Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Do You Get Music Videos On Your I-Pod?

By Amy Nutt

The Apple I-pod is one of the most technologically advanced multi media players on the market. The new I-pod touch and I-pod video have the capabilities to store and play thousands of songs and pictures like the older models, but now have the technology to store and play hundreds of hours of video as well.

Apple has taken instant, hand held entertainment to a new level, allowing I-pod users to create their own videos and upload them onto their I-pods to enjoy and share, or to purchase their favorite music videos from I-tunes (or one of any number of other online retailers) to carry with them anywhere they go.

Where to get your Favorite Videos

There are a number of ways to get your favorite music videos such as Eminem and movie clips onto your I-pod where youll be able to enjoy them wherever and whenever you want.

The Safest Bets

You can join a website for the specific purpose of supplying videos for portable media players. This is often a good option, because the files will already be in the format that will be compatible with your I-pod software, so all you have to do is essentially point and click to have all of your favorite music videos in the palm of your hand. The only downside to joining a membership site, is that you have to pay the fee regardless of how many videos you download - so if you only find a few that you really want, then you could be paying an exceedingly high per-video fee. The up side is that downloading videos this way is perfectly safe and legal; you can search and download all the videos you want without any fear of viruses or legal repercussions.

You can transfer videos from DVDs that you already own, which will be free, but a little bit more complicated. I-pods only support video in the MPEG 4 format, which means that any videos in any other format will have to be translated into the MPEG 4 format in order to be compatible with your I-pod. Translating video into this format will require you to purchase software that can change the video format, creating an extra cost and adding an extra step to the process. You may or may not be able to find a software application that can translate certain video formats for you for free, but be very wary about what sites you download programs from - in looking for a cheaper alternative, you may just find yourself with an unwanted virus.

You can also join a "pay as you download" site, where you wont have any out of pocket cost to join, but will pay for each individual video that you download. This is just as safe and legal as the pay membership sites, but you will probably end up paying a bit more for each individual video that you download. These sites often have very extensive libraries containing thousands and thousands of videos to choose from like Lil Wayne or akon, so finding the exact videos that you want shouldnt be very challenging.

A Cheaper but, Risky Option

If you dont want to pay for the software to translate videos into the MPEG4 format, or pay anything for the videos that you download, you can always visit a free download or shareware site. Youll usually be able to find exactly what you are looking for on these sites, but the big downsides here are that it is dangerous and illegal. These sites usually arent monitored very well, so its pretty common to find that either a virus or some form of spy-ware has found its way onto your computer, particular if your are on the sites often.

Whatever method of downloading videos to your I-pod that you happen to choose, youll be opening yourself up to a whole new style of entertainment. Youll have instant access to all of your favorite music videos, no matter when or where you want to view them. Apple has totally changed the way we are able to entertain ourselves with the capabilities of the new series of I-pods. - 2361

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You Can Learn Sewing Machine Repair

By David Trumble

Think back thirty or forty years. Things were a lot simpler and easier. Sewing machines were no exception. They were simpler, easier to maintain, and simpler to use.

Self reliance was expected, and caring for ones sewing machine was no different. This expectation was often a matter of finances or practicality. In most cases, the user understood how to adjust, clean, and oil their own sewing machine.

Over the years, the machines became more and more complex. Technology advanced. You may not have realized it, but in 1950 your only real choice was a straight stitch sewing machine for your home. Those old machines often had loads of gadgets to make ruffles, sew buttonholes, and more.

With the advent of the zig zag sewing machine, a revolution took place among sewing machine users. In a matter of a few years, electronics were added to the sewing machine. The 1980s brought the computerized sewing machine. Even pre-programmed embroidery possibilities emerged. Just like radio and television, we have seen big advances in sewing machines.

Occasionally, I hear a customer say, I am perfectly happy with my old sewing machine, I would never consider one of those computerized sewing machines.

I never argue with them, but sometimes, I will offer the customer a new loaner machine while her machine is being repaired. It is amazing how many new machines get sold that way.

Repairing sewing machines, however, requires a high level of technical skills. The more advanced the sewing machine, the more skills you need. Many users feel overwhelmed and fearful they might break their baby. The expert sewing machine repair technician has become even more important to the user.

Sometimes when a machine acts up, a user will turn to a friend or husband to fix their ailing sewing machine. Usually, this turns out badly. While sewing machines are small, they can be quite complicated. It is easy to mess up tensions, timing, or feed systems.

Specialized sewing machine repair knowledge and skill are vital in todays amazing world of sewing machines. You can be the one with this knowledge and skill. You can learn how to do sewing machine repair yourself. A good sewing machine repair course will enable your to successfully service your own sewing machine. It is easy to learn these skills. You can be your own sewing machine repair technician.

