Saturday, October 10, 2009

Airsoft Guns Need To Be Taken Seriously

By Anthony Carter

Can you distinguish between a real gun and a toy version when they are lying on a table before you, when a toy gun is made to look exactly like the lethal weapon next to it? You may be able to have a second look, even pick them up to try and find the real weapon, but when you are crouched down fearing for your life with gun welding criminals shouting - how do you choose the airsoft guns then?

What was once a toy with no killing powers on the table; has become a life threat in the hands of criminals. So if ever you find yourself with a gun pointed at you - never assume that it may be a toy. Always take guns seriously.

No one expected these toys to become so popular after they first hit toy stores, but sales heated up in months. The interaction between manufacturers and clients gained momentum as people developed games in which these airsoft guns play a major role, real life, role-play games!

Soon the demand from gamers became bigger and they demanded stronger weapons to give them the advantage over their opponents. The guns that used a humble spring as firing mechanism simply would not do anymore.

Complying with demand meant another stronger propellant had to be introduced, and this came in the form of compressed air. The bullets flew out further and faster when a gas pushed it out of the barrel; very much like an explosion of traditional gun powder does in real weapons.

When these air guns were found lacking, manufacturers introduced propane, a very volatile gas in its place, as the driving force for airsoft guns. These guns proved a big hit as even the smells were close to those produced by real weapons being fired.

When the smoking cap was introduced, airsoft guns acquired the ability to smoke just like real guns do after a shot being fired. The shooting reality games grew to ultimate heights with this new addition.

Manufacturers of these weapons respond to every whim and cry their customers may have and in the process more lethal looking and acting toy weapons are made daily. Funnily enough, the major role player in this industry, Japan, realized what a threat these toys actually are and banned Japanese people from owning or using them. Not for a moment do they consider what these weapons are doing all over the world and exports just stay on the rise. However the onus is on the country importing these to take responsibility

Should you buy one of these weapons, there are a couple of things you should know and keep in mind, especially if you have bought it for a child. Fired from close range, the bullets coming from these guns can penetrate skin and will definitely blind someone if the bullet enters the eye. These guns are not toys anymore and should be used under strict supervision only.

Used under supervision and with all the necessary safety gear, playing with these airsoft guns can be a huge amount of fun if shooting at other people is meaningful to you. Toys that look like real weapons will always be a huge concern to those who do not share the fascination for mock killing games and these people should be respected as well. - 2361

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