Monday, November 23, 2009

The Sensitive Reflective Sentiment That A Video Produces

By Rosario Townsend

Have you ever noticed how emotional you can get when you are watching a movie? Movies tend to stimulate the mind and bring up past memories both good and bad. They have to power to take us back into past events that occurred as we relive certain experiences through a particular movie plot.

A typical romance movie can mean different things to different people. While a scene in one movie may cause a person to remember the day they fell in love, it may cause another to think back to the day when their troubles in life all began. Movies plots and scenes have an emotional connection to our past.

A good love story is not always about falling in love. Sometimes they are about breaking apart as two people find themselves entangled in a web of deceit and amidst unpleasant circumstances. Hollywood movie makers understand the emotional connection people have to movies in general and will most often base a movie on the broadest range of true possibilities.

The same can be said of true crime stories. I am a big fan of Dateline MBC and every now and then they will do a show on stolen cars. Whenever I watch episodes like those, I am reminded of the day when my own vehicle was stolen and it brings out deep seeded anger. I love it when car thieves are caught.

Horror films take me back to the days when I was a child. When I watch a scary film such as Boogeyman, I can still remember the days when as a child I hated the thought of leaving my bedroom closet door slightly cracked open. Today, I still feel the same way.

Why do moves evoke emotional power over us? There are many reasons. Perhaps the great of all is that most scripted films are based on real life scenarios, regardless of how comical or horrible they may be. It is this emotional connection that makes us sit for hours on end each month watching our favorite movies.

What kind of movies do you like to watch? The type of movies you watch says a great deal about you. People are attracted to certain genres of movies based on a set of particular sociological and psychological characteristics they have acquired as a child. These characteristics are what shaped us and is what causes us to define what we like and dislike in life.

Movies will always have a place in the American way of life. They will continue to make us laugh and sometimes cause us to shed a tear or two. Either way, movies have the power to make us reflect on what is considered important and to muse over what has been less significant as we watch one movie at a time. - 2361

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