Friday, December 31, 2010

Your Fantastic Mindpower!

By Kevin B Shine

The power of the mind is a wonderful thing. Scientist testing revealed that we only use around ten percent of the total capacity of our brains. The thought of what would happen if we actually used the other ninety percent. That would be incredible!

For a long time scientists thought that people with psychic powers, or extra sensory power could use these different parts of their mind. Whether they were born with these extra abilities of accessing this phenomenal mindpower, or they just managed to develop this power later on in life, nobody knows.

Even though it's not fully understood what process is used, the latest advances in quantum physics are starting to reveal the link of what we think and what we actually experience that is real in life.

Studies are starting to confirm that the ancient religions that had been saying for thousands of years that reality is a product of your mind and that you can change the way you think has a lot of truth to it. Mindpower is really the only reality!

There have been films about mindpower. 'The Secret' explains the theory of the law of attraction. Through the powerful mindpower a person can view life in a certain way and attract anything they want to into their life.

The theory of the law of attraction, concerns the entire universe and believes that everything people do creates a cause and has an effect. So no matter what you think about you can get! Learning to communicate though with your subconscious is a big part of this. You need to be able to tell it exactly what you want, or your mind will just believe that you have what you want. Scientifically this is known as a state of homeostasis.

Esp powers, telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition is controlled through the subconscious mind. This is also a reaction to the universe or what is known as universal consciousness to manifest your desires.

Developing your mindpower is through communication with your subconscious mind. There are several ways that you can do this.

By repeating and upbeat, optimistic phrase several times a day to yourself is called an affirmation. Through daily affirmations yoursubconscious mind will start to understand the message.

A daily affirmation to break a bad habit would be to constantly tell yourself over and over throughout the day that you no longer need whatever it was that was a bad habit, or I no longer choose to do whatever that habit was. If you want to bring up your self esteem you would tell yourself how good you are, how smart you are, how beautiful you are, and any other positive thoughts.

Consistently repeating affirmations they really do work. They are able to communicate with the subconscious mind. How you program your subconscious through your affirmations, will make you behave differently so be careful cause your mind will eventually understand the message.

If you take it a step further and think a little differently. Realizing that whatever you want will change, not just behaviors that you don't like, but anything and everything! This is the power of mindpower!

Visualize what you want to see happen. Using what you see to develop mindpower is when you can close your eyes and think about what you'd like to happen. Your subconscious state of mind will react powerfully to those pictures. If you see yourself being successful, and think about everything you ever wanted for yourself. Visualize the new car you wanted, or that house you had your eyes on. If you were to cut out pictures of all the things you want before you sit down to visualize it all, you will see it clearer, and be able to focus. Do this often, and eventually all these things will appear in your life.

Psychic powers, telepathy, and looking into the future can also be visualized and later attained. Exercising your mindpower will only make it that much more powerful!

Using hypnosis to communicate to your subconscious will help you to develop mindpower. You can visit a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist and they will put you into a deep state of relaxation. Once in a deep state of relaxation you can get into that subconscious mind easier.

There have been excellent results in self hypnosis. People will play a recording in which they are relaxed, and the recording begins to add the different suggestions into your subconscious mind. The great part of self hypnosis is being able to listen to it over and over, and also the price of self hypnosis is cheaper than using a hypnotist or a hypnotherapist.

There is a new audio technology called brainwave entrainment. This is where your brainwaves are synchronized with certain frequencies. Each frequency can control different things. If you can tune into the right frequency you may be able to improve your memory or heal and alleviate pain through releasing certain endorphins into your body.

Different frequencies may help you to get into a state of meditation. Once in a sate of meditation you can very quickly communicate with your subconscious mind, to develop your mindpower.

Some frequencies may stimulate the chakra energy centers of your body. There is a chakra in the center of your forehead which is referred to the third eye which controls a person's psychic powers.

The thought of developing these powers is not needed. These powers already exist within you. Many thousands of years ago humans had once thought that your enhanced mindpower is repressed and locked deep within your mind.

Developing mindpower actually comes down to unlocking all the powers and true potential that every human being already has.

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Texans Even Record With Win Over Bengals

By Ross Everett

Behind a career day for quarterback Matt Schaub, the Houston Texans erased a 17-14 halftime deficit to score-- points in the second half and defeat the host Cincinnati Bengals 28-17. Schaub threw for 342 yards and 4 touchdowns against one interception in the solid road victory. Against a team that had won three straight games in the final seconds, Houston never gave Cincinnati the chance to create any late drama. Cincinnati dropped to 4-2 with the loss while Houston evened their record at 3-3.

Houston took the money as +3' road underdogs with the outright win, and both teams are now 3-3 on the season against the NFL pointspread. The 45 points just managed to stay UNDER the posted total of 46. The Texans have gone UNDER in 4 of 6 this season while the Bengals evened their NFL totals record at 3-3.

After the victory, Schaub said that his team knew of Houston's penchant for late game comebacks and that 'putting them away' would be a priority:

"Every game went down to the wire for them. Credit goes to them because they were able to find ways to win those games. So it was a matter of putting the game away."

The Texans' low key head coach Gary Kubiak would only offer that:

"Matt continues to put up exceptional numbers on the road."

The defense did a stellar job as well, shutting out the Bengals in the second half. In the third quarter, Houston only allowed six yards on nine plays for a franchise record. Cornerback Dunta Robininson talked about the defensive corps mindset:

"It was swarm tackling. Everybody has a job to do, and today we made this team a one-dimensional team. Overall as a defense, we played well."

In the losing locker room, wide receiver Chad Ochocinco admitted that his team knew that they couldn't rely on last minute heroics to win games:

"That's our fault. We've been saying that we can't keep winning with the way we've been playing. We've got to be consistent for all four quarters."

The Bengals will play their next two games at home, starting with a contest against the Chicago Bears this Sunday. They'll host the Baltimore Ravens the following Sunday before traveling to Pittsburgh for a game against the Steelers on November 15. The Texans host the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday. They'll take to the road for the next two games, playing Buffalo on November 1 and Indianapolis the following Sunday.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Employment of the music video camera man

By Deann Meyer

To be a cameraman is a very rewarding experience. Setting up the lights, painting a picture in the frame and moving the camera to different angles is challenging yet creative. The outcome of your work once edited and put together-if done right, can have an amazing impact on the audience.

To see your audience has been affected the way you wanted them is a treat as a cameraman. When the audience feels how you want them to after watching your movie, a sense of accomplishment arises within. The blood, sweat and tears that are poured into creating a movie are well worth it when the movie is said and done.

To be a cameraman means that you have to creatively design a picture in the frame-which is incredibly difficult if you think about all the aspects in the shot that have to become unified-lights, props, the whole ambiance of the shot, have to be captured appropriately. To be able to unify all these elements takes a well-trained eye and good, creative vision.

The cameraman takes longer than everyone else in the crew because they have to prep the camera. Even though there are camera assistants, cameras consist of many small, delicate pieces and must be handled with extreme care. Working on set as a cameraman means you go to work early and stay late because of the camera and how long it takes to prep.

Depending on what type of camera you're shooting with, some camera preps take up to a week to test out all the parts and make sure they work properly. A cameraman must be in good shape and be able to lift heavy equipment, as industry-standard tripods and high-end cameras tend to be on the heavier side and you have to be able to move it all around quickly and proficiently.

Getting your "foot in the door" as a cameraman (or any crew member for that matter) is incredibly hard and requires a lot of time, persistence and ambition. Being able to operate and put together numerous cameras is an important skill to acquire in your camera career as well so you can be quick and efficient getting ready to shoot every day of the production. Lagging is bad in production work because there is never any time to waste. The quicker and more efficient you are at putting cameras together and operating them, the more jobs you'll attain.

I think that freelance camerawork is the most difficult type of camerawork because it is never a promise. Sometimes projects will call you a week before you're scheduled to work and tell you it's been canceled. All cameramen start off as freelance as that's the only way to get noticed and get more jobs-unless you're somehow related to someone who can (and will) plug you in right away.

