Monday, June 30, 2008

The Jackson Warrior - For Rock n Roll Guitaritsts

By Vincent Roarden

At the start of the 1990s, Jackson Guitars were famous all across the world with their superstat design copied by virtually all other guitar manufacturers like Kramer, Gibson, Ibanez and B.C. Rich.

You may be surprised to know that the original founder of Jackson Guitar didn't design the famous Warrior Guitar. Instead, Grover Jackson left the company in 1989 and it was a man named Mikey Wright who was left to design the new and creative Warrior. The new design was radically different to the superstrat design which had made Jackson Guitar famous and therefore was a risky adventure.

Released to the public in 1990, the Warrior was a markedly different design to the Jackson's previous Dinky and Soloist designs. Instead, this guitar was obnoxious and aggressive - in no way pretty. It had 5 points that stood out and was very much the heavy metal's guitar.

Jackson made two types of Warrior guitars - the Warrior and Warrior Pro. The plain warrior was constructed in the USA, while the Pro was produced in Japan. The only difference between the two versions was that country in which they were made.

Jackson offered the following paint colors on the Pro models: Snow White Pearl, Ferrari Red, Pearl Yellow, Candy Blue and Midnight Black. The plain Warrior had even more colors available: Pearl Yellow, Fire Crackle, Snow White, Metallic Electric Blue, Metallic Black, Candy Red, Tie Die, Eerie Dess Swirl, Ferrari Red, Pearl White and Midnight Black.

Ten years after the last Warrior was made, Jackson decided to release a new version of the guitar in 2001. They currently retail for around $1,200.

The overseas made Warrior retail for about $400 and are simple bolt on models with a wide range of pickups. The USA made Warrior is more expensive, reflecting the Duncan pickups, Floyd Rose tremolos and other superior qualities. The US model however, doesn't have the active circuitry, slanted fingerboard and pickup as the previous models did.

Quality of all models is first-class, and the upscale USA made models are easily competitive with the originals, despite some minor changes to the design.

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What You Need To Know About MP4 Movie Downloads

By Davion W

One of the greatest technological breakthroughs is the ability to watch movies while on the go. In times past, when you watch a movie you have to sit in a movie theatre, or at home using a VCR or DVD player. Now, you can watch your favorite movies while standing in a long line or waiting for a ride so long as you have an MP4 player. With this compact multimedia device, you can have as many MP4 movie downloads as you desire.

The MP4 is an improved version of the MP3, which you must have already heard of. If the MP3 is great for listening to music, the MP4 lets you do a lot more than that, like enabling you to watch quality videos and movies.

However, for you to get MP4 movie downloads, you must need a software that will convert and transfer MP4 files. There are several sites in the internet that make it possible for you to install the software for free.

Less space is actually required to make MP4 movie downloads possible. This is because the video and audio files are compressed. Being so does not mean that the quality of your downloads is affected, however. If truth be told, you actually get to have high quality MP4 movie downloads.

If you search the World Wide Web, you will find many sites that offer MP4 movie downloads. Some sites offer the service for free, while other sites may require you a one-time payment. Be careful of sites that offer free downloads, because they are often not legitimate sites, so downloading from such sites may only infect your computer system with spyware and adware.

Before committing to MP4 movie downloading site, determine first if the site is illegal or not. Legitimate sites often will ask you to pay a certain amount through their secure payment systems, but the minimal investment will be worth it as you get to have fast downloads without the attached dreaded spyware.

If you are not very keen in all that happens in technology, all these things may sound alien to you. The moment you try to make your first download, however, you will be very pleased with yourself to have done so rather easily. As they say, you will never know unless you try.

So, if you are a movie freak and have always wanted to watch movies any time and any day, visit my blog, and start your way to making great MP4 movie downloads.

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Tips on Editing Sound Effects for a Sound Effect Library

By SFXsource

Editing your raw audio recordings into professional quality sound effects is the step that takes place after the initial recording period. Hunt down an audio editing software that has eqs, the ability to cut audio, normalization, and fade in/out capabilites. You may use either a freeware readily found online or purchase one of the many digital audio workstations (DAW) available on the web.

The first step in editing your sounds is to import all of the various raw .wav recordings into your software. This can be done one at a time but for efficiency I usually import 40 audio tracks at once and then solo each track, in other words muting all but one tracks. Once you've imported all of your tracks and you are ready to edit and bounce your edits down to completed sound effects. These following tips should help ease your experience and provide the best sound effects possible.

1. First, normalize each track before editing it. This function increases the highest existing amplitude of the .wav file to the highest possible amplitude, meaning simply that it makes the .wav files as loud as possible.

2. Second, use eq to cut out any unnecessary frequencies that may interfere with the quality of your sound. For example, you may have a recording of a bird chirp which also has an outside air conditioning unit humming mixed into the sound. To fix this problem, you can cut out all frequencies below 2,000 Hz which will take out the AC but keep the bird's higher tones.

3. When your sound is normalized and cleaned up with eq find a clean beginning point to the sound and either create a fade-out or more desirably let the natural reverb ring out for 1-2 seconds.

4. Create a stereo 48k 24bit .wav file of your recording for video editing purposes. This quality of file is highly valued by individuals and libraries that license sound effects and will earn good money.

5. Make as many versions of each sound recording as possible to increase your number of products. For example, if you have a dog barking 20 times then create sound effects with one bark, three barks, six barks, 10 barks etc. switching up the combinations of barks. This could easily give you 50 or more sound effects from just that one sequence of dog barks.

6. Use pitch shift and other effects to create new versions of each sound to increase your number of products. For example, a burp sound effect could be pitch shifted down to create a monster burp sound and pitch shifted up to create a more childlike sounding burp.

With some prior knowledge of audio editing, one can follow the above tips to take raw audio recordings and create professional quality sound effects that can be licensed for profit to media creators.

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5 Ways To Download Zune Songs and Discover New Talents

By Davion W

One of the hottest trends on the Internet today is finding out how to download Zune songs. Music recording has dramatically changed since portable media devices came into the picture. "Records" is no longer the term, for "downloads" has replaced it. Music fans don't go for CDs anymore. The success of an artist, nowadays, is not just based on how many CDs are sold, but also on the volume of downloads. Perhaps, the most noticeable change media devices brought to the music world is fame. People just download songs and in a few weeks, a new superstar emerges.

Take for instance, Sarah Bareilles and bands like Fall Out Boys. These are musicians who made it big due to the music download craze. They were previously unknown but because of the download marketplaces, they were able to make their music known. A record 3 million MP3 downloads of these musicians' songs put them on the hall of fame. All it took was for the users to download Zune songs.

Currently, there are four major labels that partnered with Microsoft, owner of Zune, to provide content for the Zune Marketplace. This is actually an online service where Zune owners can download media files, such as mp3s, movies, and softwares. These four major labels are EMI, Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, and Warner Music Group. Independent artists featured on Zune marketplace are under the small music labels. Their compositions are popularly called Zune songs.

Firstly, if you want to download tracks by lesser know artists, avoid the major labels. Normally, the major labels will only feature popular musicians who are already famous anyway. Make sure you search from the smaller labels.

Second, look for genres that you dig the most. A genre is a classification of music style. Examples are rock, hip-hop, r&b, and pop.

The third useful tip is to look for the look-alikes or sound-alikes. By that, what it means is that there are artists who sound similar to popular singers like Madonna, Beyonce. These downloads are often pretty catchy.

Fourthly, you can download Zune songs that have appealing titles. A good example is Tnx 4 D Mmrs which stands fro Thanks For The Memories by Fall Out Boys. This grew popular because of the unique song title.

Lastly, you can always share the music you found through Zune Social. Use their widget to broadcast your latest finds on your social network pages like FaceBook and MySpace profiles. These are also great places to discover what others are sharing.