I was a small church preacher for over 20 years, when I started repairing sewing machines. It was exciting and satisfying. It did not take a long time to learn the basics either. You could do the same. You can do your own sewing machine repair.

Imagine how exciting it would be to do your own sewing machine repair. Lets say you take a sewing machine repair course and learn to do your own sewing machine repair. Lets say you discover the secrets of sewing machine repair and start doing all your own service. Then suppose you help your relatives, then a friend, a neighbor Before you know it you can become your own expert sewing machine repair person. You might even open your own profitable business.

To begin doing sewing machine repair yourself, all you need is a good sewing machine repair course, some basic tools, and a little practice. - 2361

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The History of Grotrian Pianos

By Amy Nutt

Many people are not familiar with the history of this famous piano manufacturer, but it`s a fascinating one. This German company is still going strong and consumers have come to expect top quality from them.

An Idea is Seeded Friedrich Grotrian of Grotrian Pianos, got his start quite innocently in Moscow where he worked at a piano manufacturing company. After 25 years of selling pianos, Grotrian headed back to his homeland, Germany, where he became a partner in a fairly small manufacturer in the 1950`s and continued to work and live in Germany.

Friedrich died in 1860, passing his portion of the company on to his son, Wilhelm. Just five years later, Wilhelm and the Grotrian-Steinweg family took full proprietorship of the business.

Quality Production Yields Results Because Grotrian-Steinweg was such a conscientious company, offering top quality instruments, it wasn`t long before even the most elite in society found it necessary to own one of their pianos.

Royal families purchased Grotrian pianos, awards were given and famous musicians and composers were found to use the top notch instruments. The family keeps a record book which details the awards and thanks given them over the generations.

New Blood In 1885, Willi and Kurt Grotrian entered the family business and these two young men were key in moving the business forward into the next century. They patented a huge number of the piano inventions that were discovered at the turn of the century and made great advancements in the world of music.

The pianos turned out at this point by the Grotrian piano company were far ahead of their time, with freely vibrating soundboard and a design that allowed them to take the form of the more compact upright piano without compromising on sound. Their model 120 was one of the most popular breakthrough models.

Once Kurt Grotrian passed on, his two sons, Erwin and Helmut, continued with the family traditions. Like their father and uncle before them, the two men continued to discover new methods of building and improving on existing technology.

World War II The war destroyed most factories in Germany and the Grotrian company ceased production. It was very nearly the end of the piano company, but they did finally manage to resurrect the company in 1948 and began to produce once more.

By 1974, the company was under the hand of yet another generation of Grotrians and Knut Grotrian (son of Helmut) was ready to lead the manufacturer into the future. The business moved to a factory in Braunschweig, Germany and from this vantage point, continued to excel in the production of modern pianos. They brought the business into the modern world, inventing new methods of production and putting them to use.

With over 170 years of garnered experience, Grotrian pianos are among the finest made, using the latest in instrument building technology to create near perfect sound and flawless build. There`s a good reason these pianos have been so famous and managed to live through the ages so well and are often used for piano lessons Mississauga. . . they are truly impressive. The classic look and angelic sound combine to create the most sought after pianos in the nation.

Grotrian piano company has gone through six generations and increased the world of music`s general knowledge greatly with their patents and inventions. New methods of building instruments have been designed specifically by this family which, unlike most other piano manufacturers, has kept the company in the family since the beginning. There`s little doubt that Friedrich would be proud of how his descendants have handled business. - 2361

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Wii Games Download

By Billy Jean

The extreme popularity of Wii games has skyrocketed since Nintendo introduced it in 2006. If you've been living under a rock, you might not know what Wii is. It's an interactive video game, which started out with simple things like playing tennis or bowling, and has now branched out to games where you are in a rock band or fighting with a light saber.

Going by reported market numbers, the Nintendo Wii is by now the undisputed kingpin of video gaming, at least in volume. That has translated to greater demand for its media, chiefly the Nintendo Wii Games. The average Wii gamers pay for their games through their noses but the savvy ones dont. Not only that, they even download free wii games over the internet. So, How to Download Wii Games Free?

When conducting a simple search online, there are a wide variety of sites that offer cheap Wii games download and the possibilities of obtaining the games free. However, it is very difficult to decipher as to whether these particular sites are in fact reliable as well as being virus free and providing games that are of quality.