The majority of getting your foot in the door has to do with networking, meeting and keeping in contact with other camera people from previous shoots or random contacts you just happen to meet. Even if you're still a student, there are a lot of people who have contacts and networking is a big deal and a big part of getting work in the film industry.

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Classic Presents For Teens

By Owen Jones

Purchasing presents for teenagers can be very difficult, especially if you do not know teenagers very well. The problem with teenagers is that some are more grown up than others and if you do not know the individual very well, you do not know whether to tend towards the adult or the child. However, you can always buy a 'little bit older' knowing that if you have not judged the mental age accurately, then they will mentally grow into the gift.

There are a couple of classic gifts that teenagers feel are not too young for them, gifts that make them feel grown up. These gifts are not in any particular order.

A watch is always helpful - a small dainty watch for a girl and a big chunky thing for a boy. It does not matter whether it is wind-up, automatic or battery and it does not have to be one of the very costly names, but it is better if it is fairly well-known like a Seiko.

A chain, necklace or bracelet of precious metal will be appreciated by any teen, but particularly by girls. Nine carat gold or silver is not that costly, but it will hold its value. A St Christopher can make a good present for someone who is religious or not.

Teenagers like clothing and shoes, but it is best to keep the clothing on the casual side. Like trainers instead of shoes or a T-shirt rather than a shirt with a collar, a hoodie rather than a jacket. A leather belt is also worth considering.

Sunglasses are usually appreciated, but it is vital to get the style correct. Enquire of the parents of the teenager which designer label the teenager prefers.

Music is a classic gifts for a teenager, but there is such a choice of media to play it on nowadays. Maybe a present voucher from a big high street record shop that also has an on line presence is best. That way, they can either buy a CD or download the music from the Net onto their MP3 player.

An atmospheric lamp can be a good idea if the teenager spends a lot of time in his or her room. Lava lamps and optic fibre lamps are just the ticket.

Something for the computer. Most teens have a computer, so you could get a web cam, a wireless mouse or a wireless keyboard. Or a new computer game. If the teen has a laptop, they might appreciate a new laptop case or carrying bag. Laptops do come with a carrying bag, but they take quite a bashing and soon become frayed and scruffy.

A decent quality pen. Not many teenagers use fountain pens these days, but they are still a good present. It might encourage the teen to tidy up his or her handwriting otherwise a famous-name biro, but it is really not the same as a classic fountain pen and a bottle of ink. You could add a blotter to this little package as well as no-one seems to have one any more.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Essentials About Sudden Hearing Loss

By Wilford Parents

Sudden hearing loss has many causes. You might have had an accident where you suffered a blow to an ear, or you might have woken up one day not being able to hear anything in one ear. This can be a very frustrating time for many people as suddenly one of your senses is impaired. Doctors can treat this condition with a drug called Prednisone and usually your hearing will return within 30 days.

Concisely, the drug is an immune-suppressant and has a corticosteroid compound in it. It is mainly used where extreme inflammation occurs in certain areas of the body. Some patients have found it working within a few days and some have not. Naturally, ones hearing can come back on its own, using no or very little drugs.

This ringing sound is called Tinnitus and most people learn to habituate to this sound in due course, so it no longer bothers them. Sometimes the ringing gets louder, especially at night when you are just about to fall asleep or when you are not active. The trick is to learn to ignore it. When you consciously say to yourself that it is not a problem, then the sounds tend to fade away.

The ringing sounds are called Tinnitus and are one of the most common ailments that people suffer with. It is not life threatening, but only annoying at times. The ringing can become louder at times or when you are busy and distracted you do not even hear it. The trick is to ignore it and it will usually fade into the background with all other noise that you filter out.

Another great way to get rid of the ringing sound in your ear is to wear a hearing aid. Many people have opted for this solution because it highlights more sounds around you and almost blocks out these sounds totally. The only time you will hear the sounds again is when you take the aid/s out or before you go to sleep.

You do not have to be embarrassed about wearing an aid, because today they are tiny and can almost not be detected. They are made with high-tech precision and can become a lifesaver if you just cannot cope with all the ringing noise in your head. See a specialist soon, who will inform you of a few other options in solving your sudden hearing loss. Because the sooner you get it sorted out the better your quality of life will be.

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How to Make a Follow up Call after a Job Interview

By Maurice Nelson

You were excited about your job interview. You were confident and you knew that you had proven that you are the best candidate for the job. You could already imagine signing a contract with the company. They told you that you would receive a call from them, and you waited. After several days, they still did not call. It was a very frustrating time. No candidate should go through this experience and no company should act this way -- but it's not that uncommon. The worst part of all of this is that it happens all the time.

On Tuesday, Cheryl was interviewed by a company for a job application. Cheryl knew that she did very well in the interview. The HR representative told her that they would contact her within the week. Friday came, and still no one from the company made an attempt to contact Cheryl. She was getting worried. She wanted to ask about her application but she was confused.

Cheryl realized that she should talk to her cousin Gloria, who is a HR manager. Her cousin told her that it is all right to ask the company about her job application but she should inquire on Tuesday. Gloria specifically told Cheryl not to make follow up calls during Mondays because it is always poor timing.

The following Tuesday, Cheryl prepared herself to make the call. She had written a script of her inquiry to make her sound self-assured. She also practiced to make sure that she would sound just right. She dialed and heard a voice mail. Her message went like this:

"I'm Cheryl Jones. We met last Tuesday when I came for the job interview. I just want to follow up the condition of my application and I am thinking if you still believe that I am suited for the job. I will be pleased if you try to reach me today. My telephone number is 333-999-8888. Thank you for this time."

If a company does not call you back as promised, it is okay to get back to them and leave them a message. Do not call unless you are ready. Make sure that you sound professional and polite. Explain to the company representative that you need to know the status of your application before you consider other opportunities because their company is your best option. Try to follow-up once until the third time. If they still do not respond, consider your application to be denied. Otherwise you will just seem annoying to them.

There is a great possibility that you will be able to talk to a person when you follow up. If this happens, grab this chance to inquire about your job application. There are times when a person will talk to you and give you reasonable advice, but this rarely happens. Make sure to thank this person when this occurs and try to gain wisdom from this circumstance.

Bosses know that applicants are very eager to find out about the results of their application. For this reason, most employers wait for the right time to discuss this matter to the applicant. On the other hand, there are employers who let applicants wait even after announcement date. You have to consider things like this before working for that particular employer. Meanwhile, do something productive while you wait by looking for other jobs.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Doylestown, The Tiny Little Jem

By Jamie Brown

Have you ever heard of Doylestown PA?
From culture to theater you'll find it all in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Few cities can offer the culinary ambiance and tradition as well as the particular sophistication and splendor of this little Philadelphia suburb.

Beside monuments that capture the tradition of the tile works and the Mercer Museum are historic relics from the revolutionary and civil war era that beg ponderous of passers buy of the lives lost solidifying a position for our country as well as economic evolution as mom and pop shops have opened and closed over the 400 years of this town's existence.

To visit Doylestown is to love this place. Strolling down the historic back roads and stumbling upon the hidden treasures like the civil war museum, walk a little further and uncover tiny steel gated graveyards with tombstones that whisper a legacy of a time that has passed and lives lived and lost in the name of war and prosperity.

The town center is still the hub of this region where the local youth follow the tradition of loitering and sipping cold drinks on hot summer days on the benches in front of the Starbucks Coffee franchise; an odd place to host a crumbling franchise chain but a unique aspect to our little town none the less.

The County Theater is a local visual arts incubator as you can find some of the best kept secrets in the independent film industry projected on the walls within. Doylestown is one of those places that has continued to grow and prosper while responsibly turning the intake valve to expansion.

Historical codes to keep this quaint masterpiece a place where tourists can take a 3 hour vacation from the stresses of everyday life have set a stage that has made us the center of admiration to towns everywhere.