There is a gold mine of artists and bands waiting to be unleashed at the Zune Marketplace. What's more, it is so easy to find them! Just dig the songs you think will click and then spread the word. Who knows, you just might discover the next Miley Cyrus. So, download Zune Songs right now and create new superstars!

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The Perfect Guitar Tone - The Holy Grail For Guitarists

By Eugene W

Come with us as we examine one of the most common guitar playing myths about guitar tone. Many think that buying expensive equipment will give you great sound. Join us as we discover what the true secret is to capturing professional sounding tones

There is one aspect of guitar playing that can be quite elusive, even for professional guitarists It can even become an obsession for those who can never seem to find it. This crucial and pivotal aspect of playing the guitar is the tone. Every individual who is serious about the guitar who strives to master the instrument understands that playing guitar is not simply about skill, but about playing that sounds good.

Trying to discover the perfect tone is like searching for the Holy Grail. You're not sure if it exists, but there are a lot of myths and stories that seem to offer clues about where it can be found. There are a lot of myths about how one can achieve the perfect tone and sound from their guitar, and just about all of them are false.

One popular myth about achieving great guitar tones is that you have to have a certain type of pickup for a certain sound. While certain brands and types of pickups can improve the quality of your overdrive tones and gives you some nice bottom end and some sweet highs, these pickups still won't give you great tone. There are a lot of individuals who think that getting a new set of EMG humbuckler pickups will solve their tone issues and that immediately they'll begin playing like Metallica! Some go on to purchase Les Pauls equipped with Alnicos to emulate the tone of Slash. These individuals drop a lot of money to get these pickups put into their guitar, to come closer to sounding like their guitar idols.

Another popular myth about guitar tone is that you have to have a Marshall half stack in order to get professional, warm sounding tones. A lot of individuals get duped into thinking that if they buy the most expensive amplifiers from the biggest brand names it will automatically give them professional quality tones. While it is true that top notch equipment can really help you to fine tune your sound and help you expand your creativity, it's still not going to make you sound like a professional, and it's still not going to give you the sound quality you're going for.

The only way to truly achieve professional sounding guitar tones is to focus on your playing abilities. As they say, the tone is in your fingers! You can have all the best selling, top of the line equipment there is and still sound like an amateur. In order to develop a great sound and a nice tone, you have to perfect your skills. The reason some of rock music's greatest guitarists sound so good is because they are good. If you want great sound, focus on how you play and on mastering your instrument and that will take you down the path to achieving great sound.

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Digital Art's History - An Overview

By Domen Lombergar

Digital Art is anything an artist can create using digital technology. As society becomes more advanced, digital art continues to become more advanced and its history evolves. Instead of using traditional methods of art such as paper, paints, pencils, brushes etc. digital artists use computers and mouse to create their masterpieces. It is hard to pinpoint the actual creation of digital art but it is based on computer technology. However, computer technology is not the only factor that this art form takes its roots from. It has been influenced by surrealism, pop art and more. Digital art is a reinterpretation of former art forms and brought to light with its own unique techniques.

In 1945 a writer named Vannevar Buch wrote an article by name "As we may think" in which he discussed about the future of computers. The essay described about a computer that was not built but it highlighted the ability of the computers that are about to come in the future.

The sixties seemed to be a showcasing for digital art as the first computer art competition took place in 1963. Only two years later the first three exhibitions of computer art were put on display. In the later part of the decade, the words and ideas of bitmapping windows and direct manipulation were created by Douglas Englebart. Another digital art exhibition was on display in London called the Cybernetic Serendipity at the institute of Contemporary Art.

The seventies brought rise to computer art programs such as SuperPaint by Richard G Shoup while in that same year digital art was being recognized in the literary world with essays being written like Artist and Computer by Ruth Leavitt. In 1980 Paintbox was created by Quantel the second computer based art program. In that same year, Contemporary and Post modern Art were the latest art styles which promoted art through different mechanisms such as through video art.

A monumental mark in digital art history came about in 1982 when Robert Adrian, a Canadian artist, launched a digital art event called The World in 24 Hours. It showcased artists from 3 different continents, in 16 cities that were connected via digital outlets such as by videophone, computers and fax while discussing and displaying their artwork. In 1986, Photoshop came about and a year later the first international symposium was held in Utrecht Holland on electronic arts. By the end of the 80s, people at home were able to digitally change photos on their personal computer.

The 90s saw the introduction of the internet. Since the World Wide Web became available, different html codes and scripts were being introduced as well as websites that became a new language and art form. A cumulating event in digital art history was with the establishment of the Digital Art Museum by Wolfgang Lieser.

Nowadays, digital art is seen everywhere from the films we watch to the magazine we read. It is not simply a matter of going to the MET to see artwork on the wall, it is artwork that is constantly being portrayed around us and has influenced and generated a new type of creativity for society that was unimaginable before the introduction of the personal computer.

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Electrifying Performance with Your Blues Guitar

By Zack R

Electric guitars are what they are-simply electrifying. They can cause your adrenaline to rush and your head to bang. They get everyone jumping and excited to hear the music. Simply put, playing the electric guitar is truly fun.

Here are the basic ways on how to add more zest to your performance with your favorite electric guitar.

1. Teach yourself the theories. Everything should start from here. Oftentimes, wannabe blues guitar players believe that as long as they can play eardrum-shattering music with their amplified guitars, they are already good to go. They are completely wrong. You got to teach yourself the different theories governing music and guitar playing.

There are many benefits you can derive from it. First of all, you should remember that principles remain the same, but strategies may change. This only means that if you know the reason why notes sound like this, or why scales have to be like that, it will be very convenient for you to improvise. The most important thing is you can fulfill the principles of guitar playing. Second, you can learn to appreciate your music more. It will help you add passion to what you're currently doing.

You really don't need to learn everything right away, though. If you're new, then you need to start with the basics. This may include learning the notes, scales, and basic electric blues guitar techniques.

2. Listen to different kinds of music. Don't feel bad if you practically have to start like a copycat when you're still learning how to play. After all, this is one of the most basic steps. You may have to listen to as many songs with electric guitars as their main accompaniment. Your goal is to be able to produce the same sound from your own electric guitar. You can download these songs from the Internet, or you can purchase a CD compilation of greatest singers and bands, such as Jimi Hendrix, Steve Morse, and Mattias IA Eklundh.

3. Learn how to do the blues licks. This is actually an unraveled mystery. One of the greatest techniques in playing the electric guitar is to learn how to do some licking or ad libs. This means blues guitar improvisation. When you know how to do this, you can add more soul, meaning, or depth to any kind of song that you're going to play. Most of all, you can spice your music with a little bit about yourself.

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Download 90's Rock Music 101

By Davion W

There are so many methods for any avid fan to download 90's rock music. The 90's is indeed such a huge decade in the history of rock music. This is because around this time, many rock bands in the music industry have certainly come up with their own innovative styles, which in turn, have defined them even more.

To download 90's rock music from the internet is growing in popularity these days for a few reasons. The internet is a hot bed for all kinds of resources and downloads which makes it really convenient to grab a whole of those 90s music.

It did not take too long for webmasters all over the world to recognize the fact that much money can indeed come from downloading music online. This has certainly become more than a fad right now because this is indeed one of the many online businesses that are garnering much profit.

The first batch of online music sites that offered music files were the $0.99 per download services. At that price, you may download a piece of music or song. However, as time goes by and newer music file formats appearing on the scene, even $0.99 is apparently too expensive.

Peer-to-peer was a great idea for people to share home brew music files over the internet. But careless users have abused the networks by flooding them with songs that are patented or carry a degree of copyright. This led to music infringement policies to prevent such abuse. That however made way to paid music services that allow you to download 90's rock music without getting into any form of trouble.

