Friday, December 17, 2010

Traditional Photography: Essential Equipment

By James Goldstein

Traditional photography schools are becoming popular throughout the nation. They provide classes and programs that will give you the skills you need to be a professional photographer. They will include in these courses everything you need to know about using the right equipment in the right circumstances. Although technological advances have brought us all kinds of new digital photography cameras and equipment, most professional photographers prefer to stick with the standard types that still used film.

A SLR camera is a single lens reflex camera. Unlike the standard film cameras, a SLR uses a moving mirror that will show the photographer the exact image/images that are being captured by the cameras eye. These cameras come in the standard film type or digital, but are better at showing you the picture you will actually be taking. Focus on these cameras can be adjusted manually or automatically.

Camera bodies are made durable. They can last a life time if they are taken care of properly. The lenses and bodies of SLR cameras are some of the most durable. Attachments and equipment for a SLR digital and SLR film camera are interchangeable. Professionals suggest that you look at the camera as a whole when choosing the body, not as different parts, and choose your style of camera according to this type of view.

One of the most common types of film used by the best professionals is the 35mm. First introduced by William Dickson and Thomas Edison in 1829, this type of film has not changed much over the years, and is still the best to use. Most professionals prefer the 35mm film over all other standard gauges. They believe they get the best results with this film.

Cameras use optical lenses. These lenses are the same type that may be used in telescopes, microscopes, still cameras and video cameras. The details and design will be different depending on what application the lens is used for. SLR lens are interchangeable between a digital SLR camera and a Film SLR Camera. Many of these are build with automatic and manual focus and zoom features.

Over the last several decades, photography equipment has taken some twists and turns. Newer equipment and attachments have been developed to help the photographer choose how he wants a picture to look. Linear polarized and circular polarized filters have been developed for video and still life cameras. Neutral density filters let you adjust what items in a picture should be the clearest, and UV filters reduce the cloudiness and haze caused by UV rays.

An external camera flash is best used in some situations. Although automatic flash is included in the new cameras, external will allow more lighting. Photography courses will teach you under which circumstances external camera flash is best used. If the photos you are taking are wider or deeper shots, like shots taken into the woods, or items further back, then external camera flash should be used.

Almost every professional photographer has a good tripod. A tripod is a piece of camera equipment that stands on three legs with a place to attach the camera on top. Tripods keep the camera steady so there won't be any double images or blurs. The use of a tripod is important for different kinds of shots. For example, it gives you a clearer image when you are using the maximum zoom feature.

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