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Modeling and Talent Agencies: How to Avoid Being Scammed

By Carrie Gonzales

Everybody wants to be famous. And to get this dream, a lot of people will do anything, including paying their way to get a role, or to win a contest. Because of this, there are also many people who want to take advantage of the needs of those who want to become models, or actors, or singers. This article gives you tips on how to keep yourself away from situations such as being scammed by a fake talent agency. Before all of that, as they say, everything starts with the self. Do you think you are capable of becoming a model or actor?

An important thing to remember is that licensed agencies should do not charge registration fees when they want to sign you. You will always have to be responsible for obtaining your own tools such as headshot or model composites, however.

Modeling classes and modeling agencies are very different. Modeling classes are being paid by students who want to learn the skills to being a model. Modeling agencies hire and provide modeling stints to an aspiring model, or even an experienced one.

Modeling classes, on the other hand, provide training to models, so you're paying for this training, in a variety of skill areas.

But beware, because scammers have many tricks. They can also create a website just to show proof of their legitimacy. One thing you can do is to ask your mentors and the other people within your circle. Word of mouth is always the best testimonial.

There are good scammers though that create websites just to pretend that they are legit. It is always best to ask around, do your homework, so that you will have more knowledge about the talent agencies that are legitimate.

As they say, anything that is too good to be true is reason to worry. There are some things in the modeling world that seem to go just too smoothly to be legitimate. There should always be challenges to hurdle, and things to overcome in order to reach the summit of success. Greasing your way to the fashion shows will not get you anywhere; in fact, you could be on the losing end.

Remember that the road to fame and fortune is not easy. If you watch reality shows like America's Next Top Model, you are aware of the difficult situations and challenges that the contestants have to go through. Greasing your way to what you think is the easier path by paying people will not give you the right kind of satisfaction that is felt when you actually worked hard to reach your dream; it may just leave you broke.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

The Purpose Of Free Online Games

By Adriana Noton

Being that you like to play free online games you may do so anytime you want to. Depending on what kind you play you will be able to win free money. This is good for people that is in need for money. To get started all you need is the internet and you can go from there. Some games come with instructions if you do not know how to play.

They even have different kind for children to play. If you like to be competitive you can do so by competing against other kids across the country. There will be a goal that you will have to reach before your opponent and it will win the game. Be careful because most kids can get addictive depending on what they play, that is why parents will have to keep an eye on them. This will cause some children to lose sleep.

Kids will be grateful because this will help them learn about other children and different cultures. It will also help them gain friendship over the internet with kids they are playing against. It is important to learn how to share and have fun when playing a game where you have to take turns.

Games will help kids with their confidence level by beating each board. In order to play other activities you will have to set goals and try to reach it to unlock them. This seem to be more fun because you can play with the other children across world.

Playing activities on the computer can come with many advantages. If your team has set a game level it will be a way that you can learn to cooperate. It will also help you gain understanding and learn that everyone is unique. In real life this will take you a long way.

If you want to help your children challenge their mind, there will be logic games available for you to do so. People play these kind of activities all the time, and not just kids. It stimulates the mind and help them concentrate on what they are doing. This is helpful on so many levels.

There are activities available that will even help kids in school. If they are having trouble with any subject they will be able to practice it online first. They can do it at home with their parents and without kids around. If you are falling behind in class this will be a good way for you to catch up without a tutor. The other kids will not have a reason to talk about you because you do not know what the teacher is talking about.

Some activities that your kids play they will have to be careful. Make sure that you are supervising them whenever they want to get on the computer to view funny pictures online for instance, especially if they are underage. Children are known to get on websites that are not appropriate for them. Some websites will have explicit language, it is your job as a parent to tell them that is wrong. It is important to know that going to the wrong website on purpose may get you in a lot of trouble.

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All Reality Is Merely The Power Of Mind

By William J Stevens

As the college fund commercials back in the 80s said, 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. The commercial wasn't really about what we're going to be talking about here, but the idea is one which can be applied here as well. You definitely don't want to waste the power of the mind, especially your own. You can tap into the power of your own mind to make positive changes in your life.

Even if you haven't seen the film or read the book, it's all but certain that you know of the book The Secret or about the law of attraction, the most important idea of the book and film. The idea is that when you focus your mind on something, it attracts it to you. You don't even have to be expending mental energy on this goal consciously in order for this effect to work.

As an example, take the placebo effect - people who are receiving a placebo in clinical trials of medications often experience the effects caused by the actual medication since they believe that they are receiving the medication.

We do this kind of thing to ourselves all the time. For instance, when you wake up thinking that this is going to be 'one of those days'; and it turns out to be a bad day. It's actually the power of the mind that causes this to happen.

The scientific evidence is starting to point towards the idea that there is a scientific basis for the power of the mind as well. One which is particularly intriguing is that matter exists only when there is an observer there to describe it (or rather, matter may be in one of several possible states until it is observed - or all of them at once). What this means is that human beings may be able to exert much more influence on their surroundings than has been previously thought.

It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.

The power of the mind is something that you can train yourself to use for your own benefit. If you could use your own mental energy to bend the universe and make positive changes, wouldn't you want to learn how? There are a couple of methods which can help you to learn to access your own latent mental powers.

If you want to use the power of the mind to accomplish something, it's best to have a specific goal; for example, if you'd like to become wealthy, set your mind on a specific amount instead of being well off in general. A specific target is easier to focus on.

Many people already know about the power of the mind and use it every day to make their goals a reality. They are able to decide on a specific goal and put all of their mind power towards this objective - and this is exactly how some of the world's most successful people have managed to become who they are today. It's not difficult to do, though learning to focus your mind on your goal does take a little metal training.

When you learn to control this power of the mind, you can use it to make changes in your world; in fact, you can make almost anything you can imagine a reality. Let's say that you want to buy a particular house. You put all of your mental energy into it, imagining even the small details like the color you want to paint the rec room. You start expending effort into areas that will help you to achieve your goal (like working more so you can save up the down payment) and research how to get favorable mortgage terms.

After you've put your effort towards it, your dream starts coming true - the house goes up for sale, you are able to secure the mortgage, your offer is accepted and everything goes fine. It's all because you've been putting your thoughts and your energy into achieving your goal; this is what makes it happen for you.

This is something you can do; something everyone can do. Believe in the power of your mind and you can achieve anything - set your mind on a small goal and work your way up to bigger and better things as you go.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Right And Wrong Way To Find Bands For Hire

By Simone Laya

If you want to throw a party and want to make it different, there are a number of ways to do it. You can add an essence of creativeness and have the party themed. You can have the caterer serve exquisite delicacies like caviar and vintage wine. You can have high profile guests and a great venue. And music being integral part of the party, you can have bands for hire to perform live.

Bands for hire are professional bands that perform live music in parties and functions. They can make the audience have the feel of the party with their music. There are specialized bands for hire to play at functions like weddings and anniversaries and there are others like tribute bands or decade bands to play in parties like reunions or birthdays. You can even go for bands for hire which plays music according to genre, like rock, pop, blues etc.

If you are planning a gala wedding party, go for a function band that specializes in weddings. These wedding bands are specialized to play in weddings only and can handle the situation in the most perfect manner. Not only do the play building up the tempo of the party, but also these bands are professional enough to sing the right song at the right moment. When the bride and the groom are kissing, the band would come up with a romantic ballad which will draw sentiments among everybody present. Not only that, the band would gear up in the right moment to have the people take a dig at the dance floor.

Bands for hire are a right choice for the themed parties too. You can have Latino music with a Mexican themed party or Middle Eastern tunes being performed at an Arabian-themed party. The food, the attires, the dcor - all will be in place along with the right kind of music. The theme will be highlighted in a much greater manner and the guests will feel the experience and remember it for days to come.

If you are going for a reunion party, you should go for bands for hire and find a tribute band or a decade band. While tribute bands play music of particular music icons or legendary bands, decade bands on the other hand play music of a particular decade. So, with such bands, you can always have the music which was really hit in your High School days and the guests will swim in the seas of nostalgia.