These paid sites let their customers download as many music content as they like. The only fee to pay for retaining this privilege can be a monthly fee or even a one-off fee. In most cases, the amount is nominal and within the budget of even school going teens. From there on, you can access to as many music files as you wish and that means that you can download all the rock music produced by different bands from the 80s to today.

Another significant benefit is the wide selection of music genres. You get more than just 90's rock music. If you are a hip hop fan, you will find your hip hop music there. If you are a fan of R&B, rap, pop or classical music, be sure to search their libraries for your desired titles. It is different from free sites as the downloading is done in a secured interface protected from adware, spyware and viruses.

Looking at these services, it is little wonder why all rock fans are going there to download 90's rock music now.

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Advice on Editing Sound Effects for Sound Effect Libraries

By SFXsource

Once you have recorded a large amount of material intended to be used as sound effects, the next step in creating a sound effect library is to edit this raw audio. You will need an audio editing software that will allow you to cut, fade in/out, normalize, and eq your tracks. There are many professional digital audio workstations (DAWs) out there for purchase and also several useful freewares easily found on the internet.

The first step in editing your sounds is to import all of the various raw .wav recordings into your software. This can be done one at a time but for efficiency I usually import 40 audio tracks at once and then solo each track, in other words muting all but one tracks. Once you've imported all of your tracks and you are ready to edit and bounce your edits down to completed sound effects. These following tips should help ease your experience and provide the best sound effects possible.

1. First, normalize each track before editing it. This function increases the highest existing amplitude of the .wav file to the highest possible amplitude, meaning simply that it makes the .wav files as loud as possible.

2. Second, use eq to cut out any unnecessary frequencies that may interfere with the quality of your sound. For example, you may have a recording of a bird chirp which also has an outside air conditioning unit humming mixed into the sound. To fix this problem, you can cut out all frequencies below 2,000 Hz which will take out the AC but keep the bird's higher tones.

3. When your sound is normalized and cleaned up with eq find a clean beginning point to the sound and either create a fade-out or more desirably let the natural reverb ring out for 1-2 seconds.

4. Bounce your sound down to a 48k 24bit .wav file for video editing. 48k 24bit are high quality files that are valued by sound effect libraries and licensees who pay good money to use sound effects in their productions.

5. By creating multiple versions of each recording you will increase the number of your products and thus the value of your library. For example, if you have a sequence of 20 firework explosions, create sound effects for one explosion, two explosions, five explosions etc while cutting and switching the order of explosions each time. Using this method, you can readily get 50 or more products from this one recording of fireworks.

6. You can further increase your number of effects by using pitch shift or other filters on each sound sample. For instance, the sound of a stream can be pitch shifted up to make it sound lighter and less tumultuous and pitch shifted down to make it sound larger and deeper.

A little knowledge of the ins and outs of audio editing combined with the above tips will allow you to easily create professional sounding effects that can be licensed time and time again by multi-media editors and producers.

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Make Great ABBA Costumes

By Fred Tellier

Dressing up is popular no matter what age you are. Children love to go trick-or-treating and dressing up as their favorite character or animal. Teenagers and adults wear costumes to costume parties. Many who go as a group find it a great and creative idea to dress as a band, each friend dressing up as a different member. One of the best ideas for a group to dress up as is ABBA. Wearing ABBA costumes it fun, and it is very easy to find ABBA costumes than it may sound.

Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, then male vocal half of the group are a great idea if there is just two guys. Agnetha Faltskog and Anni-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad are a rockin' girl couple pairing if you are unable to have four people in your group.

If you aren't worried about money and you have plenty of time, you could hire a seamstress to sew your ABBA costumes for you. However, this can be very expensive and nothing like as much fun as making your own ABBA costumes!

However, if time is not an issue, you will find that making your own ABBA costumes is a very rewarding and fun activity. To make your ABBA costumes, you have to know how to make, follow, and sew patterns into clothing. This will represent the type of clothing that ABBA wore. It is also a good idea to find a specific material that matches the bands. You should also measure each person who is going to be dressing up in an ABBA costume so that the costume does not turn out to be too big or too small. ABBA costumes can be quickly thrown together from items that are found in your local stores. You don't have to buy new items that you will never use again. Buying new things is the worst way to make an ABBA costume. It is best to be unique.

It is always a great idea to go thrift shopping at the Goodwill or any second hand store. This will save you money and time. These stores usually provide old style clothing that is perfect for ABBA costumes. You can find many different types of clothing at a thrift store. All you have to do is buy, wash, and wear. The clothes offered at thrift shops are usually very cheap, that way, if you need to make adjustments, you never feel bad about ruining a highly expensive piece of clothing. Cut away and make your ABBA costume your own.

The plain style of clothes that the band wore is easy to mock. Simple things such as vests and headbands can do the trick. It might be harder to find shiny costumes. Many times, thrift stores have many clothing items from the 70s and the disco age. Look in different areas and you are sure to find something. You should also look at children's and baby clothing because you can find material that can be cut out and sewn onto something else. Or, you can use the clothing to make a new item for you to wear. With this, you are sure to find the colors and materials you need. If not, there is always the option of dyeing or drawing on clothing.

You will need to think about a dye or wig for your hair. ABBA costumes use natural hair colors so a wig might be easier, especially if your hair has been lightened or is porous, meaning a rinse-out dye might not rinse out immediately!

The hardest part of an ABBA costume is probably getting the correct platform shoes. Many months before the costumes are going to be worn, checking for the right style shoes needs to happen whenever out running errands or having fun. The most important thing to remember when creating ABBA costumes is to make the process fun! Now go out and disco tonight to "Waterloo", "Super Trooper" or "The Winner Takes It All"

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Photography Jobs - Freelance and Sell Your Photos Online

By Pete Marks

Decent photography jobs can be difficult to find. You may have applied for dozens of jobs or submitted dozens of resumes and portfolios thinking you would get a high paying job offer. You may have searched high and low on how to get a photography job without success.

Have you considered freelance photography work to sell your photos? What if you could work at home make your own hours and find dozens of resources to submit photos online and sell your photos! One way to test your photography skills is to submit your photographs to contests sites. Many forums also have members who will critique pics.

We are bombarded with images daily from TV, newspapers, magazines and other media. If you have wondered how to sell photos online a photography career may be for you. If you find that many people like your pictures then a photography career may be for you.

The Internet has a huge need for freelance photographers and pictures. Many web masters or web designers need stock photographs. Selling stock photos on line has become a business opportunity that many freelance photographers could not pass up. This is just one of many methods to sell your photos online.

Have you asked yourself how to get paid for you photos? What if you could work at home as a freelance photographer. Photography jobs are not going away anytime soon and is an art that is much in demand.

If you want to learn how to sell photos online all that is required is a standard digital camera to make money possibly residual income. To take great pictures an expensive top of the line digital camera is not required it is more about knowing the secrets, techniques and certain tips of the trade.

What if you could learn how to sell your photos online and make residual income? There is many advantages to being a freelance photographer and being your own boss and working your own hours while working from home makes freelance photograph and selling your photos online a great business opportunity.

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3 Methods To Download New Games For PSP

By Davion W

It is beyond understandable for avid gamers to want to download new games for PSP. This is especially true when you are one of the many lucky gamers who own the latest Sony Playstation Portable. A great thing about this video game console is the fact that you do not really have to purchase games for your PSP anymore. You can just download new games for PSP, which is all the more practical an option.

There are actually a number of options for any Sony PSP user to download new games. Here are the top 3 options you just might want to consider.

No 1 - Free Download Sites

This is probably the first way gamers will think of when trying to find PSP downloads. Who does not want freebies? Unfortunately, many of these free sites offer them for a simple reason. They want to populate as many PCs with their adware and spyware as possible. Imagine this with me - how can anyone offer these valuable games for free unless they can make money from the advertisements they flash before you all too often? The other problem with these sites is that they are not secured and protection is poor.