Having that said, a few criteria can sift out the pretenders on How to Download Free Games For Wii. First, it comes with full money-back guarantee. This is important because all top services offer guarantee even though they are rarely utilized. Second, all software and tools are provided without charge. Third, available media include games, movies, TV shows and music. Fourth, support and service is 24/7. Last, it is dealt through an established secure retailer such as Clickbank.

For a one-time up-front fee and no hidden fees like pay-per-download or monthly charges you can now download the latest games and also movies, music and TV shows thus transforming your Wii into a home entertainment system. - 2361

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Acoustic Musical Instruments

By Kevin Gillett

Music is produced by the soul. At its absolute depth, it looks to connect to the universe. Such music can heal those in pain and bring a change in someones life. Music can be a very positive influence. Musical instruments can be in form of percussion instruments, wind instruments, bass instruments and various other acoustic ones. Today, market is flooded with electronic instruments as well. The infusion of pop, hip hop, electronica, electro-jazz and others have caused this great rush. Overall, a musician can choose from a wide selection of instruments irrespective of the bent of mind he or she has.

You will get to know the power of musical instruments when you are in the middle of a concert. Even if it is a vocal rendition, the musical instruments flow with all their beauty. Acoustic instrument are the ones which have been the center stones of music. Electronica has been added to music very late. The electric guitars or synthesizers were not known to our past generation. So we can safely brand all the equipments as acoustic.

Today, acoustics is married to electronica. Those who perform on acoustic instruments look to add electronic amplifications to it. This way, they get the best out of it. Even for these cases, the devices are separated from the electronic supplements. Even today, acoustic is considered to be a very pure musical effort and electronica is labeled by critics as an overdose of technology which destroys the silk touch of music.

Mandolin and guitars are the most famous acoustic instruments. Mandolins are known by their scale lengths. For instance, mandolins are the most common of them all and are known by this name. Other scale lengths are referred to as derivatives. The Bluegrass mandolins come in the Gibson models and are a treat when it comes to producing different musical sensations. They have further derivatives in Mandobass, mandocello, mandola and others. Folk mandolins use far more profound models and these come with larger bodies and sound holes. Mandolin has a flat back that is generally arched. It avoids carves. Woods used can be cedar, rosewood, mahogany and spruce.

It is not easy to repair an acoustic instrument. Certain stringed instruments make a buzzing noise. This means that they may have a heightened fret, low action, or a warped neckline. If the warped neck is disturbing you, alter the string balance and put in a truss rod. If its the raised fret thats the cause of bother, distance the buzz to some other fret range and stick the fret where it was initially. For low action, tie a denser, fresh string.

Musicians love playing through the sheets. The sheets have certain musical notations which require a lot of learning. The musical notations are generally written over a paper or an analog medium. More often than not, the notes are hand-written. Today, they are also used over computer screens. The solo performers look to cram the notes before performing. The classical musicians enthrall the crowds at a concert keeping these pieces right in front of them. The orchestra groups run through these music sheets helped by a music co-coordinator. - 2361

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How To Restore and Maintain Your Antique Lionel Trains

By Nathan Griffin

Has your Lionel train seen fresher days? Wouldn't it be good to see it chugging about on it's track once again, shining the same sweetheart as the day it was revealed that Christmas dawn so long ago?

Fixing and reconstructing your old Lionel train can be very fulfilling. You can bask in the warm shine of memories of past times, and then make fresh memories to go on with them!

The nice thing is, you can do this yourself with just a little patience and know-how! Once you've fixed it, conserving your old train's glory is for the most part a topic of a pat of oil nowadays and so in the exact positions to keep it running smoothly.

How do you repair Lionel Trains?

The first step in repairing an old Lionel train is to get it all cleansed up.

Rub it all off with a soft cloth to get rid of junk and stain.

You can take out rust with rust remover or sand paper. If you see green or crusty white spots, that is oxidisation, and you can get rid of it with oxidisation remover.

The final part in your cleaning is to wipe down the tracks, the wheels of the cars, and any moving parts with a light oil spray. Use Q-Tips soaked with the oil to get into smaller areas, like the wheels, and use a soft cloth soaked with the oil for the tracks. Buff it all up with a clean part of the cloth.

Arrange a tap of the oil on any moving parts, and work it in so that they move smoothly and easily. You can utilize a toothpick to collect tiny bits of oil for the moderate regions.

At Present that it is clean and shiny, you can begin your repairs.

Make sure all the parts of the track blended together tightly. If they don't, and then twist the connections back into place with moderate pair of pliers. It might take a few tests to get them just in good order, but you should be competent to get a tough fit.

