Thursday, March 18, 2010

Must Download Internet Movies: Ricky Oh, The Story Of Ricky

By Ross Greene

Ricky Oh is really one of the strangest, one of the most bizarre action films ever created. It is literally downright insane, and even after it's over, you'll have a hard time believing that some nuts really went out and made a movie like this. It was based on a Korean comic book series of the same name, and the result is a flick that belongs on any must download internet movies list just because it's so... Well, strange.

The movie focuses on the title character, Ricky-Oh, a young martial artist who gets himself put in prison for... Some reason or other (the movie is kind of vague on this point, as well as many others). Within the prison walls, he must face the members and leaders of four gangs that run the inmates, each one the master of their own strange style of Kung Fu.

The movie is nothing if not violent, but the violence is so absurd that it's not really offensive or disturbing so much as it is funny and weird. It reaches Loony Toons proportions. In one fight scene, a badguy rips out his own intestine to strangle Ricky with, immediately after Ricky, having received a slash across a major artery, pulls the vein out and ties it in a knot.

You could be grossed out by this scene, but you'll probably be too busy laughing and scratching your head to really be shocked or disturbed, and this isn't even the most bizarre scene of the film.

A later fight scene has a villain transforming into a giant monster. By giant monster, we really mean "A stuntman in a really, really, really bad costume". You can practically see the zipper on the back of this thing. In another movie, the fakeness of the special effects might have been a problem. In Ricky-Oh, it's a big part of the charm.

The story actually, surprisingly, has a heart under all this surreal violence. The real story of the film revolves around Ricky trying to fight for freedom and dignity for all of his fellow inmates, who are constantly harassed and bullied by the warden and his spoiled rotten man-child son. It's about humanity, empathy and understanding more so than it is about violence.

But in the end, the real appeal is the strangeness of it, the bizarre violence, just how far over the top it goes. It doesn't go too far, it goes way past "too far", it boards a shuttle and flies off planet from "way too far". In the end, this is why the movie is a cult legend in the pantheon of strange action films.

And still, the ending is actually somewhat uplifting and positive. In a movie full of surprises, the optimistic ending may well be the biggest surprise of all. That's really the appeal of the film. It grosses you out, it makes you laugh, it shows you some weird stuff you've never seen before and will never see again, and then somehow in the course of the events, it's actually gripped your heart and you actually care about the characters. - 2361

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