Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do Not Allow Friends To Ridicule The Idea Of Taking A Past Life Test

By Corrine Cogger

If all the traditional therapies for emotional problems fail you, do not just give up trying to figure out what is wrong. There may be help with past life regression therapy to unveil an incident that caused your current anxiety. Take a past life test and be sure you do it with a qualified therapist. Answer the question to your own satisfaction.

But which life came first? How will you know and does it matter? What if we are allowed twelve lives as some religions have posited? You are not going to find scientific proof but you may remember a name, date or something that can later be verified. The more recent the information is, the more likely you will be able to prove to yourself that you did have a past life.

You may have unfounded fear of some inanimate object or an activity that should be pleasurable. Let us imagine you are terrified while playing the piano. You love playing the music but the fear spoils your pleasure. Let your mind open to the possibility that someone smashed your fingers in the piano during a previous life. If no experience in this current incarnation explains it, this may be possible.

If hypnotic therapy took you back to early childhood and nothing explained the fear, it is possible some incident happened in a previous life. Find a well-educated, experienced and credentialed past life regression therapist to help you try to figure it out. You have to be open to the possibility in order to be successful at this process.

There are therapists who specialize in past life age regression. We are not referring to a lady in a tent who for five dollars tells you what she sees in her crystal ball. These are academically trained professionals with an interest in helping people explore the past life they may or may not have experienced.

When you undergo past life age regression, you will be seated in a comfortable chair, relaxed through hypnotism to the point of being able to follow the directions given by the therapist. If you have strong disbelief of the possibility that reincarnation is real, you will not succeed. Your mind is not open to the possibilities of reincarnation exploration. If you are a person who can open her mind, you may be capable of confronting and resolving the core reason for your emotional distress.

If you undergo past life age regression that is exactly what you'll be striving for. The only difference is that you will be dealing with something that occurred before your birth into your current existence. Knowledge is power. If this can help you improve you life and achieve happiness, it is not "silly" and if others ridicule you, ignore them. The only caveat is to seek out a reputable therapist who is sincere, believes in her ability to take people through this process and believes she can help you.

Take charge and don't let the opinion of others turn you against the possibility that reincarnation is a reality. You won't find you were Alexander the Great in your previous incarnation. But, you won't win the lottery in this current life either. Your unfounded fear of water may be connected to a boating accident in your last incarnation. Take a past life test with a safe therapist to find out some answers. - 2361

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