Friday, August 28, 2009

Understanding Telepathic Communication

By Alex J Gould

It's a well known fact that humans only use around 10% of their brains. The function of other 90% remains a mystery to most people.

The ability is within everyone to communicate using only the power of the mind. We are able to see what others are thinking without saying anything or using any physical effort.

As we grow up we're conditioned to speak, think, act and behave like our elders. They don't use the power of their minds to reach out and communicate with you, because they weren't taught to do so either. The ability is left untapped and untrained.

We involve ourselves with other things in life and forget about such nonsense until the day comes that we know something we should not and ponder for a short time only to push it further to the back of our mind again.

Is this forewarning a form of clairvoyance? Or did your mind simply receive a subconscious telepathic call from the person calling you?

Whether we realize it or not we already send and receive telepathic signals. It is possible to learn to do this deliberately whenever we want. It takes a little practice, but is well within the scope of our brains.

The natural ability to interact using telepathy is undeveloped in most people. It is not used or recognized as we go through day-to-day life. Most do not think they have this power or know how to use it. A person has to focus on contacting another for it to be effective.

According to scientists our thoughts have a certain frequency, somewhat like radio frequencies. This frequency can be measured. Directing these thoughts to a targeted area is the key to using your mind as a means of communication.

Some techniques to enhance your telepathic abilities

*Trance State - Your mind is at its most receptive when you allow yourself to drop into a trance-like state. Most humans are capable of inducing an almost hypnotic trance where the body is relaxed and your mind is open.

If you're working on your telepathic ability alone then spend some time learning how to bring yourself into a trance state.

*Get focused - Select a nice quiet dark room. Get yourself relaxed and think happy thoughts about the person you want to hear from. Form the message you want this person to receive, imagine they are receiving it as you picture them in your mind. Let him or her know you want to be contacted. Stay confident that this person will respond with a message.

*Belief - You need to believe that the other person is receiving your message. Keep an open minded attitude as you learn to expand your telepathic focus.

*Let go of the Trance State - Do not drift off, deliberately bring yourself back to reality and go on with day to day things. There is a good reason for doing this.

When you let go of the positive impressions the person you were trying to contact should feel that any thoughts about you will be missing and the urge to contact you to re-establish that communication should be strong. Don't be surprised if the person you were reaching out to calls you soon.

This is a great way to become focused on developing and using telepathy to communicate. You can use two people to practice and enhance your abilities.

Here is a quick method to practice your telepathic communication using two people.

*Sender and Receiver - Decide which of you will be the message sender and which will be the receiver. For the purpose of this example, we'll assume you are the sender.

The receiver should have a pad and pen ready to jot down any impressions he might receive. If the sender is focusing on a simple object, the receiver might feel as though he's making things up at first, but insist that all impressions and thoughts are written down for later comparison.

*See it - Use some simple images to focus on and send to your receiver. Things like a yellow sun, grapes, or a triangle. It will be easy for you to concentrate on these simple things and project them to your receiver.

*Transmitting Your Message - Close your eyes and focus on establishing a communication thought-tube between you and the receiver. Picture it clearly in your mind's-eye as connecting the two of you.

Visually place the object you want to send on or in the line you have visualized and then send it. Follow it all the way to your receiver and picture it clearly as you watch it going to its destination.

The act of visualization is a powerful tool in allowing your mind to focus on getting your message across.

*End message - Stop sending when you have seen the object reach the receiver. Stop thinking about it, this is an important step as it lets the receiver see the image appear. He or she will also have time to write it all down

*Receive - The receiver needs to approach this with an open mind and want to receive messages. It all needs to be written down as a record to refer to later. It is important to relax and let the message flow in.

The receiver may be skeptical at first and think the things coming into their mind are not relevant. Nevertheless, it all needs to be recorded. We all have thoughts going through our heads at times but it is important the receiver knows that thoughts are being deliberately sent.

*The verdict - When you are done with the training exercise, check and see if the images you sent were well received. Even someone with undeveloped powers will receive some images from the sender. Do not expect all of them to come through clearly at first. It will take some practice to get better at it.

For best results, practice often. - 2361

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