You must be wondering from where to get such specialized bands for hire. Actually, all you have to do is search the internet which will lead you to a thousand such contact information. Also, you can go for those bands which have been referred to you by friends or relatives. There is also the local event management agency which can supply you with the information. If you are going by the information taken from internet sources, do check their credibility by interviewing them.

When the bands for hire is selected, interview them. It is extremely crucial that the music to be played is discussed and finalized jointly by you and the band members. Prepare a play list and other points that you may want the bands to do.

Lastly, do check with the venue if it has the permits or license to host live band performance. Do all these beforehand so that there is no rushing around in the very last minute. All planned and done, sit back and relax for a hassle free, grand d-day.

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The Best Of Paintings And Other Artistic Sculptures

By Adam Evans

Basically, Costa Rica is known to be the home of some of the most exquisite art, crafted by the local artisans living in the countryside. It is also best recognized for its amazing rainforests, mountains, volcanoes, and its various butterfly farms. Definitely, it is a golden chance for the vacationers to visit the art galleries situated in downtown San Jose and Central Valley area. Art lovers can also go on private art tours and directly meet the local artists as well as get a feel of the stories behind their creations. Costa Rica also has a lot of museums found in downtown.

Born in Ontario, Canada, Ed Mercer the "Co Owner of Ventana Del Pacifico" and a self made entrepreneur came to visit Costa Rica in the year 1989 with his wife. Sooner or later, he swiftly made this beautiful country his home. Since then, Ed has established his own real estate company as well as the Edward R. Mercer foundation, which works for the preservation of the country's biodiversity and education as well as known to be his greatest achievement till date. In addition, Ed Mercer is known to be Mr. Costa Rica for his undying efforts extensively. He worked tirelessly to save the wildlife of Costa Rica, more particularly the scarlet macaws, white-faced monkeys and sea turtles which were on the verge of extinction. He also planted thousands of almond trees for the birds and monkeys as well as provided safe nesting areas for the turtles to lay their eggs. As far as helping out people goes, Ed also provided roads and buses so that children could go to school without having to walk thousand miles to reach their destination.

A humanitarian par excellence, Ed Mercer is widely known as Mr. Costa Rica for his undying efforts. He worked tirelessly to save the wildlife of Costa Rica, more particularly the scarlet macaws, white-faced monkeys and sea turtles which were on the verge of extinction. He also planted thousands of almond trees for the birds and monkeys as well as provided safe nesting areas for the turtles to lay their eggs. As far as helping out people goes, Ed also provided roads and buses so that children could go to school without having to walk thousand miles to reach their destination.

Being accurate to his golden philosophy in life, that is, to under promise and over deliver, Ed has worked over the years to help mankind. As a matter of fact, he is also a member of Greenpeace, National Geographic and The World Wildlife Fund. Additionally, a part of all dealings on buying and selling of real estate properties by Ed's company is still contributed towards preserving the natural habitat of Costa Rica.

Furthermore, Ed's real estate company not only provides custom made homes and apartments, but additionally it also offers exquisitely crafted furniture, courtesy of Ed's artistic designing team. Moreover, Ed's facility has excellent woodworking and outstanding craftsmanship. He barely recognizes the local talent of Costa Rica and encourages the new as well as upcoming artists who contribute to the contemporary art scene of Costa Rica. Local along with the international arts and crafts are exhibited all through the year in such various galleries in the capital of Costa Rica - San Jose.

Local and international arts and crafts are exhibited all through the year in the various galleries in San Jose. Tourists can appreciate and even buy the paintings and other artistic sculptures on display and add to their collection. Souvenirs, crafted out of the finest native woods can also be purchased everywhere. Prices range from a few dollars to thousands, depending on the taste of the tourists. Jewelry, ceramic birds, wooden statues of animals, paintings, masks, and flower vases are some of the things which art aficionados and even casual art collectors can appreciate.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Basics on how to Start an Acting Career

By Kurt Fowler

Hollywood is littered with unemployed actors. If you don't want to be added to that growing pile, you must know how to start an acting career. It's not just about headshots, agents and resumes. If it were, we'd all be starring in blockbusters. So, chat to employed and out-of-work actors as they possess insights that will help in your decision of whether to join the acting fraternity. Research local talent agencies and see whether there are any that might be reputable and honest and can get you on your way.

Get to the library to study acting technique books that will give you an insight into the numerous methods that can help you maintain riveting performances over the duration of your career. Also look at the way in which acting classes function, thus making it easier to choose the right school for you.

Possessing some understanding of basic business practice will come in handy as you, a freelance professional, must grasp the skills needed to make an impact on directors, producers, agents and casting directors. A portfolio including headshots (commercial as well as dramatic), a well-written resume, a precise cover letter, and two monologues (comical and dramatic) as a minimum is essential. This package represents who you are as an actor and what image you wish to project, so think about it carefully.

Having a regular income can be a problem, especially early in a career, so it's advisable to have a steady income not related to acting. If you're aiming at being full-time, you'll require savings or be backed maybe by your parents as your focus has to be on progressing your career and not on worrying about rent payments. If eyeing up a part-time career, try to locate a sympathetic boss willing to allow you days off when required.

Experience is important, so gain small parts on major film productions, work as an extra on TV, or secure meatier roles with independent movies. Don't forget to check out community theatre or low-budget theatre as any work will help you grow as an actor, and possibly give you a small income, too.

Now is the time to employ an agent. Contact them via meet-and-greets, forums where casting directors as well as agents accept auditions and individual interviews, showcases, school seminars which organize auditions, or invite agents along to a show you're in or to view a TV program or movie in which you were cast. A reputable, licensed talent agency will help you too; do your homework and don't fall for scams that charge a registration fee.

Actors don't ever believe they've learned everything there is to know about their art, thus perfecting and refining monologues or improv skills is constant. However, you're a product to be bought so must create a market in which you're in demand if wishing to go beyond the first steps on the ladder of how to start an acting career.

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A Quick Peek At The War Film Paths Of Glory

By Andre Moore

Paths of Glory was originally written as a novel by Humphrey Cobb, a story which would turn into one of the greatest war movie classics made in the 50's. Considered to be one among the most potent movies directed by Stanley Kubrick, this black and white close up at the politics of war has had audiences cringing for nearly half a century. Based on the French army's efforts against the Germans during World War I, the movie takes a different turn then most war stories, examining the enemy from within, rather than those outside.

The plot begins with a proposed addition of another star to a general's rank, and a suicidal plan for attack against the Germans to attempt to please the public. Without regard to practicality, the French General Staff orders an attack on a highly fortified area to boost public morale after a long stalemate with the enemy. Their brash decision puts a weakened and worn-torn regiment at risk with no back up, and no time to prepare. And so begins a recipe for disaster.

Set in the vicious trench warfare of the First World War, the story takes its cues from the pure humanity of its characters, all of them showing weakness, strength, and the undeniable desire to survive. This leads numerous film critics to credit the movie with encouraging a more realistic approach to telling the story of battle. They also applaud the artistic and technical merits the story delivers through the precise delivery of its actors, and the complex emotional quality each character portrays, even without lengthy back-stories.

The plight of Colonel Dax to defend the lives, honor, and rights of his troops is among the most heroic ventures a character can take. When the attack fails, as the Colonel and every soldier involved predicts, the General points to the troops themselves as the cause for their acts of cowardice. With the random assignment of three soldiers to take the fall for the entire regiment, the main hook of the story begins, and a court hearing begins to decide their fate.

Though black and white footage may simply appear to be a technical limitation of the past to many who see an older film, it is still a respected medium for its drama and contrasting power. The emotional pull of the scenes in Paths of Glory are masterfully integrated with the lighting, darkness playing into the emotion of fear and anger, patchy light mixed with dark to portray doubt and suspense, and bright white to reveal the overly clean and opulent.

