Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Menu for a Great Event: Your Bridal Shower Brunch

By Janine Moore

Wedding preparations are usually activity packed events and the bride will find that she may intermingle with a good number of people. Unfortunately, the bride may end up having no time to interact with close family members and may end up loosing those precious moments that only a family can share prior to the wedding. That is why it comes highly recommended that the bride has bridal shower brunch with close family and friends before retreating to bustle of the wedding day preparations.

Not only is a bridal shower brunch a meaningful and inexpensive way of bringing close family members together with the bride, it can also give them a chance to hear and share in ideas and planning for the wedding and feel more involved in the event. The brunch usually takes place around mid-day, between 10 a.m. and noon, several days before the wedding.

Step one in hosting a bridal shower brunch is finding a nice location, with just the like ambience. It may be a private section of a restaurant or banquet hall. But more often than not, the home of the bride or a close friend works just fine, as will any location with an elegant, calm surrounding. The decorating approach should match the color theme of the wedding, while reflecting the style, class and personality of the bride.

It's never a bad idea to get ideas from the bridal party, but overall the dcor, theme and colors selected should approach that of a wedding atmosphere. At the same time, the dress code can be set to semi-casual (with a touch of sophistication) to allow for a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

The theme of the bridal shower brunch and wedding should also be taken into consideration when planning the day's menu. If the couple will have a traditional white wedding, items such as chicken salad, white pizza, mini bagels with cream cheese, and the use of white serving dishes would make perfect sense. But don't feel as though you can't prepare a bride's favorite family recipe, one from a friend, or unique and creative entrees from a contemporary cookbook, especially if that's what the bride would prefer.

When appropriate, you might want to hire a chef who specializes in slightly more exotic fare, especially if the wedding is going to be a little more exotic. This type of individual will be able to bring a different approach to brunch fare like cheeses, salads and soups. And keep it appropriately light with other items like brioches, croissants, fruits, vegetables, gourmet and more.

When planning drinks, be sure to include non-alcoholic options (if alcohol will be used) and keep the offerings connected to the overall wedding theme. You really can't go wrong with fruit punch, coffee, tea and soft drinks in terms of the non-alcoholic options, even if the brunch event is very formal or exotic.

Typically, the bride will also give out gifts to those who attend her brunch. These can be anything from gourmet chocolates and candies, a bottle of wine, flowers, gift cards or something home-made. At the end of the day, the purpose of a bridal shower brunch is to allow the bride to enjoy the company of her close family and friends without it being a financial or planning burden for her and those involved. - 2361

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