Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Three Important Ways To Learn Clairvoyance

By Luke Hounsome

Clairvoyance seems like a mystical and mysterious thing, but the truth of the matter is that anyone can learn it. Remember that it is important to know what clairvoyance is and that you understand what we mean by learning.

Part of the confusion comes from the fact that the term 'clairvoyance' has several different means, depending on who you ask. The most common definitions are remote viewing (being able to see things that are happening far away without the use of technology or the five human senses), or precognition (being able to see events happening in the future). At its most basic level, however, clairvoyance simply means being able to know information about a person, object, location, or event without using any of your five senses. Think of clairvoyance as a sixth sense.

True, some people do have extraordinary clairvoyant abilities, such as the ability to see, hear, feel, smell, or even taste something far away, or even to know things about the past or future that they couldnt possibly know through any other means. No one really know how this works. Science has not been able to document or explain these abilities. Although there are dozens of metaphysical explanations of these psychic abilities, no particular one has emerged as the dominant belief, and some explanations are even contradictory. One common element, however, seems to cut across all these different theories: people with extraordinary psychic abilities are simply born that way.

Can anyone learn to remote viewing or see the future? No. Can anyone learn to develop and hone their sixth sense? Yes.

Everyone has some degree of a clairvoyant sixth sense. Have you ever thought that you had a strong hunch or a strong feeling about a person, place, thing or situation? You might think that there was nothing wrong about it, but there was a feeling down there that did not want to be ignored. When you ignore your sixth sense in favor of logic or emotion, you'll discover that you are weakening it.

When you are looking for scientific explanation, you'll find that there are plenty of theories on why we develop hunches and instincts. Some people say that rather than being of supernatural, psychic or paranormal origin, it is in fact your subconscious mind picking up on cues that you are not aware of. Your subconscious mind, because it does not speak in words, will then convey these feelings and impressions to you in a way that will get the point across. This can be a valuable tool when you are looking at developing clairvoyance, because it can tell you to trust your subconscious.

Whether you believe that clairvoyance is based on brain neurochemistry or innate psychci ability is not something that matters all that much. All you need to accept is that it exists and that everyone has at least a little bit of it. Now all you need to do is to worry about training it up.

Step 1: Look Around

First, think about all the times that you go through life in a half-daze. You are so intently concentrated on the tasks that you are working on that you block out everything else. The issue is that these little details are very important and you need to think about what your subconscious mind is really seeing and sending you messages about. The more detail that you can put into it, the better off you are going to be when it comes to honing your clairvoyant sit sense.

Don't expect this to happen overnight though; you might be breaking the habit of a lifetime. Remember that you should start by slowing down a little bit and moving through your day in a more leisurely fashion. Second consider what distractions are a part of your day and remove them. This means that you should do things like turn off the radio when you are driving. When you don't have anything distracting you, you'll find that you are going to be more on target when it comes to looking at the things that are happening around you. This can be essential.

A mini meditation session might be precisely what you need when you are thinking about clearing your head. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and make yourself relax. When your eyes open, you will be able to see a lot more with regards to the world around you. This can make a lot of difference .

Step 2: Meditation

Take at least half a hour out of your day and learn to meditate. You'll discover that meditation will let you use your mind and clear it at the same time and you'll discover that this can be a great way to let your subconscious mind out to play. Remember that you are looking to feel more comfortable and more relaxed as you do this.

When you are thinking about meditation, though, you'll discover that it is a lot easier said than done. You might find that you sit down and suddenly there are a number of things that are all calling for our attention. You might feel as though you are being silly or that you are doing it wrong. Remember that there are tools that can guide you, so take some time and focus and find a mantra.

First, when you try to meditate, your senses distract you. Even sound you hear or thing you feel distracts you. Therefore, instead of trying to shut your senses down, give them something to keep them busy by staring at a focus. A candle flames makes a good focus. There's not really a lot to see to distract you, yet the flame flickers and shifts just enough to keep you watching and your mind occupied.

Second, our conscious mind, our thoughts, never shuts down"we're always thinking about something. Rather than try to silence it, occupy and distract it with a mantra. A mantra is phrase, poem, or prayer that you repeat over and over again in your head just to occupy your mind. It can be anything"a prayer, a favorite poem, even song lyrics"just as long as you know it by heart and can recite it with much thought. Some people pray the rosary as they meditate"the endless string of memorized Hail Marys occupies their conscious mind perfectly.

Step 3: Trust Yourself

At the end of the day, you are not getting very far if you do not trust yourself. Don't doubt what you see or feel and make sure that you don't dismiss your feelings as being the product of an overactive imagination. Remember that you get hunches and feelings for a reason and that your subconscious mind is definitely trying to tell you something. What does your subconscious mind want to let you know?

This is not going to be easy, but the ore you listen and the more you trust your instincts, the better of you are going to be. You can encourage and nurture your sixth sense into developing and maturing. - 2361

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