One technical issue that many in today's audience may notice is the tendency of the characters to pace around the room during thoughts and speech, sometimes to an unrealistic extreme. The reason for this is to keep the feeling of motion alive while characters are set in lengthy conversations. With the limited ability to move the camera itself due to the touchy nature of lighting at the time, shot diversity depended on the actors' theatrical movements and gestures to stay interesting.

The movie does its best to portray the harsh reality of war, and the ironic cost of loyalty. It was the first of its kind to portray a disapproving face of war and the way it is run, a trend that didn't become popular in Hollywood until after the Vietnam war. This was the reason it was banned in many European countries for decades while war was still perceived as something that should be glorified and patriotic.

Though Paths of Glory did not become a wild success in the box office, film critics claim its inclusion with the great classics of storytelling history. The message behind the film remains potent, even today, as the conflict with death and the value of a life still burden us today. Though the director himself believed it was impossible to create an anti-war movie directly, he did manage to create a fantastically deep gaze into the judgment of how wars are run, and what sacrifices should be justly made.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Before Joining A Movie Download Service View The Different Plans

By Angel Stephenson

Going for movie downloads is a more convenient way of enjoying blockbusters nowadays. Because of the internet, now you got other means of getting titles aside from renting or purchasing DVD copies. Through this, you need not step out of the house and drive elsewhere. But before signing up for a site providing this convenience, there are some thing you need to take note of.

First, find out if the payment mode will work for the kind of movie viewer you are. One site may have a completely different payment term than the other. But it's also possible for one site to carry a variety of payment terms. When deciding, the rates you will pay for need to be justified by the amount of movies you can actually afford to watch.

There are sites wherein you pay for flat monthly or yearly rates. You need not pay for anything each time you download a flick. Although the number of times you can do so is limited. On the other hand, there are sites wherein you only pay each time you download a title. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each payment mode before deciding on one.

With regards to the titles you can pick, this will depend on which studios the site you're eyeing has agreement with. There are websites that focus more on indie films. But there are also those who carry a lot of mainstream movies. Where you subscribe to will depend on your taste for movies. You don't want to pay for a site not catering to your taste.

Check the quality of the available titles. This is to ensure that you will have an enjoyable experience watching a blockbuster, and not end up with a headache. Consider the movie's screen resolution. A resolution is the size of the picture in terms of pixels. One example is 640x480 pixels. Another is 1280x1024 pixels.

Then there's also the bitrate which you should also note. Usually, it's expressed in bps - that stands for bits per second. But sometimes it's in kbps - kilobits per second. If everything is beginning to look too technical now, fret not. Just remember: for both screen resolutions and bitrates, the higher their numbers, the better quality they are. It's that simple.

One way to tell whether or not a website is good is by checking out the number of subscribers. For sure the site is doing something satisfying to be able to rake in huge memberships just like that. Although it's not really going to give away the excellence of its services, it serves as a gauge, nonetheless.

Security is another issue you need to be wary of. And by security, it means both on the files you download and online payment methods. Some files you get online may come with adwares, trojans, malwares, etc. These can harm your computer. But most legal sites are free of such threats. Payment through credit card or online banking must be guaranteed secured as well by the site.

Last but not the least, check the flexibility given by the website regarding your movie downloads. Will you be able to transfer and watch your purchase on another gadget? Will you be allowed to burn them on a DVD so you can free some space on your hard drive? Some websites will give you leeway, while others may not.

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Abundance Prosperity - Why Not For You?

By Charley Street

What is abundance and prosperity? Many definitions exist for these words. For some people, it means, the freedom to do whatever they love. For others it means getting whatever they desire, which may be money, a big house to live in, a prosperous career, a beautiful car or even complete peace of mind. Simply put, abundance prosperity is getting all that you desire, that make you prosperous in life, in abundance or profusion.

Abundance and prosperity actually develops from our thoughts wishes and desires. The life of a man is full of desires. If one of his wishes is fulfilled then another desire comes up in his life which he somehow wants to achieve. This brings us to the law of attraction.

The law of attraction states that a person can attract to himself whatever he wants to of he gives his full focus, attention and energy to attaining that object, whether wanted or unwanted. Therefore, if you have a knowledge about the law of attraction , then you will be able to create and manifest and also attain more abundance and prosperity in your life.

The main thing about achieving abundance and prosperity is focusing. You have to fully focus on the object of your desire or the experience you want. If you want wealth, employment, a relationship or anything, you have to devote your total focus and energy upon that, to be successful in achieving your desires.

You should remember that while you are focusing, you should not think negatively ever, as that can have an undesirable effect on your manifestation. You should always think positively and never let your concentration get affected. You should shunt all the negative thoughts in a corner of your mind.

Another important thing that is to be noted down is that if you want to have a lot of abundance and prosperity you should first acknowledge the prosperity and abundance that you already possess in your life. Thus the universal energy of creation will work better on your desires and successfully grant you your desires. The thought process and the universal energy will become more aligned and everything will work out smoothly.

If you want to succeed in getting abundance and prosperity, start with believing that you will positively get what you wanted. Visualize your wants and think that your wishes have already been fulfilled. In this way the positive energies will take shape to create.

You should always have a proper balance between you inner and outer selves whenever you are up to the task of manifesting your desires. The inner self is nothing but the part that controls your behavior and the thought processes. The outer self, on the other hand, turns these thought processes into action, that is, what we do.

With the law of attraction, you can manifest whatever you want in your life to life happily and enjoyably. You will get whatever you want in life and will have abundance and prosperity in all directions of your life.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Beginner Guitar Lesson Secrets

By Josh Smith

Looking for beginner guitar lessons can definitely become tough! There are so many places to look for guitar lessons for beginners, and so many choices, that it can be a tough decision. Also the age of the person who will be taking beginner guitar lessons needs to be considered. While it may be best to take a more conventional and hands on approach with a child, there is a new option for adults. Guitar lessons for beginners can now be obtained through online courses. These beginner guitar lessons could be located in prerecorded lesson packets and in real time with a tutor through the web.

Prerecorded beginner guitar lessons are out ther from numerous different teachers with a lot of experience. These lessons offer complete instruction with prerecorded video lessons. Some of these lessons can be accessed through Internet web sites, and others are recorded on CD-ROM disks for your computer. This service is generally offered for a set price.

One other version of the prerecorded lessosn is where you get the instruction through the web. This service is generally offered for a monthly charge and the lessons are prerecorded with an assortment of instructors available. The primary disadvantage to a prerecorded beginner guitar lesson is that you do not receive any or in some cases instant from the instructor or correction on your technique and process. The benefit of a live or real time lesson is the attention you get, and also the education on hand from a teacher at once.

Making use of technology the same as Skype it's possible to truly interact with a music tutor in real time online. Many teachers are using the Internet, web cams and technology like Skype to reach and instruct a wider potential customer base. These in real time Internet lessons are available for a variety of instruments begin are guitar lessons are no exception. These lessons can be group lessons, for multiple students in a single session, or private lessons.

Payment is ordinarily handled through payment sites like PayPal and the lessons are real time online. The student, on his computer can view and hear the instructor and a live video feed of the instructor demonstrating techniques. The instructor can view and hear their student as they play their assignments and demonstrate the techniques they are learning from the instructor.

With all the alternatives on hand for beginners it's interesting to see that a number of teachers are utilizing such a technological approach. These online lessons can allow a student to study with an instructor anywhere in the world. These online lessons can allow a student to study with an instructor anywhere in the world.

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Hit the Mark: What to do on Audition Day

By Ethel Henry

If you want to be famous, or become a successful artist, you can shoot for Broadway, or be in a band and be discovered, or become a solo artist who sings and dances. You can be any of these, as long as you have the skills and the talent, plus the right amount of guts. But, bear in mind that you can't become famous in just one day. It takes time, even for the big stars like Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Bono, and Justin Bieber. All of them underwent intense training. Maybe you could improve by just practicing alone at home, but chances are, you will come out short.