So if you are one of these who download these free PSP games, then do not be shocked if you run into trouble with virus infiltration or have irritating pop-ups showing up frequently on your screen. The download speeds over at free sites are slow as well. More often than not, the top problem people faces are broken or unworkable game files.

No 2 - Paid Download Sites With Monthly Fee Or Per Download

There is another method for you to download new games for PSP. This is a paid option where you either are billed monthly or for each game download.

These sites offer better download speeds, especially when compared to the first option. These also offer more protection against viruses, spyware, and other forms of malware.

No 3 - Paid Download Sites With One-Time Fee

The third option is the latest method to download new PSP games. Websites like these bill you once for a lifetime membership. There is no bandwidth restriction on you and you can download every new game for your PSP as well as older games. They are excellent when it comes to legal downloads of PSP games. The databases are frequently updated and you need not be concerned of exposing your PC to viruses and malware when you download their games.

Now that you are well informed, you can start choosing one of these options to download new games for PSP.

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5 Fantastic Methods for Guitar Solos - Blues Guitarists

By Zack R

Serious blues guitar players aren't really content playing the guitar with the chords given to them. More than ever, they are definitely looking forward to the day that they will be able to have the spotlight to them-or to their music-by going solo. However, what does this mean to you? It means that you can already improvise with the music that you have.

Here are the things that you need to remember once you decide to go for a guitar solo:

1. Don't attempt to create random notes. Why is Santana one of the best blues guitar players of all time? He has countless guitar solos, and yet he never misses to sound so great. The technique doesn't really lie on the random notes. As a matter of fact, this is a completely wrong strategy. What you're definitely after is to create your own template, where you can make your improvisation.

2. Get yourself a blues scale. This doesn't really refer to the blues music. There's no clear explanation why it's called as such, though you can assume that it could be because of the certain random feeling of the music that the blues music has. Nevertheless, the blues scale is the widely used template when you're starting to train yourself for a guitar solo.

3. Practice alternate picking. The way you pick your guitar will matter when it comes to the kind of music that you want to produce. Since you're going to do improvisation, you need to try out the different ways on how to pick your guitar. This way, you can determine if the sound produced is good or not. The bottom line is you should avoid surprising yourself once you get on the stage.

4. Make sure that the notes are clear and even. Again, there should be no random notes in your blues guitar solos. You can accomplish this if you learn how to play the scale in different motions, such as forward and backward. Each note, moreover, should also be played twice before you proceed to the next note.

5. List the notes. Unless you have memorized the different kinds of scales used in guitar playing, or if you are already too experienced in guitar solos, you need to list the improvised notes, so you can bring with you when you're performing, especially when it's going to be your first time to do the improvised chords.

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Guitar Tone - How Altered Tuning Provides A Unique Sound

By Eugene W

Looking at your sound, the other way around

This awesome article is going to blow your mind and challenge you to reach new heights with your guitar. We encourage you to try new things that you may have never thought of before

Have you ever felt like you've been playing in a box and you keep getting that same old sound that everyone else already seems to have? Today is the day that you can change the way you think about playing your guitar for the rest of your life as we take a look at altered tunings.

Who ever said that we had to play in the same tuning for the rest of our lives? The fact of the matter is that altered tunings can give you a tone that's simply unmatched by standard tuning and virtually impossible to achieve if you don't use those altered tunings.

We're going to show you how altered tunings work, why they are so effective, how you can tune to them using your standard tuning, and what you can play using them! That's enough information to keep you going for a year!

Tunings That Keep You Swooning...

Why new tunings are cool.

These has been a lot of talk about getting yourself out of the trap that many guitarists typically fall into at one time or another. The solution to pulling yourself out of that ditch varies from person to person but for me, altered tunings have helped me grow as a musician.

Believe it or not, even the editor of a guitar site can get into the same monotonous groove over and over again. Recently, I started playing in other tunings other than standard. As a classically trained guitarist, I was very much bent on standard tuning because theoretically, everything you need to get the sounds you want is there.

However, what I have learned in recent months is that it's not necessarily what you can do with standard tuning, rather, what tones and chords you can't get by using it all of the time. Alternative tunings offer a new, and often easier method of playing chords and a very rich tone that is unmatched.

I mention chords for an important reason. You may have noticed that the guitar isn't laid out in a fashion that allows for easy access to every single chord combination. According to theory we can achieve incredible sounding chords but the problem is having the technique to stretch that far. Some of those chords are often impossible for any of us to play. Tuning your guitar to different tones bridges that gap between theory and technique, allowing us to play new chords.

Altered tunings involve playing around with the notes that your guitar is currently tuned to. For example, standard tuning is what you're probably tuned to at the moment and your six strings from top to bottom are tuned to the notes E, B, G, D, A, E. An altered tuning will use different notes in our musical vocabulary and replace the notes in standard tuning.

There's really an unlimited array of alternate tunings to choose from because you can tune your strings to form any chord you wish. For example, tuning in open g will allow you to play a G chord simply by strumming your strings without any fret work!

You could do this with many other chords to get a lot of new sounds. These sounds form the building block for new music to be formed and is a lot of fun to explore with. Later in this lesson, we'll play around with new ideas evolving around using chords as your open tuning.

How you can achieve them without a tuner.

One of the many reasons why people choose not to tune their guitar using alternate tunings is simply due to the fact that they don't know how to tune their guitar to those notes. If you have a tuner that simply is made for standard tuning, you'll find that it's very inaccurate to use. You'll want a chromatic tuner for any alternate tunings you may wish to use. However, a much easier method is learned by the notes on your guitar neck.

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How to Download Full Version Games

By Davion W

With the many wonderful games to choose from, it is understandable how gamers all over the world aim to find ways and means to download full version games. The great thing about this is that there are actually so many websites that offer this feature! In fact, fans of all sorts of video games will not find it hard to download the full versions of their favorite games at all! It is just a matter of conducting your search for these wonderful games properly.

There are so many websites that you can choose to download full version games from. With these websites come different categories for the games they offer as well. These video games can fall in one or some of the following categories: racing, arcade, card, board, and so many others. The great thing about most of these websites is that they are actually updated constantly so that the latest in video games would be offered immediately. What's more, their featured games are also constantly updated to entice more and more gamers to visit the site itself.

When searching for websites from which you can download full versions of your favorite games, it is important to go for the credible ones. Here are some of the popular websites that gamers find credible for downloading such full version games.

One such example is Arcade Town. This site allows you to download full version games and you have unlimited choices, or rather, you can choose to download any number of files as you wish to play. A lot of gaming enthusiasts love this.

They also offer an interactive platform where you can spar with other friends real-time. You will never run out of choices since they have tons of games in almost every genre from action, racing, puzzle to word and so on.

Another popular website is Big Fish. The graphics is cool and upon registration, you can start downloading full version games right away without waiting.

They also have a gaming community online where you can have access to online games of the folks in the community. But you do not to ensure that your internet connection is fast to enjoy the downloads as much as you can.

The above examples are just 2 sample sites which you can consider. Having the ability to download full version games makes it really easy for you to be entertained on a hot weekend afternoon.

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Choosing your first Beginner Acoustic Guitar

By Jay Tyler

The primary choice you have to make when purchasing a beginner acoustic guitar is deciding what kind of music you're going to play. A nylon-string classical guitar is best suited for playing classical, Latin and some kinds of folk and pop music. A steel-string guitar works best for playing rock, country, and some pop and folk music. Its up to you to play the various kinds in order to decide the sound you want for your beginner acoustic guitar.

Many instructors recommend a guitar with nylon strings as a first beginner acoustic guitar. The reason is that those strings are not so hard on the guitarist's fingertips. However, if your idea of great music is rock and more rock, a guitar with nylon strings will never produce a tone that will satisfy the rock idol in you.