Take the bodies off of your cars, and inspect the insides. Clean them as earlier, and feel for broken areas. It's in truth simple to substitute these sections yourself. You can purchase them at a Lionel trains specialty storehouse, numerous hobby stores, or order them from Lionel trains areas catalogues. Simply unscrew them and screw in the replacement part.

In Conclusion, does your train run? Check it after you've cleaned it all, because built up stain and grime could make the connector 'tween the train and the track to be so terrible that it prevents it from moving. If its clean and still doesn't run, check to see if the plug is performing. If the plug appears Fine, it may be that the transformer requires fixing or replacing.

You can find detailed statements about how to fix the transformer, and every last of the different regions of Lionel trains at They have a 2 CD set of complete guides, blueprints, and plots for all Lionel train ready-made from 1906 through 1986. The set also includes a areas and add-on catalogue for your convenience.

Use the repair manuals to complete any other necessary repairs for your train.

Ready to hold your Lionel train, plainly keep it clean and furbished, oil the moving parts every so often, and it should make you many more yr of enjoyment! - 2361

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Can A Celebrity's Marriage Be Successful?

By Kasey Morton

In case you haven't heard, Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced. Numerous tabloid magazine covers blasting it out to us have made this fact abundantly clear. It's impossible to miss.

An unintentionally amusing statement originally announced their divorce. It included a sentence asking the media for privacy. Yeah, right. Celebrities can't have it both ways. They can't ask people to watch them constantly, via the media, and then slam the door shut when their life takes a rough turn.

The draw to these stories, I think, is first and foremost, the natural enjoyment we have for watching a car wreck. We like to witness the drama and the excitement. We're fascinated when a celebrity's life takes a downturn.

I think that we also enjoy seeing what was once a mystery, finally revealed. We've sat in wonder at the marriage of these two famous people. We wonder how anyone with that kind of fame and fortune could really have a healthy home life as well. So the mystery is revealed, in big and flashy truth--they were not happy!

On one hand, we envy and want to emulate famous and rich people. We envy their status and their luxurious lives. We envy just about everything we imagine them to have. They seem successful, and we covet it.

But we also hope that they'll fail. This may be due in part to jealousy, but I think a lot of it is a desire to see reality. We want their lives to crumble so that our lives will be justified.

All of that larger-than-life glamour is revealed as what we've always suspected--her life is unrealistic. Madonna likes to pretend that it's possible to be a super successful sex symbol, with an exotic artist's life, full of wealth and privilege. But we know the truth. Even her so-called spiritual side is thrown in question when we see all of the spiteful behavior that they're exhibiting.

But when we see her entire life falling apart, we see that it was all a show. The sad fact is that the reality makes a better show than what she contrived. - 2361

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How to Feel Comfortable with Nude Photography

By Moe Marny

You may have heard some bad opinions of nude photography. After all, many people associate nudity with pornography and exploitative photo shoots. However, they're missing the point - the human body isn't an ugly thing.

Images of the body in its most natural state is one of the most interesting and captivating art forms out there, when they're done by a skilled photographer with the experience to get it right. You shouldn't let people who aren't willing to take a look at what's most attractive about the human form tell you that these images are wrong.

Nude photographs can be an expression of our own individuality, with nothing allowed to come between us and the rest of the world. There's nothing to get in the way of expression of our true selves - not even clothing. That's why, when done correctly, nude photos are some of the most personal images there are.

Nude photographs are a way to tell a story without having to use words. They tell about how we really are under the clothes, and who lives in that body.

You don't have to have a perfect body to take this kind of picture - after all, no one's perfect. Media images are heavily retouched, and they hide the unique imperfections that make the model who he or she really is.

If you want an image that really tells the whole story, take nude photography into consideration. Whether it's a single image of yourself or a series, whether you have the photos taken alone or with someone who's special to you, there's nothing like this kind of imagery.

With nude photography, we have the ability to express ourselves and our personalities, as well as our existence as sensual beings. There's no interference from clothing or artificial things, and nothing in these amazing photos is hidden.

Of course, the experience of making this kind of image is also a very special one, and you'll need to be sure you have a photographer that makes you comfortable. This type of session is unique and personal, and you should never feel rushed, pushed, or otherwise made uncomfortable by your photographer.

Be sure you can find someone willing to work at the pace you need and in your comfort zones. They should only require you to show what you're willing to, and should never push you without your permission.

It's important to remember that just because there's no clothing in the session, it's not necessarily sexual. While it can be if you choose, your photographer should respect your boundaries. If you do want to have some help with shyness, talk to the photographer and others about the rules and what you want out of the session.

Nude photography can be an incredibly valuable experience, allowing us to open ourselves to the camera. It doesn't matter what we look like or what our ages are - these are the most true and beautiful photos there are.

