Monday, June 28, 2010

Looking At The World Of The Psychic

By Daniel Pitter

Throughout the years, people with psychic powers have been called many different things. These include augur, second sight, fortunetellers, Clairvoyance and Profits. While what people call a psychic over the years may have changed, for the most part the general idea and abilities of psychics has remained the same.

Psychic powers can vary tremendously, but they all have one thing in common: the ability to see things that others cannot see with their naked eye. For some psychics this involves communicating with dead people; which is called being a medium. Still others may feel they can read tarot cards or other tools of the trade.

Psychics help people by giving them psychic readings. During these readings, they claim to be able to tap further into out subconscious than we can. That is why they can help us to answer tough questions about ourselves and our relationships.

The danger of a psychic reading is that you may find out things that you really did not want to know. This is why some people embrace these powers while others remain skeptical or scared away by the idea.

The very first known psychic lived from 1766 to 1815. Dr. Franz Antoine Mesmer has come under some scrutiny in modern days, but in his lifetime he was known as a clairvoyant with the power to heal. Exactly how powerful he actually was will never be known.

A trio of psychics well known in historical accounts was the "Fox Sisters." Margaret, Kate, and Leah Fox were a big part of the well known Hydesville psychic movement that occurred in 1948 and were known for their ability to communicate with dead people. They put on shows where objects flew around the room on their own and strange noises appeared on cue.

It was not uncommon for some churches to get in on this type of power as well. They would claim to have connections to the dead and the power to cast out demons. Of course, it was quite some time before people (including Houdini) actually started buying into these powers full force.

A lot of skepticism about psychic powers comes from the fact that every human has some type of precognitive ability. We commonly refer to it as instincts, but many people relate it to the power of prophecy. There have been many instances of people calling a loved one just as something really bad was happening because they sensed something was wrong. You may have had your own experiences with knowing things, such as who is on the phone before you say hello.

A person may also have precognitive, or psychic, abilities if they have a dream about events that actually end up happening. This is sometimes referred to as dj vu.

The Universe guides may psychics in reading signs and symbols. These psychics believe that items such as stones, sticks, cards, dice, tealeaves, and shells and help them to predict the future. At one time priests would try to predict the future by watching the patterns that occurred when he poured oil into water. These practices are referred to as mantic arts. We find that in history many of these practices were banned and ever persecuted by Christians.

The historical accounts of psychic readings can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt when psychics were a valued part of the royal court. A King would not make a decision without consulting a psychic, and there were stiff penalties if the wrong answers were given.

Later, psychic readers were prosecuted along with fortunetellers, during the Salem Witch Trials. At this time, Christians came down hard on these women because they claimed that this was the work of the devil.

Today Psychics are widely accepted as part of society. They are prominent in large cities, as well as in books, on the radio, on television and on the internet.

While the practice of psychics is accepted in today's culture they do still face a lot of criticisms. Many people still question if psychics are really genuine.

While it is true that some people set up shop as a psychic without any real powers, there are many really powerful psychics in our time. You have to take the fakes with any industry in our day.

In fact, science is now proving that every human being has some level of psychic power. These powers are of varying degree, but they can be developed if you are determined. - 2361

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