Enrolling yourself in dance, singing and acting workshop will help you improve yourself and your chances in getting your dream. Though it can be hard to find good teachers, there are many mentors out there who can really help you develop your talent. Unfortunately, there are also some of them that only plan to suck the money out of you. So what to do?

Ask for referrals, if you think your current teacher doesn't fit the bill. Assess your mentors and see if they can provide you guidance on your journey to stardom. In workshops and talent agencies, you would still need to audition. So you have to be prepared, even just at home, with your parents, or anyone who can support you. Finding an honest, licensed talent agency is a good first step in finding success; they can help you make the right decisions.

It would be towards your advantage if you look for references and credentials when shopping for a mentor. You can also ask around and contact the people within your industry so that they can give you the best possible referral.

You also need a lot of self-assessment. Ask yourself if you have what it takes to become a star. You might have the love for it, but sometimes you have to look for something else to do. Not everybody is meant to be a star. The entertainment world is very harsh; sometimes even the good ones won't get very far. It's the reality my friend. So, before you start spending money for lessons, think twice.

You might wonder why we need to audition. Auditions are simply a platform for you in which you can showcase your talent, and also, so that your future mentors will know your innate skills and if there are any areas for improvement. Even the teachers want their students to become stars, as this will likewise reflect on them. Auditions are also a way for the studios to choose who has the most potential, otherwise, if they just let anybody in, the studio will not have standards and will most probably they'll end up closing their studio.

When handing your song to the pianist, do the same. It helps a lot, everybody wants a humble artist. Being humble will actually take you a long way. After performing, thank the judges.

Resumes are also needed in auditions, and will be your initial piece of advertisement. It is best if you showcase your portfolio, your accomplishments and your experiences in the resume. Make sure that your photos are clear and were taken by professionals. This way, the judges will be impressed with the care that you put into the resume.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Studio City - Perfect spot to reside shop and have dinner

By Sandra Hodges

Situated within the Santa Monica Mountains, Studio City is at the base of the hills that connect Hollywood to the Valley. Studio City is often a short commute on Freeway 101 to the surrounding towns Hollywood, Burbank, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, The Valley, and Downtown Los Angeles. Studio City spans 7.11 square miles and based on the 2000 census, is home to roughly 39,000 folks. Both Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) plus the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank are only a short distance from Studio City.

Coined by several as the "Jewel of the Valley," Studio City is identified as a comfy, secure community for families, college students, and aspiring entertainment market buffs to reside. The Studio City Police Department has recently partnered using the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to implement Neighborhood Watch programs all through the city. Residents band together using the police department to type an unstoppable crime-fighting team. Also readily available to Studio City residents is E-Policing. Supplied to homeowners and visitors alike, E-Policing offers law enforcement facts relevant to your distinct neighborhood via online e-zine.

Each residents and visitors will take pleasure in the Studio City Farmer's Market, which takes spot every single Sunday morning at Ventura Spot. Fresh California fruits, vegetables and flowers are created available by local vendors, and children's activities like pony rides and face painting ensures there's something for every person to take pleasure in on a relaxing Sunday morning. Studio City is also close to the incredibly hip NoHo Arts District.

Studio City has something for everybody; however, what the city is best identified for is its entertainment culture. Designed by the film market, Studio City received its name in the 1920's throughout the silent film era. Tiny filming and sound stages had been built inside the city at the time and as a outcome of the location's success, the Central Motion Image District constructed a $20 million expansion to the prior film center. Now, this film center is component of CBS Studios. CBS Studios in Studio City has produced quite a few television shows and films at this web site, which includes: Dinosaurs, Roseanne, My Two Dads, Twilight Zone, Father of the Bride, plus the Addams Household.

A well-known attraction of Studio City that enables the tourist industry to thrive will be the well-known Universal Studios City Walk. The City Walk is house to shops, restaurants along with a world-renowned IMAX theater. Insiders agree that Halloween is the very best time to pay a visit to the Universal Studios City Walk, as it really is transformed into a horrific establishment filled with ghouls and goblins. Hollywood Horror Nights takes location at Universal Studios, located at Universal City in Studio City, every October. Well-liked amusement rides are transformed into haunted journeys, and for those a tad too frightened of Halloween, there's even a "Bill and Ted's" Halloween adventure that takes place, a show to delight comics and horror-lovers alike. Unlike any other horror show on the planet, Hollywood Horror Nights casts only the very best Hollywood actors, ensuring every show's frighteningly delightful.

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Teaching Piano Lessons From A Home Studio

By Sheryl Quinn

If you want a home based business like teaching piano lessons from your own home studio, be sure that you have all the necessary equipment and knowledge to make it work. Make a check list and see if you need to get more equipment and materials for your piano studio. If you are going to teach piano from home it might help if you place your studio or piano away from your family's bedrooms. This will prevent distractions and allow your family members to rest.

Are you trained to teach piano? There is a big difference between knowing how to play the instrument and being able to teach music lessons. Teaching piano lessons is a whole new ballgame from learning how to play it. Analyze yourself and see if you have the patience to spend hours each day teaching kids and beginner adults from scratch. Your students may also want to look for credentials from you.

By taking classes that teaches you how to be a piano teacher, you can charge higher rates and get more students. Frame your pedagogy course certificate in your home studio so students can see that you are certified to teach piano. Students will take you more seriously if you have credentials. They will also be more willing to pay more for a professional piano teacher. The last thing you want to show your students is that you only teach as a hobby.

Do some research about the average teaching fees in your neighborhood. Check newspaper ads posted by other piano teachers. Find out how much other piano instructors charge for teaching piano lessons. You can pretend to be a student and call them to find out how much other teachers charge for novice or advanced lessons. Piano lessons average around $20/hour, give or take a few dollars. You need to know the going rate in your community.

If you live in an upscale neighborhood, it might be possible to charge a bit higher for your lessons. Adjust your rates to what people in your community can afford. Join a local music teaching association and attend their meetings. You can get many tips about new trends and issues that concerns your career. You can also get referrals from associations. Many students call associations first when looking for music teachers.

Even if you teach from home, you still have to treat it like a professional business. So, you must also do what real businesses do such as marketing. Advertise your piano teaching business on the local papers and on the net. Distribute fliers to neighbors, schools and business establishments around town. Schools can refer you to parents and students looking for piano instruction.

Now that you are already advertising, your home studio should be ready to accept students. Clean up your studio and dust your piano. Provide a small area outside your piano room as a waiting area. Buy beginner music books and other teaching materials. Make sure the temperature in your room is set to a comfortable level. Talk to family members about giving you some room and privacy during class hours.

These are just basic tips on how to start teaching piano lessons from your home. You still need to take care of financial matters, register your business, get a tax account number, etc. Find help if you are overwhelmed by everything you need to do. Veteran home based piano teachers can help you. Find the helpful ones and ask for advice. Their advice can help make things easier for you and prevent you from making costly mistakes.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Steelers Send Vikings To First Defeat Of Season

By Ross Everett

Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings are undefeated no more. The Pittsburgh Steelers' used a couple of big plays from their defense in the fourth quarter to break open a close game and defeat the Vikings by a final score of 27-17. Favre put up decent yardage in the loss, throwing for 334 yards but had no touchdowns and an interception. The defending Superbowl Champion Steelers improved to 5-2, while the Vikings are now 6-1.

NFL pointspread players who backed the Steelers as -6 home favorites were rewarded with the cover. Pittsburgh had only covered one of their first six games heading into the contest, and the win improved their record against the number to 2-5. Minnesota dropped to 4-3 against the spread with the setback.

The Steelers largely shut down Minnesota's rushing game, holding Adrian Peterson to 69 yards. Pittsburgh safety Ryan Clark underscored his team's dominance against the run:

"That's the biggest point of the game. You have the best running back in the world and you don't give it to him. They're saying they can't beat us running, and that's a major statement when you have the guy they have back there."

