outlets. It is your online business card and is essential to build your career in the 21st century. Following are several key elements necessary to an effective music composer's website.

1. When choosing the design for your site make sure to consider ease of use so that visitors can navigate your site easily.

2. Display your activity by posting dates of recent and upcoming performances of your work.

3. Update your works list often. Performers do check composers' websites looking for new works for their instrument or ensemble.

4. When adding biographical information to your website it is in your interest to provide both full and condensed versions. Often, programs or media outlets prefer a short biography.

5. Let online guests demo your work by having at least three music clips available in .mp3 format.

6. Huge areas of musical goings-on are social networking sites, so create a profile and post some links to your work. Be a part of the scene!

7. Use a professional sounding contact address that is easy to remember. Get rid of that old guitarguru 44 @ email address you've probably had since you were 12 and use your business name or formal name.

A website that meets the guidelines mentioned above will undoubtedly boost your career. As a final note however, remember that while your website's goal is to portray you as a pro in the field don't be afraid to show a bit of your stellar personality. Professionalism is great, but you are most likely to be successful if you also interest people in a personal way.

Go forth and prosper!

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