If you are into rock music, then you want to learn to play music with a guitar with steel strings. Starting off with steel strings can be a bit hard on your fingers at first and they probably will hurt, but don't give up, with regular practice and over time you will develop calluses. Remember don't be enticed by a steel string guitar if you are wanting to play classical music.

Here are some pointers for you when looking for a classical nylon-string guitar. Classical guitars have the same relative dimensions. The distinct features of classical guitars are their small bodies and wide fingerboards and most importantly, their classical sound. Despite same physical features, each classical guitars still have their own feel and tone so try several to find the beginner acoustic guitar that best matches your taste. A six-string dreadnought is the most commonly purchased beginner acoustic guitar. There are only slight size variations among dreadnoughts, and they offer the kind of tone that is popular with guitarists who are just starting out.

The tone of the beginner acoustic guitar is determined by the type of wood it is crafted out of. A spruce top is the most common for a beginner acoustic guitar. A solid top is better than a two-piece top, because it is more durable so be sure to keep an eye out for that. Mahogany, rosewood, or spruce are probably the options you will find for the back and sides. A mahogany back and sides will provide a lighter tone. So, if that's what you're looking for, mahogany is your best option. Rosewood provides a heavier tone when it is used for the back and sides.

Looking for a beginner acoustic guitar with relatively low action is something else to think about when you are a new guitarist. The space between the string and the neck is called the action. An action that is too high it can be a distraction and a hindrance to learning.

It is very important to invest in a high quality electronic tuner if you are just beginning to play guitar. The ear takes time to develop and the beginner just doesn't have it yet. If you can tune your beginner acoustic guitar quickly, you will have more time to play, which is really what the beginner wants to do.

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How to Experience a New Way to Download Korean Movies

By Davion Wong

With today's technology, it is very easy and convenient to download Korean movies. All you have to do is to pay a one-time affordable registration fee and then you will have an access to a particularly limitless number of online databases of Korean movies. You can download without any limits plus, you do not have to worry about paying pay-per-view charges.

There are softwares that can now be downloaded to your PC. With this, you can already start downloading your favorite Korean movies and say goodbye to recurrent fees. Because of its convenience, downloading is now becoming a more popular means of obtaining DVD quality to download Korean movies.

A study found out that South Koreans have an average of one movie downloaded per week. They do this using their super-fast broadband connections. With just a few clicks, they are on their way to getting the classics or even the newest Korean movies available in the internet. It was revealed in a survey conducted by the Korean Film Council that nearly one half of the respondents downloaded their movies through file sharing.

Here is a simple step-by-step process to download Korean movies. Variations may occur depending on the software, but the basic features are very similar to each other that any one will find it easy to do. You do not have to worry very much on how to go about it because today's websites and even software are very user friendly.

First, you will be required to register to the website. Just like with almost all movies, you have to supply some information in order to have access. If the software comes with a Download Manager, then you have to do so. You have always to make sure that your software downloads are complete and successful. This is very important before trying to make your first download.

After you have downloaded the Download Manager, you can now choose your movies. There are some websites that offer some freebies after your registration. You may find out if there are any.

Third, download the movie. Once you have picked out your choice, you are now ready to download Korean movies. Most of the work at this stage will be done by Download Manager. Depending on your connection speed, all you have to do is to wait completion. Fourth, you are now ready to watch the movie. Sit back and relax watching your favorite movies as many times as you want. Such level of enjoyment you can only get from a high quality downloaded Korean movie.

Take a little time to look for a website and take the chance to download Korean movies. Why settle for low quality movies when you can take hold of the best qualities in the internet?

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beginners Guide To Select The Best Guitar

By Zack R

When you plan to learn how to play the guitar, it is very important that you have your own. Finding the best guitar the first time can be a little nerve racking. When you go to the music store, you will see lots of guitars; different sizes, different types and different styles and since it is your first time to buy it, you get lost on what you should do and what you should pick. To help you with the trouble of choosing which one is the best for you as a beginner, below are some tips that might help you narrow down your choices:

1. Decide on the type of guitar. This is the first thing you should have in your mind before going to the music store. Decide on the type of guitar you would like to learn and master. There are many types of guitar. You can choose from classical guitar, flamenco guitar, acoustic guitar, base and electric guitar. This will shorten your decision time when you are already in the music store. Most people prefer to learn and buy an acoustic guitar simply because it is suited to a variety of music styles. Electrical guitar is best for beginners. It looks more complicated than the acoustic one. However, it is more recommended for first time guitar players as it will be easier to play. The strings of an electric guitar are closer and it doesn't require much pressure to reach the different strings especially when your fingers are not yet familiar with transferring and moving on the fret board.

2. Test the sound. It is very important to test the quality of guitar by checking its sounds. Do this by plucking the strings. A good quality guitar has a clear and crisp sound otherwise you are holding the wrong one.

3. Have the strings changed. If the guitar you have chosen has already strings on it, do not forget to ask the seller to change it. This way, you are sure that the strings are new and that you can use them for a long time.

You may also choose to buy a beginner's guitar. This type of guitar is cheaper than the others however you will need to buy a new one as you progress in your learning. Remember the basic, the guitar you should buy must look good and sound good. You might encounter good salesman that would make you fall for his tactics. Do not give in. Be smart as the guitar that you will be buying shall be with you for as long as you want it to.

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Buying a Digital Camera

By Susan Atkinson

Are you keeping all those photo albums in order? You know that you'll want to drag them all out down the road when your little one is all grown up. What am I talking about? I drag them out now and my daughter is only seven. There's just something about those wonderful moments that we can't have back. Once we've experienced them, they're gone. But at least we can glance back at those nostalgic pictures and remember what it was like.

Well, if the truth be told, I've actually been thinking about buying a digital camera for a few months now. That's because I've seen the amazing shots that my friends have taken with their cameras, and I want to be able to get the same results. In addition, I'm a bit tired of having to deal with all my film rolls. It's tough to remember which ones are new, which ones have already been used, and what kind of pictures are on them. I've also lost quite a few film rolls while on vacation over the years. I figured I could eliminate these problems by buying a digital camera.

Are you buying a digital camera this very moment? Of course I'm referring to the World-Wide-Web. Cyberspace is ideal when it comes to shopping now days. It's no hassle at all to pop open a search engine and sort through a few websites in order to find the best deals on any and all kinds of products.

You should think about what type of zoom facility you want, when buying a digital camera. The choice is between optical and digital. The consensus of opinion seems to be that it's easier to get good, clear resolution from an optical zoom. A more experienced user may find digital zoom just as good.

Now that I've had my new toy for a few days, I really can't remember what was preventing me from buying a digital camera a long time ago! I've been having a lot of fun playing around with the settings, trying out different techniques, and cleaning up my pictures with photo editing software. If you ask me, this is the way photography was meant to be.

One of the benefits of buying a digital camera is the preview screen picture, as you can see your picture straight away. Some cameras have refined the features on this and enable you to also zoom in on a magnified image on the screen.

Another consideration when buying a digital camera, is any special conditions you may want to photograph in such as night shooting or bad weather. If you don't mind spending a bit more, some cameras have features for taking good pictures at night and you can get lens covers to protect against inclement weather. Buying a digital camera for shooting in all weathers may mean buying a weatherproof camera.

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Download Full Version Games - How to Get Full Version Games

By Davion W

Gamers these days are tech-savvy and know that the web is the best place to search and download full version games. Many established gaming companies have already taken their businesses online to compete with one another. Gaming fans can easily find and download full versions of their favorite games to play on their computer or game console like the Xbox, Nintendo or even the PSP.