Favre gave a mealy mouthed justification for the loss in his postgame interview:

"There were a lot of what ifs, a lot of reasons we didn't win. The red zone was one of them. They're physical, and they were as good as we thought they'd be. ... When I came here and looked at our schedule and saw the Steelers game, I went, 'Oh-h-h.' "

Favre has only thrown three interceptions in a Vikings' uniform, but #3 was a costly one as it was returned by Steelers' Keyaron Fox for a touchdown to put the game out of reach as Minnesota was driving for a potential game tying field goal. Afterwards, Fox recalled the play:

"Brett tried to force it in there and the running back bobbled it and slipped out of his hands and it fell into my lap. I had just run across the field after Peterson and I was winded, so it felt like it was 100-plus yards."

The Vikings now face another big game next week as they head to Favre's old stomping grounds in Green Bay for a battle with the Packers. It'll be Favre's first appearance at his old home in an enemy uniform. The Vikings are a +3 road underdog with the total set at 48. The Vikings will then have a bye weekend before hosting the lowly Detroit Lions on November 15. Pittsburgh will enjoy a bye week this week before returning to action on Monday, November 9th facing the Denver Broncos on the road.

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Guitar Plans - Making Your Classical guitar

By Nicole Mil Baker

Ever had that feeling that you need to strip off the guitar and try to make it just a little bit extra custom-made and shaped\tailor-made the way you need it to be? You are not the only one who wants to add their own signature on the design of their acoustic guitars and make it more "you."

Primarily, before you actually do anything else, make sure you have the these:

- Wet/dry sandpaper (three hundred and twenty and one thousand grit) - Clear coat or lacquer - Spray paint (preferred colour) - Water - Clean paper towels - 6 brand new guitar strings

Now that you've got the needed assets, let's get all the way down to customizing.

Initially, dismantle the guitar. Disentangle and loosen your guitar strings so it is possible to remove it out of your pegheads or tuning pegs. remove all your hooked up equipment getting in the way of your redesigning. I suggests removing your pegheads too.

Next, sand it down! What is left now is your fundamental guitar body. You need to strip its clear coat away by utilizing the 320 grit sandpaper. It's ideal to wet your sandpaper whilst you sand the guitar down. Continue sanding until your acoustic guitar loses its glow and gets its flat color. Sand all these scratches and shine away so that the new paint you will put in your guitar will stick.

After that it is time to paint away. After all your sanding, it is now time to put on paint. Paint light coats one after another. It's up to you how many coats you need nevertheless do it evenly in the beginning. You might nonetheless paint it thickly in your final coat. Bear in mind to place the guitar evenly flat while painting or else it's going to drip and you might have to sand it over again.

While waiting for your paint to dry, it is possible to start to clean and shine the tuning pegs and check the guitar strings if they might be scratched or not.

Lastly it is time to shine! As soon as the paint has dried on both sides of your guitar, it's now time to give your acoustic guitar a gloss. It's now time to place on your clear coat. You might either use clear coat or lacquer, nonetheless if you want the quick dry types, I recommend the clear coat. Do thick but even coats. If there are still marks on the guitar ensure to remove them before rubbing on the clear coat. Once more, it's based on your own judgement how many layers of coating you would like to put..

As soon as you are finished on one side, don't toss it over simply yet. It is possible to come out with techniques to complete each side with out having to place it down on the floor while waiting for the clear coat to dry. To avoid drip marks and scratches when its finished, it is it is possible to sand it down with the 1000 grit sandpaper between coats.

Now that the painting is actually all completed and dry, it is possible to now start putting back the elements you took off gently while appreciating your new guitar.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Making The Great Career With Your Talent In Art

By Adriana Noton

The talent for art can help you to have a high paying and awesome career. Since the internet has become such an intricate part of modern society, many people with artistic talents have gotten into careers surrounding digital arts that pay well and are extremely enjoyable as well. Game design is one of these careers and the doors are open to those students interested in this area of digital arts. However, starting a career in this area also means attending the school of arts.

Beginning any career in the arts will mean attending a school for arts. All those times you been on the internet or played an awesome video game and thought about how amazing the images looked was because the designer took courses geared for learning how to do it. Gaming design has become a much sought after career and indeed, many artists are making a great living from it.

Canada offers some great schools for the arts and checking about them is as easy as going online. You might choose to look into information about the Ontario College of Art and Design or you might look into the requirements needed for going to the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. These are only a couple of schools in Canada you can attend for making the arts your living.

You may wonder about the types of courses that are taken for making a career possible in digital arts. The great part of about these courses is the student with interest in the field of the arts will love them. Three dimensional design, art structure, gender aesthetics, and digital arts I, II, and III are only some of the great courses required for the career surrounding the digital arts platform.

Computer programming is another facet of a degree needed for game designing. Knowing how to get your ideas onto the screen and make them come to life is a few of the things you will need to know that involve programming. You will learn about algorithms, computer science, data structure, and software design. These are placed together in such a way that gaming becomes a selection for the finest of arts.

What you can do with a degree in the arts is entirely up to you and your specific talent. There is no real wrong or right when it comes to artful design. The trick is finding the niche that pleases you more and the audience that loves your work. Being in digital arts takes a lot of this guesswork out because so many millions are into gaming. The game world is simply brimming with fine opportunities for the talented digital artist.

For those students considering game design as a career choice, you should also know that your talent for storytelling will also be needed. Most gamers not only design the characters and scenery, they are also coming up with a story line to go with them. Most artists already have the story in mind as they create characters. The two talents simply go hand in hand.

The salary you can earn through being a digital artist is indeed worth working for. Some artists have made forty dollars an hour doing the audio engineering in canada they love best. Check into art schools you will need to attend to get started in your career and enjoy it every step of the way.

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Ferrari: The Legendary Vehicle

By Marjorie Matthews

If you try to look around, you will find that some cars have a lot more similarities than the others. There will also be a select few that completely stand out from the rest. One look at this car will tell you that it is one of its kind, with a style that is uniquely its own. This is how you'd feel about a Ferrari.

Over the past few decades, the Ferrari has not only been a staple vehicle for race car drivers, it also signifies elegance, versatility and an evident touch of class. There are specific Ferrari models that may date back to over fifty years ago, but because of their innovative developments and remodelling, they are able to produce a fast and dynamic car that everyone will love.

Having back seats is probably not common when talking about Ferraris, but this innovative company is determined to break the mold and provide various options to Ferrari lovers and car enthusiasts. The Ferrari California takes pride in housing a V8 front engine and a 7 speed transmission, but there's definitely more to love. This car, also called the Grand Tourer can allow you to bring some of your friends or young children for a ride. Expect them to fall in line!

Trying to sell a Ferrari to a skeptical customer can immediately turn things around once you are able to talk about speed. While others would complain about the backseats, getting on a Ferrari with 193 mph and a four second travel from standstill to sixty is enough to wash those worries away. The impressive speed that can only come from a Ferrari is more than enough to compensate for the space that we normally try to find in other vehicles.

The Ferrari has also had its share in television and film, keeping its reputation for speed and functionality. One of the cars used in popular films would be the 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder. There were only less than 100 units sold for this model alone, and figures have shown that it was sold at a price tag of 11 million dollars at an auction!

Some car lovers still prefer the old models, and if you remember the car used in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you would recognize that as being a 250 GT. It was sold in an auction for almost 11 million dollars, so it would be quite obvious that the one used in the movie was just a replica.

Enzo Ferrari developed this company less than a century ago, but it does not seem to have lost its glamour. Calling it a nice car would actually even be offensive to die hard Ferrari owners. Modern, luxurious and exotic, the Ferrari's classic color and simple design is enough to make you want one. Driving it may not be enough because you would want to take it home and understand why people all over the world has enjoyed this car so much.