You should take the time to celebrate yourself by choosing a good photographer and creating these special images. A company like Viva Photo can help you have a unique, incredible experience. - 2361

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Download You Don't Mess with the Zohan and Enjoy

By Davion W

Adam Sandler fans have something to rejoice about. They can download You Don't Mess with the Zohan on their PC if they have the penchant to watch it while at home. If you will find some time, you will be able to get a copy of it from the net and watch it wherever and whenever you want to.

The story revolves around the former soldier who made everyone believe that he has already passed on. Upon making it known to everyone that he is already dead, he flew to New York to pursue his dream, which is to become a hairstylist. The problem with him is that he makes love with his clients and that thing eventually brought him to trouble when his real identity was discovered.

If you want to download You Don't Mess with the Zohan without having to pay for anything, it is quite possible to do it through the net; however, totally free sites have disadvantages. There can be risks that you will be getting a pirated and illegal material --- which can be stuffed with malwares at the same time.

This is the reason why I still go for paid sites. It's my personal choice. I do not trust the free sources too much because of the above-mentioned reasons. Paid sites will only require you to pay once and that's going to be for the membership fee. After completing the signup procedures, you can immediately proceed with your You Don't Mess with the Zohan download.

If you are concerned about downloading You Don't Mess with the Zohan with a fast speed and superb quality, going for a website with paid membership is the best alternative. Your safety and satisfaction is guaranteed.

Another important feature that such sites have is their reliable and prompt costumer assistance. You can get in touch with them 24/7 whenever you need help.

Another good thing about paid download websites is that you will not be downloading movies alone. You will also have the right to get music videos, songs, sporting events and others in different formats. They will be compatible not just to your PC but to your iPod, iPhone and so on.

If you want to download You Don't Mess with the Zohan and other Hollywood blockbuster movies as well, I am inviting you to visit my blog. I have there a complete list of legitimate websites where you can get quality movie downloads. - 2361

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Should I buy MadWorld Wii?

By David Curbkenny

During E3 gaming convention this year, Nintendo did not win over the hardcore gamers. The press conferences were complied of Nintendo executives talking about children stores and rather than capturing the real gamers with real content. Nevertheless, MadWorld for the Wii was an absolute knockout during the press release that got the attention of hardcore gamers across the world. Below are the three main reasons why every hardcore gamer across the world should preorder or buy the game with it releases in 2009.

Wii Transition: According to MediaWatch-UK, a British media watchdog group believes that Mad World will influence the Wii gaming community. Even though it may hurt the overall family atmosphere, this is what the hardcore gamers want. In contrast, John Beyer, the director of MediaWatch believes that, "hope the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will view this with concern and decide it should not be granted a classification.... Without that, it cannot be marketed in Britain. What the rest of world does is up to them. We need to ensure that modern and civilized values take priority rather than killing and maiming people."

If you didn't know already... MadWorld was created in black and white, yeah you heard me right, the only color in MadWorld is blood and guts. This dramatic display choice was made to assist in amplifying the pure carnage displayed in this release. It's definitely easier to see blood gush out of an opponents chest as you rip his heart out with your bare hands. Not only can you tear your opponents apart like loose chicken but you can ravage them with weapons or spin your motorcycle wheels on their face. As you venture through the sin city style city that is MadWorld you're able to simple break apart a stop sign and drive that pole directly through the skull of an opponent.

Hardcore Gamers: Even though the Wii appeals to a wide variety of audiences this will provide a way to gain additional buyers and another audience that would never be brought about without the introduction of MadWorld Wii. In the world we live in today, games such as MadWorld, Grand Theft Auto and Mainhunt provide gamers the cutting edge technology and digital design that gives us the action packed violence we've come to enjoy.

All the latest screenshots, trailer, news, and more you can find at Just about all the latest and greatest the web has to offer on MadWorld is all in one place. You can also Preorder MadWorld from amazon to make sure that you have your copy on the first day it is released because you better believe it'll be sold out.

The author of this article is David Curbkenny, a prominent voice in the Wii community, choosing to discuss only the hottest releases for the Nintendo Wii. Make you take a serious look at MadWorld and keep up with the latest release information. - 2361

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Some Things To Double Check When You Hire Valet Parking

By Ryan Tole

Are you considering valet parking for your upcoming special event? Congratulations! You've made a wise decision - valet parking makes any event extra special, and the attendees will be glad you went the extra mile to ensure their comfort. But there are some questions you'll need to ask the valet parking company you're considering before agreeing to any terms, which I'll cover for you here.

