Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Reasons Why You Should Get to Level 80 in Warcraft

By Paul Rone-Clarke

It can seem a long process getting to level 80. Getting distracted with professions and running out of gold for equipment. Here are five good reasons why you should ignore all that, and push on to level cap.

1 - The game is now very heavily tilted to wards end-game content. Levelling is getting faster and faster, simply because there is so much more to do once you get to level 80. That's where the fun starts.

2 - Full blown PvP in Northrend, and beyond. Sure you can PvP at lower level, but the experience at level cap, with the new vehicles and team play, as well as the fantastic battlegrounds makes this the very best place to PvP in the game.

3 - You will feel better. Seriously. The day a character "pings" 80 is a great feeling. You are no longer a novice; you can walk tall in the game.

4 - Did I forget to mention Cataclysm? While it is true everyone can roll a new character to see around the all new Azeroth, only level 80's will see all the great new content for levelling between 80 and 85. Blizzard are going out of there way to make every level a unique experience with the latest expansion. But of course it's only open if you are already at the current cap.

5 - Making Warcraft gold. People will tell you that you can make gold at any level. Well, while it's true is no cap to speculating in the auction house, what are you going to use the gold for with just a level 20 toon? The fact it that at 80 you will make 200 gold an hour just by doing other stuff like questing or helping out on a raid. You come back. Sell the loot, and wham 200+ gold per hour with no effort. You'll wonder why you spent days trying to scrape a few thousand together with a low level character when you can totally own the game at level cap.

From the outside it can seem like there are two goals. Getting to level cap, and getting super rich. At times they might even seem to take you in different directions. Take it from someone who has done it 16 times. Levelling up as efficiently as you can is the key to success in both areas of the game.

Have a great time, and get levelling! - 2361

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