Tuesday, April 21, 2009

China's iron and iron industry sell again

By Professional editor working for frbiz.

April eight, seven U.S. oil pipe manufacturing businesses iron servants union and the United States onto China's exports towards the United States oil pipe (OCTG) towards the U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) against anti-dumping and countervailing proceedings, the size of litigation up towards 2.7 billion U.S. dollars. If the file successfully, it shall be the United States since 2006 the Chinese launched the former 14 pairs of counter-investigation.

According to Bloomberg report bureau, representing the U.S. iron alloy manufacturers and iron alloy employees unions Shagrin solicitors said that the United States is by far the biggest of China's one of the anti-dumping accusations, it may be a sequence of discarding against Chinese iron alloy the starting of the complaint. He said: "I believe there will be numerous future metal and iron alloy and non-steel trade activity against China."

This reporter has wise that since last year, the United States, European Union, Canada has command of our pipeline, stainless iron alloy force pipe, iron alloy pipe seamless iron alloy pipe and other kinds of dual-launched anti-dumping or anti-merger investigations. However, the U.S. answer to the oil pipe is the biggest class of pipe, and its trade items account for about half of China's iron alloy exports.

Europe and the United States suspects that China's iron products, there are a lot of government subsidy. As a matter of fact, China's exports of plate-type species has been compiled prior towards tall tariffs.

"As China's iron alloy trade items boost in market share boost this trade friction is inevitable. With the latest financial recession, this occurrence is even more serious." Well-known professionals in the metal and iron alloy, "the Sankei Shimbun in China," press said in an interview that, one time lost in China, China's iron alloy will be to enforce high anti-dumping obligations, the cost benefit will stop to live, that fundamentally means that the Chinese iron alloy market will have to remove from the United States.

"With the future of the international iron market towards shrink, shall increase the number of allied problems." Lange Steel Information Research Center, deputy manager of the "Sankei Shimbun China", remarked that China ought hear towards consumption international sell regulations, safety of China's own interests. At show, most low and medium-sized seamless confidential sector, productivity dispersion, we ought profession together towards form a reaction towards the lawsuit.

All China Lawyers Association Jian Zhou advisors were of the outlook that whereas this kind of prosecution is the perform of business-to-business, enterprises should dynamically reply to. However, such a case the Government should be to discuss for the identical, or even lawful activity against the WTO and the United States.

It is reported that the case has alerted the Ministry of Commerce, China Iron and Steel Association was ordered to the coordination of enterprises to actively respond. Branch of the Chinese steel Steel Association on April 10 the Secretary-General said the China Iron and Steel Association has called an emergency 14 major exporters, is tentatively scheduled to meet April 15 to discuss countermeasures.

It is quality mentioning that, within look of the European Union shall be within China ahead of the seamless iron pipe provisional anti-dumping tasks imposed, the Commerce Department within price of relevant departments possess clearly expressed their dissent towards this. The official highlighted, WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement provides that the threat of harm towards a very stringent, be based onto facts, rather than uniquely onto the cornerstone of claims, speculation and the opportunity of a very low, the injuries ought also be able towards clearly foreseen and imminent. - 2361

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