Will every valet at my event possess a valid driver's license from my state? Sure, it's an obvious question, and most of the time it won't be a problem. But you'd be surprised at how many people never bring this up before contracting with a valet company. And if anything would happen to go wrong, and it turns out the driver who caused the problem didn't have a legal right to drive, that could spell big trouble. So protect yourself, and ask.

Are all your drivers non-smokers? This may seem like a small thing, but don't overlook it. Just about every valet company forbids their drivers from smoking on the job, let alone while parking a car, but that's not the concern here. Many people are very sensitive to cigarette smoke, and if the guy who parks their car had a cigarette a few hours before reporting to your event, it could leave an odor in the guest's car.

Can you refer me to several previous customers who are happy with your services? This should be no problem at all - any valet company should be more than happy to let you talk with some satisfied customers before you sign anything. If they won't, then that's a big red flag, and you should go with another firm.

What about insurance? Do you have all legally mandated coverage? This is a huge one. Most of the time, there won't be any problem at all at the event where valets are parking cars. But accidents can and do happen. If, God forbid, one would happen at your event, and your valet company didn't have the proper insurance, you could be left with the bills. Don't let that happen.

These are the things you need to go over before you agree to hire any valet parking service. It only takes a few minutes to get this information, and the firm shouldn't balk at all at answering every one of your questions. But failure to ask any of them can mean the difference between a good experience for your guests and yourself, and a bad one. - 2361

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What you must know before you purchase a Guitar Hero Guitar

By Nathan Jamieson

The Guitar Hero music video game is one of the most popular of all the games that you can use with the many different varieties of consoles available today. The thing that makes this particular game so special is the Guitar Hero guitar which one uses to interact with the game. Not only does it look like a real guitar but in order to play it you have to push the buttons on its fret board that correspond to the colored notes you see appearing on the screen in front of you.

Originally the game was developed by Harmonix Music Systems however the development of it in late 2007 then transferred to Neversoft. It was shortly after taking over its development that Neversoft introduced a new version of the game known as Legends of Rock and just like the ones developed previously proved very popular very quickly.

The one thing that many people like about this particular console game is one can either play alone or against another. Plus you are not limited to what style of music you attempt to play when using the Guitar Hero guitar. There is a wide array of music to select from some dating back to the 1960's and other more modern music tracks as well.

Since the first Guitar Hero game was released a further 5 have been released in that time and more than 23 million units have been sold. One of the new ones that is certainly causing a stir and which is proving as popular as the other games in the series is the Guitar Hero 2 Bundle.

What you may find once you have got this particular Guitar Hero pack is that the game becomes addictive. You will find yourself attempting to move up the show biz ladder to become a world famous rock star as quickly as you can. In the beginning you will be required to play in small clubs and bars and then as your Guitar Hero guitar skills improve you move on to larger venues. Hopefully by the end of the game you will find yourself playing in large arenas and stadiums just as your guitar heroes do.

But not only does this game come with a number of different venues at which you can play the guitar you can choose to play a number of different characters as well. Each one not only has their own unique look but they all play the guitar in a certain unique way. You can choose to play as if you were the member of a heavy metal band or a classic rock one.

There are many features that the Guitar hero guitar come with that makes it feel as you are really playing the real instrument. It has five fret buttons that are multi colored, as well as a durable and responsive strum bar. Also these guitars come with a whammy bar that works and the buttons to select the mode in which you play and to start playing look like the volume knobs you find on the real instrument.

Also the Guitar Hero guitar is fitted with tilt sensors that are able to recognize those times when you point the instrument straight up or down. It is an instrument which people of all ages can use and comes with an adjustable strap to further enhance the feeling that you are playing the real thing. Also holding it is not a problem because it is light weight. So if you are looking for something this Christmas that will be fun and get everyone joining in you cannot go far wrong with getting any of the different versions of the Guitar Hero games to go with the game console you have. - 2361

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Downloading Movies Are Crap! See Why I Hate Them

By Jonny Vision

Tired of the high price and long lines at theaters? Well now to can sit at home and watch movies on your computer. But "which is best?" This has been the ongoing debate to online lookers and theater junkies for years ..let's get some help!

We've found consumers have been slow to embrace legal digital downloads, deterred by a host of obstacles including long download times, prohibitively high pricing (particularly for digital retail) and the limited choice of titles. However this has changed alot infact titles keep up with the box office very well.

These issues are being resolved,broadband speeds are increasing, pricing is coming down and Studios are becoming more willing to license their content. The transactional online movie market is beginning to pick up - Screen Digest forecasts 1.3m digital movies will have been rented or bought in 2008 alone.