If you're trying to find a car that will truly impress, it may almost seem impossible to not have the Ferrari in the list of top three dream cars in the world. More than its design, they have focused more on what they can offer car enthusiasts without sacrificing its aesthetic value. Not being able to have spacious backseats seem to be less prioritized compared to the powerful engine and a speed like no other.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Sports Fan's Guide To The Most Realistic Sports Films Of All Time

By Brian Mercer

Over the years, there have been some incredible football movies. Football is a sport that requires teamwork, sacrifice and enormous dedication, and when a film can encompass all of these elements, and more, it usually results in a great and memorable movie.

In my opinion, here are the greatest football films of all time.

I will put The Blind Side on this list due to the sheer fact that it is an unbelievable true story. If you want to know the whole story about Michael Oher and his journey from the streets of Memphis to a star NFL offensive lineman.

The Program is a movie that shows audiences everything that the NCAA does not want us to see. Issues such as steroids, bribes, drugs, and covering up failed tests are all brought up in this movie, so it may not be the best film to watch with the family.

Another film that definitely has to make my list is Friday Night Lights. I have been meaning to start watching the television series, which many of my friends swear by, and if its anything like the movie, then consider me in.

Rudy is another football movie that 100 percent makes the cut. Rudy takes us back to a different time in Notre Dame football history and through one man's remarkable journey to conquer his goals. Another movie that is suitable for the whole family.

Remember The Titans may oddly enough be my favorite Disney film of all. This movie is just awesome. If you have never seen this one, you are missing out. This film is one of Denzel Washington's best performances as Herman Boone.

The aforementioned films are truly some of my favorites. There are others that are worth mentioning, but these films I remember more than any other football movies.

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Dallas Comeback Foils Minnesota Preseason Perfection

By Ross Everett

For the first half of their NFL preseason contest against the Dallas Cowboys it looked like the Minnesota Vikings would wrap up exhibition play with a perfect record. After spotting Dallas the first 7 points of the game, the Vikings scored three unanswered touchdowns to head to the locker room at halftime with a 21-7 advantage. After the break, however, Dallas reserves took over the game and rallied with 28 second half points. When the smoke cleared, Dallas had beaten Minnesota 35-31 to spoil their undefeated preseason record. The Vikings would slip to 3-1 in preseason play while Dallas evened their exhibition mark at 2-2.

Minnesota had been set as a -3 home favorite, so NFL bettors who favored the Cowboys cashed their tickets with the outright victory. The two offenses were working overtime, eventually putting a combined 66 points on the scoreboard sending the total OVER the posted 35' number.

Vikings coach Josh Childress wasnt happy that his team blew a big lead at home and blamed his quarterbacks:

"At times it was embarrassing. I'll end up putting that on myself, not having them ready to come out of the locker room at halftime. All the quarterbacks I've ever coached have some regard for the football and you can't throw it to them."

Sage Rosenfelds and John David Booty were the real targets of Chidress ire, with each throwing a second half interception that helped facilitate the Cowboys comeback. Tavaris Jackson didnt throw an interception and that may have been enough to secure one of the two roster spots backing up starting QB Brett Favre. After the game, Jackson talked about his situation:

"I'd love to be here, it's the only thing I know and I've been here for going on my fourth year. If I stay here, I'd love it. But I understand that it's a business. I'm not going be mad or cry over spilled milk, I'm just going to move on."

Rosenfelds accepted the blame for his interception:

"It always seems like you want to take back one play and I wish I could take that one back. It was just a bad play by me. I felt real comfortable out there and I thought I did a pretty good job executing the offense other than that one play. I'm going to keep firing and that's what I did.

Dallas' Pat Watkins may have earned a roster spot with his all around effort. Playing on defense and special teams, he made several key tackles, returned an interception for a touchdown and blocked a field goal. He said that text messages from well wishers served as motivation:

"I had a feeling like I was going to have a good game, and I had a couple people send me text messages with predictions. Someone predicted six tackles and an interception. Somebody else predicted eight tackles. So after that maybe I need more predictions to help me out."

The Vikings will open the season on the road against the Cleveland Browns. Dallas will start their 2009 NFL campaign on the road as well, playing at Tampa Bay. Dallas will host the New York Giants in their second game, while the Vikings will head to Detroit's Ford Field for a week 2 game against the Lions.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Learn Italian: Easy Look at Vowels

By Pt Gardner

For many native English speakers, to learn Italian language pronunciation is a relatively achievable task compared to many other languages. Only a few of consonant sounds do not have direct English equivalents; however, the broad exposure to Italian cuisine, film, and music has given many at least some recognition of these different sounds. As for the vowel sounds, they all exist in English! While there are five written vowel letters "a, e, i, o, u", there are seven distinct vowel sounds. These additional two sounds come from the "open" and "close" pronunciations of the letters "e" and "o". What is an "open" or "close" vowel sound? This article will take a closer look at how to pronounce all the Italian vowels.

First, let's begin with the vowels that always have the same sound. Whenever you see the vowels "a", "i", and "u" between consonants or alone at the beginning/end of a word, you'll see that the "a" sounds like the "a" in the English word "father" as in gatto (cat), the "i" sounds like the "ee" in the English word "see" as in amico (friend), and the "u" sounds like the "oo" English word "food" as in uno (one). However, when vowels are next to other vowels, they sometimes can combine with their neighbors and form a new sound that is called a diphthong (two vowel sounds combined into one) or triphthong (three vowel sounds combined into one), but to go into more detail is beyond the scope of this article.

Now, let's take a look at the letters "e" and "o". Both these letters have what is called an "open" and "close" pronunciation. These terms describe the position of the tongue in the mouth when the vowel sound is made. For an "open" vowel sound, the tongue is placed at the bottom of the mouth creating an open cavity for air to pass through. On the other hand, a "close" vowel sound is made when the tongue is raised close to the roof of the mouth minimizing the amount of air that passes and changing the sound of the vowel.

In Italian, the open "e" sounds like the "e" in the English word "bed" as in bella (pretty). While, the close "e" sounds like the "ai" in the English word "maid" as in mela (apple). There are even some words that differ in meaning solely by the use of a close "e" or open "e". For example, in Italian pronounce the word pesca with a close "e" and your Italian friend will think you're talking about a "peach". If you say pesca with an open "e" it takes on the meaning of "fishing." Like the letter "e", the Italian "o" has both open and close pronunciations. The open "o" sounds like the "o" in the English word "hog" as in forza (strength) while the close "o" sounds like the "oe" in the English word "toe" as in signore (sir; gentleman).

So, how do you know when to pronounce an Italian "e" or "o" as an open or close vowel? Generally, in unstressed syllables you'll only see close vowels such as the "o" in sabato (Saturday) and the "e" in nove (nine). However, in stressed syllables you can come across either the close or open vowel sound. Sometimes accent marks can be written over the vowels to help you tell the difference in pronunciations. The upward angled mark (acute accent), as in "" or "", signals an open pronunciation while the downward angled mark (grave accent), as in "" or "", signifies a close pronunciation. While you may find these accent marks provided in dictionaries or even in written material when the author is clarifying homographs such as ancra (still) as opposed to ncora (anchor), you'll typically only find an accent on the final syllable if it's stressed like with perch (why), caff (coffee), and per (but).

Even then, particularly in handwriting, many Italians use the accent mark only as a marker of stress and not to distinguish between the open and close vowels. So, you may come across a stroke above the letter that looks neither acute nor grave. Or, you may discover grave accents used for every case. While these guidelines follow the pronunciation of the Tuscan accent which has become the neutral standard used in dictionaries and in the media, Italy is still a country with many strong regional accents. In some cases, the use of a close or open vowel for a certain word is the exact opposite usage of another region. Or, some regional accents may not make a distinction between an open and close vowel that another would. So,pay particular attention to the sounds of the letters "e" and "o" from the accent you're trying to emulate. Get out there, have fun and talk to people! Ciao!

To learn Italian download resources that have embedded audio to help you remember which words have an open or close vowel. For learning on the go, you can find an Italian iPhone app which includes more details on pronunciation and audio integration.

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