Sunday, December 20, 2009

Leveling in WoW: General Strategies

By Jeffrey Thomas

Looking for tips on how to level your characters as quickly as possible, with as little fuss as possible? Getting frustrated by corpse runs and being constantly forced to stop and rest between mobs? Don't worry, this guide is here to help!

The first thing I want to tell you is to learn about your class. Learn what specs are best for leveling, learn what kind of gear you should be wearing. There are a ton of sources out there that a quick search will bring up. And my blog has regular posts on the specifics of leveling different classes.

Now, I'm a big fan of using leveling guides, but there is a problem a lot of them share not only with each other, but with inexperienced levelers, so this is the first thing we'll talk about. The problem is, not all classes are created equally as far as leveling goes. Hunters, the class of choice for most guide writers, are able to destroy with ease mobs that would kill anyone else. So what you need to do when the content is too hard, is grind or instance a few levels, and get to the point where you are only fighting mobs lower level than you.

If you aren't already carrying level-appropriate food and water, start doing so. Minimizing downtime is the real goal of everything we do when it comes to speeding up leveling, because it is the biggest factor in how quick we level. Use mana-efficient spells and abilities, use wands and melee, and conserve health by using defensive techniques, stunning abilities, and things like snares and roots. Also, again, fight lower-level mobs.

Another thing that can cause trouble while leveling is letting yourself be under-geared. Some classes can practically ignore gear, but others will struggle unless they keep their stuff up to date. Either buy stuff off the auction house, or get it from quests and instances, but keep all your gear slots relatively up-to-date! (Use the Dungeon Finder system to do instances; you get amazing loot and amazing experience for doing so!)

On the topic of the AH: Don't spend tons of time going to the city to buy or sell. Use an alt to do all your business. Just mail things back and forth, as long as they are on the same account the transfer is instant. This has the added benefit of making it convenient to sell EVERYTHING that is white quality or better on the AH, making you tons of gold to buy new stuff with. - 2361

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