But this market growth doesn't mean that other video downloaders will exit the market is unwise. The market has grown primarily as a result of the introduction of movies to Apple's iTunes store (iTS) in June 2008 and the iTS now dominates the online movie market successfully.

Outlets which are not closely bound to a device, including those run by AAM, struggle to generate significant sales volumes as consumers are reluctant to buy content which cannot easily be moved off their computers.

So the launch of movies through the iTS has also compelled other stores to lower their prices in order to compete with those set by Apple - 10.99 for digital retail new releases and 6.99 for library titles. While this is good news for consumers, this price drop reduces the already low retailer margins still may go further.

If we look at it from an economics perspective, the transactional online video market is shaping up to be a 'value-add' business. The successful service providers investing heavily and paying over the odds for content for digital distribution in order to drive a separate, higher-margin profit centre - devices sales in the case of Apple.

Other companies don't have other business centre for which its online distribution network could play this supporting role. As such concentrating on digital cinema, in which AAM is one of the leading players in Europe, is likely to prove a far more profitable use of AAM's resources than maintaining its online distribution network.

So our reasearch from looking at these changing markets from ipods to theaters people in general love both and will continue to watch both. From Japan to Sidney movie watchers love their movies any way they can get them.

Here is the Best Movie Downloader Online ! Cheap & Fast. - 2361

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Disocver The History of Lionel Trains - Josh Lionel Cowen

By Michael Garcia

Like many of lifes extraordinary innovations, the model train was found in a uncomplicated way. The discoverer was a chap by the name of Josh Lionel Cowen. You reckoned it, the name of the renowned Lionel Trains. It was nothing particular simply a very uncomplicated half train car that he motorized. Thats all it required to start a passion for the avid train lovers by way of becoming collectors.

The model train business is not a reasonable industry by whatsoever means. It is very favorited throughout America, Australia and Europe as well. It cannot be ignored that at the time of Joshs innovation, not every home even had electricity. The first electric trains as they were promoted , were genuinely battery operated. In comparing to what we call model trains nowadays, the originals were a good deal larger by comparison.

At around the same time that Lionel trains were being manufactured there were others getting into the industry and fixing different ways, scales and gauges. The model train industry was off and running. Josh being the astute business man that he was, soon recognized that if all the producers used the identical gauge, it would be to all their advantage. The gauge is referring to the distance between the rails of the train tracks.

To get anybody to stick to to his way of reasoning Josh not just utilised his individual name, but his business name as well. To do this he just named the gauge the Lionel Standard. . Say we were to compare this gauge to the models of now, it would be the G scale. This in truth wouldnt have a practical function in the home because they are extraordinary too large to set up decently.

By 1915, electricity had became a ordinary commodity in most home. This signified that today the model trains could be powered by this source. There we have it. The starting of the personal home use model trains. Unnecessary to say, the industry expanded from that time on and for numerous years to come. - 2361

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Comcast's High Speed Internet Makes Downloading New Software Easy

By Dawn Amerson

There are a lot of advantages that come from having a broadband Internet connection. Basically, the faster your connection to the Internet, the better access you'll have to a huge variety of resources that you can use for entertainment, productivity, and just plain maintaining a healthy computer. Fortunately, high speed Internet access is available for an affordable price through some cable companies. Digital cable technology is used to provide customers with TV programming and a high speed Internet connection. This broadband digital cable technology can deliver download speeds up to 8MB per second which opens up some interesting possibilities that even other technologies like DSL and satellite Internet don't.

One interesting possibility that broadband cable high speed Internet service opens up that's more difficult with slower connections is downloading software for your computer. This can be a great way to get a lot of different things accomplished. For example, if you suspect that your computer has a virus, you'll be able to download the latest addition of an anti virus software program. This way you can go ahead and start fixing the problem without taking the time to go to the store or waiting for a CD-ROM to show up in the mail. In this case, a high speed Internet connection can help you get up and running sooner after something goes wrong.

By the same merit, if you need specific types of productivity software, there's a good chance that high speed Internet access will enable you to download them from the Internet. There are often trial versions of specific software programs available from the web sites of the firms that make the software, and it's often possible to buy the full version online. The only problem with buying software online is the possibility that it's pirated. In the case that the software you're buying online is pirated, you'll be breaking the law and taking a substantial risk of downloading some pretty severe viruses, so it's a good idea to be careful.

Open source software provides a great opportunity to get a wide variety of software just by downloading it off the Internet. Open source software developed by professional computer programers and distributed free of charge. is a popular open source software package that's similar to- and in many cases compatible with- Microsoft Office. There are also entire operating systems that can be downloaded for free. There are a lot of advantages to downloading open source software to your computer using high speed Internet connection. Including the fact that you can't be charged with pirating the software and you're less likely to get a virus. (And even if you do get a virus, at least you didn't pay someone to give your computer the virus!)