Dozens of websites offer you the chance to download full version games. The websites often provide multiple categories and carry a huge selection of game genres like puzzle, word, tetris, racing, arcade, card, dating etc. Their archives are frequently updated. As you know, new games pop up quite often and to keep up, they are always on their toes to make sure that they offer their customers the best and latest.

However, when you download full versions of your favorite games, it is important to take note to use only the reputable sites. The reason is simple. Some sites lack the quality and the games are not fun to play at all. You will find a few of the most popular sites gamers frequent when downloading their full length games.

One such fine example is Arcade Town. This is an established site that has won the accolades of many gaming reviews for its unlimited access to download full version games.

What's more, they even offer a platform for you to play your favorite games with fellow gamers and peers. Their wide variety of categories for their games will surely give you an extensive playground at your fingertips. Their categories include puzzle, adventure, breakout, word, arcade, action, and so many more.

BigFish - This is another popular website that a lot of gamers find very enjoyable to visit. You would have to create an account with BigFish before you can proceed to downloading full version games. However, this is no biggie at all because you can create an account absolutely free of charge.

Plus, with your own account, you can then join the gaming community online, as well as have access to the online games of the people in your community. Just make sure that your Internet connection is fast and reliable enough to process whatever downloads you want.

The above examples are just 2 sample sites which you can consider. Having the ability to download full version games makes it really easy for you to be entertained on a hot weekend afternoon.

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Tips on Editing Sound Effects for a Sound Effect Library

By SFXsource

Editing your raw audio recordings into professional quality sound effects is the step that takes place after the initial recording period. Hunt down an audio editing software that has eqs, the ability to cut audio, normalization, and fade in/out capabilites. You may use either a freeware readily found online or purchase one of the many digital audio workstations (DAW) available on the web.

Open your audio software and import all of your new raw .wav recordings. Take a large batch of 40 or so .wav files to import and solo each track, thus muting the others, as you work on each file one by one, though you may of course choose the less efficient method of importing one at a time. At this point you can begin editing your recordings and then mix them into finished sound effect products. The advice that follows provides useful information on creating the most valuable sound effects possible from you .wav recordings.

1. The first step is to normalize each sample. This makes the audio as loud as possible by increasing the amplitude of the highest point on your recording to the highest point possible.

2. Secondly, some frequencies may affect the quality of your sound effect and you should use eq to eradicate these sonic culprits. A great sounding bird chirp, for example, may be compromised by an offending air conditioner. But, by cutting all frequencies below 2,000 Hz you can get rid of the AC and keep the lovely bird sound.

3. After cleaning and amping the audio next find a clean break with which to start each particular sound effect and make a fade out or let the natural reverb of the sound fade out by itself for 1-2 seconds.

4. Create a stereo 48k 24bit .wav file of your recording for video editing purposes. This quality of file is highly valued by individuals and libraries that license sound effects and will earn good money.

5. Make as many versions of each sound recording as possible to increase your number of products. For example, if you have a dog barking 20 times then create sound effects with one bark, three barks, six barks, 10 barks etc. switching up the combinations of barks. This could easily give you 50 or more sound effects from just that one sequence of dog barks.

6. Increase your content holdings even further by using pitch shift. For example, a person's laugh can be pitch shifted down to create a deep giant's laugh or pitch shifted up to create a little child's laugh.

A little knowledge of the ins and outs of audio editing combined with the above tips will allow you to easily create professional sounding effects that can be licensed time and time again by multi-media editors and producers.

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My Dedicated Server Provider Makes My Life Very Difficult

By Ricardo d Argence

Dedicated servers are really all about support nowadays. I was glad when my dedicated server provider wrote to me the other day, so I could explain to him what my problems where.

Subject: Message from your dedicated server provider. ID# 1066019. From: Michael Leven.

Hi. I'm just checking in to see how things are going at Liquidweb. Tell me how things are turning out for you, and if there's something I can help with, please let me know. I would like to extend my gratitude in advance for your time.

Sincerely, Michael. Technical Sales Engineer.

Subject: Re: this message is being provided by your dedicated server provider. ID# 1463021. From: Ricardo d Argence.

Hello Mike, my deepest gratitude for intitating communcations with myself. Liquidweb has proven to be problematic for me, unfortunately. I'll tell you about my issues.

Just the other day one of my servers needed a ram upgrade. I submited a ticket and the ram was installed under 1 hour. 1 hour! I had to stare at the computer screen for the rest of the day doing nothing! Once, one of my technicians erased a client's site by mistake, and support had it restored in 20 minutes! The client didn't even noticed! Where's the rush?

I must be getting old! My pals all talk about about their everyday issues with their providers and clients at work. When they inquire about work, the only thing I can say is a meek "fine, now that I'm with liquidweb". I believe that I am beginning to annoy them. I need to hear your issues so that I have something to talk about!

My girlfriend is surprised I can spend so much time with her and loves the attention. Now I can't hide saying "I have a server that crashed and have to work on it." She doesn't believe me anymore (it was a mistake to show her the Heroic support guarantee). I am running out of movies to see and places to tak her to eat. How much is she paying you?

I need the extra adrenaline high so I have taken up car racing, boxing and rock climbing just to avoid flat lining! I have so little stress that I'm running the risk of becoming a Tibetan monk! Hopefully, you can help me before things grow dire. Now, please accept my excuses as I have to catch a plane. My life has been pretty boring lately, so I think I'll try jumping from a perfectly good airplane.

Regards, Ricardo.

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How to Download Rock Music Videos

By Davion W

There are indeed so many people all over the world who want to know how to download rock music videos. With the advent of Internet technology, there are more and more effective methods to download such music videos of your favorite rock artists. Understandably, some websites offer such service free of charge, while others have this service for a minimal charge. Some of the many websites that offer this service are Artist Direct and SectionZ.

Artist Direct is one of the mainstream music video stores where you can find quality video and audio downloads. This is a giant today considering its heavy patronage. Every month, more than 10 million visitors visit them, resulting in well over 270 million page views which is no mean feat at all.

The reason why fans like Artist Direct is simple. They offer a huge range of genres and subgenres. This is like a parent site or online music "encyclopaedia".

Popular genres and subgenres under the Rock Music category includes Folk Rock, Glam Rock, Garage Rock, Hair Metal, Progressive Rock, Soft Rock, Speed Metal, Southern Rock and so on are available there.

Artist Direct charges a fee for its customers to download rock music videos there. For all the benefits, many do not mind paying the fee.

Another popular site to download rock music videos is SectionZ. This is a premier site for downloading music videos for any rock music aficionado. The site is packed with great features for downloading rock music videos. Not only that, it is also a great social networking and community site for the members and visitors.

Rock music fans, and rock musicians themselves, are given a platform to share the music they love, as well as their thoughts on certain songs, compositions, bands, and records. This is surely a great way for rock music aficionados to learn new things from everyone in their immediate networks. What's more, the website also caters to the needs of aspiring rock musicians in the industry.

The third option is to use paid or free services. Free services offer free music but they are notorious for poor security and slow transfer speeds. The paid services on the other hand offer the download service for a flat fee. Once the payment is made, you can download rock music videos as well as songs and music files of all other genres. These are excellent choices for the music fan of this age who wants choices, a wide selection and an easy on the pocket source of music.

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How to Edit Sound Effects for a Sound Effect Library

By SFXsource

After recording a fair amount of raw audio intended for sound effects then it is time to edit these recordings. In order to edit your recordings well use an audio editing software that provides, eqs, normalization, fade ins/outs, and the ability to cut. Useful freewares can be found on the web and there are a plethora of digital audio workstations (DAWs) for sale that will allow you to edit.

The first step in editing your sounds is to import all of the various raw .wav recordings into your software. This can be done one at a time but for efficiency I usually import 40 audio tracks at once and then solo each track, in other words muting all but one tracks. Once you've imported all of your tracks and you are ready to edit and bounce your edits down to completed sound effects. These following tips should help ease your experience and provide the best sound effects possible.

