Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Guitar Instruction DVD: Improve Your Technical Skills

By Ryan Dorsey

After you decide the path you want to take to learn (online, self-taught ect..) there's nothing wrong with dabbling in other paths too just to broaden your knowledge and learn a new tip or trick here and there. There are also guitar lessons for beginners online to consider that will usually start you out for free and are a great way to get started. These are great because they're build by well educated instructors and your lesson is there waiting for you each time you log onto your course.

If you are going to invest in one on one lessons in the real world you are going to want to make sure that you set aside to practice on a regular basis. You are investing money in the lessons. Therefore, you are going to want to make sure that you follow up these lessons with solid practice. As part of your practice sessions, you will want to utilize finger picking techniques.

If that describes you, if you are just learning the guitar or only recently desired to learn to play guitar, these sites are perfect for you. Oftentimes through these types of online guitar lesson sites that are geared to novices you can become exposed to a wide range of different techniques, including things like the funk-skunk. Beyond websites that are up and running to assist novices, there are interactive sites that can be a great resource for a person who is interested in learning basic or even more advanced guitar playing techniques.

In this regard, these interactive sites can be well suited to novices and more experienced players alike. Once again, as with other types of sites online, you can learn techniques like the funk-skunk on interactive sites that are running online today. Finally, there are online guitar playing communities through which people like you can learn a vast array of guitar techniques including such things as funk-skunk.

You've got the blues, you've got a guitar--now you need to learn the scales. Those distinctive, southern, pre-Elvis post gospel scales. When it comes down to it, there are only 3 chords you really need to master. Every blues song consists of three chords. They're the one the four and the five.

Using backing tracks you will be always playing in time and you will find that you are looking forward to your guitar practice because you enjoy playing with a band in your bedroom. When you have obtained some backing tracks to help you with your guitar practice, start using them right away. And if you find after a week or so that you are beginning to practice without using your backing tracks, make an effort to go back to using them.

There are guitar players who swear by either of these ways of playing and some who use both. Generally speaking the advantage of having a stiff wrist is speed. A relaxed wrist does not take as readily to playing fast but many guitarists feel that it gives then greater control.

These days, the easiest way to do that, to start your blues guitar lessons, is to download Jamorama, or Guitar Guru, or Music Master Pro--instead of hiring a teacher. There's probably a dozen or more other programs you can download that will show you the blues scales (or jazz scales, rock scales). They run about $20 to 50, depending on how in depth and how much you want to learn (still cheaper than hiring a tutor) - 2361

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