Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Photography Tips - Buying a digital camera

By Dan Feildman

Before deciding on purchasing a digital camera, it is important that you set yourself a budget. This should happen before going online or visiting an electronics shop. It is just like purchasing any other large item else such as a computer. There are a lot of options, and you don't want to get stuck biting off more than you can chew, expense-wise. High-end cameras offer the great zoom, more extra features and more megapixels. Having more megapixels doesn't mean you will have the great picture quality. Unfortunately these cameras can also take a huge bite out of your wallet if you are not careful. When you are starting out in the wide world of digital photography, it is easier to not spend a huge amount of money on the high-end SLR cameras. Look for cheaper, yet effective, compact digital cameras that are a lot easier to hold. The best thing to do is learn the basics with this digital camera and make sure you enjoy the hobby before spending the cash for higher-end digital cameras.

Are you having trouble catching aerial photos? Guess what you don't have to use planes or helicopters! Sometimes aerial shots on planes can sometimes get expensive unless you have a friend with a plane. Another problem would be the fear of heights rather than how expensive planes and helicopters are. Want a great secret? Most "aerial" photos are not actually taken from a plane. It is rather from a countryside vantage point. If you're on a mountain overlooking a vista, on top of a lighthouse, or in the observation deck of a tall skyscraper, and you shoot down, you're quite high up as it is. Your digital photos will look like they came from a helicopter or plane even though you're not in any flying vehicle at all!

Fall is one of the most pleasurable times for photographers. It brings beautiful orange, brown, and red leaf colors. If you plan on traveling to take advantage of nature's yearly fireworks display, you need to ensure you get to your destination at the peak period to enjoy the best fall leaves. If you live in the US, the US Department of Agriculture has a website that displays fall foliage information by geographical area. Finding out the best times to visit areas is crucial. A good place is New England. A well planned trip could be the best way to get some really extraordanary pictures. Information is updated as soon as conditions permit. If traveling is out of the question for you, check with your government agriculture website to see the best times. Good research results in spectacular pictures. Here is a good source for US photographers: The Foliage Network - foliagenetwork.com

When you are taking fireworks photos a good location is always essential with your digital camera. As in any other type of digital photography, when shooting fireworks, composition is necessary. Before the show begins, find a good angle that will provide you with a clear picture of the upcoming fireworks. Having people in front of your camera is completely unacceptable, avoid it at all costs. Street lights will fade out the fire works phenomenally; therefore it is best to avoid street lamps. Basically finding the best possible shot, with few lights, few people and not against the law is difficult but doable. Sometimes have a view on a boat is helpful if the water is calm.

Taking photos at night is one of the biggest challenges. It may be best to your photo shoot is sometime around dusk, you will be able to get some great shots of the city line and there will be enough light for your camera to get details. With the amount of light that happens at dusk you will be able to prevent blurry photos of what you are trying to do. The best pictures happen at dusk, not in the pitch black of night. Unfortunately dusk only lasts for an hour or so research your shot locations and time beforehand. Be prepared at the place and time to catch the best photos you can.

Don't waste time refocusing between shots during a parade. In order to shoot as many photos as possible during a parade, consider getting a focus lock (keep your shutter button held halfway down and don't completely release it after taking a photo), or setting your camera up for manual focus. Then, you can take several photos in succession, or use your camera's "drive" mode for multiple shots within a small range of time. Without having to refocus for each shot, your digital camera should function much quicker. Though you may want to set up and refocus for certain special shots, other times you may have just as much fun continuously shooting as the action in a parade can happen very fast.

Take care when taking digital camera photographs on sunny days. When you are out taking pictures on hot, sunny days, you need to take care to not permanently damage your digital camera's lens. Photos of sunrises and sunsets are always fun to take and beautiful to view later, but pointing your lens directly at the sun may damage it. Focus your pictures slightly away from the sun to help prevent damage. Also, in between photos, turn off your digital camera and place a lens cap over your lens to protect it from too much light. A digital camera lens is in some way like your eye; too much direct sunlight may damage it. Take photos in spurts, and then protect your digital camera lens by covering it up.

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