1. Use normalization on each recorded sample first. Normalization increases the amplitude of each .wav file, in other works amps the volume as loud as can be.

2. Secondly, some frequencies may affect the quality of your sound effect and you should use eq to eradicate these sonic culprits. A great sounding bird chirp, for example, may be compromised by an offending air conditioner. But, by cutting all frequencies below 2,000 Hz you can get rid of the AC and keep the lovely bird sound.

3. After cleaning and amping the audio next find a clean break with which to start each particular sound effect and make a fade out or let the natural reverb of the sound fade out by itself for 1-2 seconds.

4. Bounce your sound down to a 48k 24bit .wav file for video editing. 48k 24bit are high quality files that are valued by sound effect libraries and licensees who pay good money to use sound effects in their productions.

5. Make as many versions of each sound recording as possible to increase your number of products. For example, if you have a dog barking 20 times then create sound effects with one bark, three barks, six barks, 10 barks etc. switching up the combinations of barks. This could easily give you 50 or more sound effects from just that one sequence of dog barks.

6. Use pitch shift and other effects to create new versions of each sound to increase your number of products. For example, a burp sound effect could be pitch shifted down to create a monster burp sound and pitch shifted up to create a more childlike sounding burp.

With some prior knowledge of audio editing, one can follow the above tips to take raw audio recordings and create professional quality sound effects that can be licensed for profit to media creators.

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Here is Some Much Needed Ipod Help

By Alayna Malinda

Do you own an iPod? When you first bought it, you probably thought it would work perfectly, without a hitch. You'd just put your ear buds on, the songs would already be there for your listening pleasure, and you'd be ready to go.

But things often go wrong, even where iPods are concerned. If you get stuck or can't make your iPod do what you want it to do, it's time for some iPod help.

You should probably refer to your user manual first. Yeah, user manuals are kind of dry and boring, but the iPod manual can do a lot to help you troubleshoot your new device and resolve other problems.

As it happens, a lot of niggling little problems are easily fixed. Maybe the iPod's "hold" button is on and you don't realize it. A lot of problems like this come with a fast and easy solution.

Still, your manual will probably not give you the iPod help you really need. There are some problems that go beyond the scope of what Apple has told you. In that case, you'll need to dig a little further for the help you need.

You could always try calling the Apple helpline. The people on the other line are trained and primed to answer any questions you have. Unfortunately, there is a downside.

It might mean spending more money than you'd like just to get help. The answers may or may not fix your problem. On the other hand, lots of iPod owners have had success calling the helpline.

If you want expert advice for free, consider checking out iPod forums. You should be able to find nice, helpful people who know their stuff and are willing to help you out.

Be sure to check the forum archives to see if someone has asked your question before. If you don't find an answer this way, go ahead and post your question to the forum and wait for a response.

There are also websites out there dedicated to iPods and giving iPod assistance. You'll be able to read some researched solutions to your problems; this is a great way to find the answer you seek.

No one wants to deal with iPod problems; when they feel like playing games, watching movies, and listening to music, they want the thing to WORK. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out there that can help iPod users.

Forums and reputable websites dedicated to iPods offer one of the best ways to find answers to your iPod problems. This has helped a lot of people troubleshoot their iPods.

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Buy Rock Music - How To Do So Cheaply And Legally

By Davion W

Anyone can conveniently buy rock music online. No longer are you confined only to the choice of purchasing the physical compact discs. Music services have been established online making it a great choice to search and find the music of your choice.

While many music traditionalists still encourage the consumers to get their CDs, the truth is more people now buy rock music online due to its convenience. Finding and searching for a song title beats checking out at the music stores. No queuing is ever required. You find what you like and click to download. It is totally hassle-free. The online music sales are already showing that this trend is set to grow. Another advantage to the consumer is that you can pick any song without being compelled to buy an entire album. Sounds familiar? This was what you and I have to do in the past when buying CDs.

It is not difficult to find websites offering such a service at all. In fact, you can just perform a search for these websites on any search engine, and you will surely find a plethora of websites for your listening pleasure.

Perhaps you are already buying music online. In the past, paying $0.99 for a song sounds reasonable. It was even deemed as cheap a few years ago. But if you ask any music fan today, they will tell you that it is expensive. Most MP3 players come with gigabytes of memory. This means that to pack the entire device with thousands of songs is going to be very costly. Surely, this is the reason why paid membership services that let you purchase rock music online are getting popular.

These paid sites allow you to download rock music and there is no limit to the number of songs you can get. For this privilege, all you have to do is to pay either a monthly fee or a one-time membership fee to get unlimited number of downloads. The databases are often huge and we are talking about millions of songs here. Also, these are legal services and you do not worry about copyright infringement.

Yet, we understand that some would rather still opt for the free download sites. However, you need to know that many users have complained about the risk of exposing their MP3 players and computers to damage from corrupted files, viruses and malware. These are the perils when you download rock music from them.

As such, it is always advisable to purchase rock music from paid membership services.

Once again, it is worth mentioning that these paid membership services are all permittede by the music labels to distribute their music. So, if you buy rock music from the services, it is a pretty safe source.

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Tips and Tricks on How To Watch Live Soccer Online

By Davion W

If there's one sport enjoyed by people all over the world, most probably, it's soccer. For the multitude of soccer fans out there, watching the games live at the stadium is the ultimate thing to do. However, if they are unable to see them live, the next best thing is to watch it live on tv. So it becomes practically a crime not to get to watch a live coverage of soccer in certain eventualities, like tv bog downs and the like. Thanks to technology, though, you can still get to watch live soccer online with a personal computer.

A personal computer is not the only thing you need to watch live soccer online, though. An internet connection is necessary. Whether it is Broadband or not will work just fine. Although, it is better if you have Broadband because the service is a lot faster and will not get interrupted.

You will also need a media player or a real player so you can watch live soccer online. If you do not have this installed in your computer yet, you can download the files from the internet at no cost.

Also, subscription is necessary to the site of your choice so you can watch live soccer online. Either you pay the membership fee once, or on a monthly basis, depending on the package you choose. There are many good sites around, so find the one which suits you best can be challenging.

In order to help you find the best site, it is recommended that you do a thorough exploration of the web. If the site has a series of testimonies, delve into them to see for sure if they are, indeed, real. Also, look at the prices and compare them. After doing these, you are most likely to arrive at only one site that will give you the benefit to watch live soccer online.

Your subscription usually gets you to see many other sports activities and shows aside from soccer, and if you happen to come to a reputable site, you will also have quality downloads in return.

It is not a problem if you don't have cable or satellite at home. As long as you have a computer, you can still watch the games online as they happen live. Watching the games from your pc will give you the same thrills without being very expensive, and no additional hardware is necessary.

There are so many things you can do with an internet connection, and watching shows online is one of them. View my blog and find more tips on how to watch live soccer online.

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Lead Guitar Transposition Tips and Techniques

By Eugene W

Every so often, we decide to dive into a new aspect of playing guitar that many are either afraid of, or just simply have no idea what it's all about. We're going to tackle one of the more feared issues evolving around guitar... Transposition.

Join us as we teach you the most simplistic and easy ways to transpose your music.

Getting That Riff In Your Favorite Key!

How many times have we composed a riff that we absolutely love, or perhaps found a song that we really enjoy playing and wanted to put it into a new, original song and truly make it ours? Chances are that we've all wanted to at least try it out once or twice but always came across one roadblock... Keys.

As mentioned in our last article, the probability that two riffs will be in the same key is very low if you are writing a lot of songs or wish to link two well known songs together. This is where you need to transpose one of those riffs so you can connect them together and put them in that song.

Another scenario is that you just wrote an awesome riff that you envision going into one of your band's songs... The only problem is that it's in the wrong key! With transposing, you can still use that riff and play along with the rest of the band.

If you're a true band nerd, like myself, you have probably been around transposition since the days of Jr. High or Middle School. Now, if you're still like me, you didn't have two clicks on how to do it either. I was always amazed to see how my teacher would take a trumpet part and transpose it so I could play it on my sax and still be in the right key!

With guitar, this is invaluable. You can take a sax part and transpose it to your guitar. If you happen to have a sax player around, you can now play along with that sax and still be in the proper key.

One of the most unique things about playing guitar is that we have a number of tools available to us to use for easy transposition. Many other musicians envy us for this and call us cheaters in the game of music theory, however, if you can use it... Why not?

The tools that you can use.

One of the most common tools used to transpose music on the guitar is the capo. The capo is essentially a piece of rubber that is glued onto two pieces of metal with a spring placed in between. When clasped onto the neck of your guitar and placed behind a fret, it acts as a new nut (AKA the "zero" nut.) This new nut raises the pitch of your guitar, therefore changing the key.

Most guitarists use them so they can make really complicated chords into easy open chord shapes. This is where the whole joke about cheating comes in. Instead of actually practicing those really hard chords and getting your technique down, you can transpose that chord using the capo and turn it into an open chord shape such as an E Major or an A and still have the same chord.

While I don't recommend that you always do that because it's always good to know how to play a song if your capo breaks, it's great for live performances where you want to minimize the risk of messing up a complicated chord. If you're a lead guitarist, you can still use a capo but in all honesty, it's far easier to find the key that everyone else is playing in relative to the capo and just use the scale that suites the song best.

In most cases, it's actually quicker for a lead guitarist not to use a capo and just find a scale. Switching a capo around the neck of your guitar can cost valuable seconds between songs.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

High School Musical - Exciting Entertainment That's Here To Stay

By Steve Collins

Children's entertainment is quickly changing. Television shows that were popular one minute quickly disappear; the current "hot" song roars on the scene and just as quickly, fades out. However, kids always gravitate toward appealing characters in compelling stories about enduring elements of their lives. The ongoing popularity of Disney's High School Musical is due to the way it touches many of the elements that kids like.

The plot of High School Musical relays how Troy, the captain of the basketball team and Gabriella, a shy and very smart transfer student challenge everyone else's expectations and audition for their high school's winter musical. Because the story centers on the struggles between members of two different social groups, its author and many critics refer to it as an updated adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Young people have continually struggled with expectations placed on them by their peers, and High School Musical adeptly shares this.

High School Musical also celebrates the value of performance and accomplishment. All kids dream of being confident enough to excel for an audience, whether on the playing field, or at an academic competition, or on the stage. In High School Musical, children see characters with courage and talent working hard to do their best. One of the welcome aspects of Disney's story is the way in which it celebrates the desire to be true to oneself and be successful.

One other indication that High School Musical may be on its way to enduring popularity in children's entertainment is its durability and adaptability to other media. No other television movie has enjoyed its lasting impact. In addition to the first movie, audiences enjoyed High School Musical 2, a DVD release-1.2 million copies in six days is the fastest-ever selling television movie-a great soundtrack that reached number one of the charts twice, a much anticipated concert tour, an exciting touring stage musical, an ice touring show, a New York Times best-selling novel, and an recent series of books chronicling the stories from East High.

With talented characters in a plot centering on the universal issues of following a dream and learning how to be true to your own identity, kids have cherished High School Musical from the moment it's characters sang and danced their way off the screen and into the hearts and minds of young audiences across the world.

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Download Anime Series - Comparing 3 Ways To Download Anime Series

By Davion W

Japanese anime and manga are popular Japanese cartoon cultural icons and have a huge following worldwide. The popularity is what drives the establishment of websites where one can download anime series. The most popular ones include Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bleach and so on. These animes are popular because of the innocent and simple child-like characters. Yet, the storylines are educational and cater to the adults as well. And the graphics and animation simply cannot be missed.

People are always lurking for ways to avoid forking out big bucks. They will pay pennies and dimes only for Internet downloads that they will watch only once. In all practical sense, no one will really pay for something if it is possible to get the items for free. To download anime series for pennies, one does not need to violate copyright laws. There are many programs and software that people may use to get videos and music files without having to rip off the producers and artists of their hard-earned work.

One such option to download anime series for free is to use a P2P or peer-to-peer file sharing application and network. The network works like a huge database linking the computers of all the members in the network to allow file sharing of anime and manga series. It pretty much behaves like a search engine.

Once an ideal title is found, the user may then opt to click a button to download the file. The length of time consumed depends on the users' Internet connection. This may also depend on the computer's memory, as low memory seriously affects a computer's performance.

Another aspect that may affect the computer download is the number of people sharing the same file. If more people have the same exact file available at the moment of download, the server has more sources to draw from, causing the download to get faster. The trouble is this source is notorious for poor quality downloads as well as the exposure of your PC to harmful viruses and malware.

Another method is to use the torrent files. In order to use this method, you need to run torrent clients. This is no child's play for anyone. If you are not comfortable with techie stuff, then this option is going to be challenging for you. All the files require format conversion. A disadvantage of using this is the associated cost of using a torrent client to download the files.

The final option is to use a paid membership site. In case you may think that you would have to pay an exorbitant price to join them, you are assured that it does not go beyond a one-time $40 to get instant access to unlimited numbers of anime cartoon series. You get anime movies as well. So if you spread out the costs, you are paying peanuts for DVD-quality downloads in a secured and safe download environment. Another reason why people are finding this option attractive is the high download speed that can go up to 300 times the normal download speeds.

This probably explains why this option is often hailed as the favorite among cartoon fans today to download anime series cheaply and quickly.

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Rock Music Videos - How To Download Rock Music Videos

By Davion W

There are indeed so many people all over the world who want to know how to download rock music videos. With the advent of Internet technology, there are more and more effective methods to download such music videos of your favorite rock artists. Understandably, some websites offer such service free of charge, while others have this service for a minimal charge. Some of the many websites that offer this service are Artist Direct and SectionZ.

Interestingly, Artist Direct has been in the business of providing quality downloads for both audio and video downloads since the year 1994. Since then, it has been becoming stronger and stronger in the market. In fact, today, Artist Direct is undeniably one of the music websites receiving strong patronage from the worldwide market. The site can boast of an average of 13 million visitors a month, with roughly 272 million page views a month as well.

The great thing about Artist Direct is the fact that it caters to all sorts of genres and subgenres in music. The website is a great source for all sorts of music genres in the industry.

Here are just some of the popular genres and subgenres under the Rock Music category that you will surely find on the website: British Invasion, British Psychedelia, British Metal, Folk Rock, Death Metal, Freakbeat, Glam Rock, Garage Rock, Jam Bands, Hair Metal, Kraut Tock, Neo-Psychedelia, Mod Revival, Progressive Rock, Soft Rock, Speed Metal, Southern Rock, and lots more.

While this is a good choice, Artist Direct does charge a fee for its visitors to download rock music videos from their site.

SectionZ is another premier service where you can download rock music videos. Any rock music aficionado will find this site a heaven sent for download music videos. Their interface is easy to use and feature-packed. This is one of the leading service to download rock music videos. On top of that, users like their social networking services which allow members and visitors to participate.

Rock musicians and fans can share the music they like, discuss and chit chat about their favourite music and so on using SectionZ's platform. The interactive platform allows open communication among users and is one major reason why people are attracted to it.

The better option here is to go for websites that offer paid services. Of course, it is better on the pocket to go for websites that offer this service for free. However, with these free services come more security risks. Thus, if you want to download rock music videos, it is much safer to pay the minimal fees of reputable websites instead.

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