No matter what software you decide to download off of the Internet, high speed Internet technology provides a great way to get it. That's because it has the speed to download the software quickly, plus the connection is always on so that it won't be interrupted in the middle of an especially large download. - 2361

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Discover The World Of Diesel Electric Trains

By Patric Hernandez

The word locomotive can be split into two so as to convey its exact meaning. Loco actually means from a place and motive actually means "causing motion". A locomotive gives the power that allows the train on the track to move and this also permits us to move goods as well as for passengers to travel peacefully to another place.

A diesel electric locomotive is a locomotive that is powered by a diesel engine which in turn.actually is connected to an electric generator. Electricity is hence, generated and keep in the batteries which is used to power the electric motors which in turn are operating the train. The diesel electric locomotives are superior or more advantageous as compared to the earlier versions in different ways and that is why they are hot-selling now.

The diesel electric machinery is lighter and also costs less making it dirt cheap in all sense, a profitable proposition. The recurring cost on the diesel electric locomotive is a lot more less as the wear and tear on the parts time is less on a relative basis then they do not have to be replaced very frequently, if at all.

In today's times when pollution levels have grown too much that they have began having several adverse effects on the environment and also on our wellness, an optionone of the option that is environment friendly is required now. The diesel electric locomotive is very efficient. With nearly no pollution it is suited in the present times considering the state of our surroundings and how important it is to have a pollution free transport. The diesel electric locomotive is an alternative that can be trusted as the chances of failing are a good deal less than some other choices. The parts do not require frequent replacing and so the cost of traveling on these diesel electric locomotives is much cheaper.

The diesel electric locomotive is therefore, a merchandise of superior technology and adds the merits of both diesel and electric technology. With the whatever profits that it has that make it a potential selection in every last way, the diesel electric locomotive which is now a tried and tested formula is definitely here to stay for a long period of time. - 2361

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Questions You Need To Ask Before Buying Lionel HO Model Trains

By Timmy Harris

Say you are enthusiastic experience train collector ,so no question you have the results to most of the common inquiries. Your enquiries would be more than geared towards an individual dealer who is dealing vintage.

The founder getting in the ho good example train hobby will have some questions. Even that can be difficult, because you want to recognise something about the subject you are asking.

Your line of questioning will have to deal with the intention you want the ho model train for. If you are designing on becoming a collector, or are you merely construct a standard layout for some thing to do, but are not going to get excessively involved, or is a gift for a youngster?

If you are planning on becoming a collector, then your beginning enquiry would be where can you collect several particular information as to the history of the Lionel trains. It would be unsafe to pay top buck for a train piece that was not honest. Some vintage bits can be very pricy.

To set out with just a elementary set and go from there, it might be well to go a prestigious hobby shop ,preferably one that simply deals with train sets. Most of the individuals that have these cases of shops have a love of trains and they have spent ages learning about them. The 1 bit of knowledge that you do have is you recognize that Lionel train sets have been on the market for some ages, and are recognise to be worth the money you are about to invest. So probably your first query should be, which models should you start off with. You will in all probability want to start with a fresh standard set and sum up to it. Dont make the decision that it doesnt matter if there are add ons or not. It has been said that the train hobby is extremely addictive. Which means theres a easy chance you may get to a greater extent involved then you plotted.

Programme for the future. Ask the experienced hobbyist trading to you if whatsoever of the ho model train sets get DCC ready. This is new to model railroading, and what it means it that it utilises digital computer technology. Say the solution is no, and so inquire are there sets that can be advanced and if so how much would it cost. You too wish to acknowledge what is a reasonable budget to have to start with the train serials. They may have some package deals already outlined.

Say you are buying a set for a child. Your demands will depend on the childs age. If they are rather young and then you will require a Lionel train set that is going to fit in with his capabilities to run it. Once More ask the sales rep what they would recommend for that age group. He will be capable to show you train sets that would be perfect for what you are searching for. And Then you can pick the theme that your kid would like better. - 2361

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30 Rock Returns for Third Season

By Kasey Morton

TV critics say that the sitcom is dead. If that's the case, Tina Fey's 30 Rock may the industry's last gasp for greatness before its demise. The show has received countless awards and critical accolades, but has failed to find a big audience.

TV fans who know good TV when they see it are nervous about this shows lack of success. In all honesty, it's one of the best shows on the tube today. It epitomizes smart entertainment.

The show has won several major awards. Among the many, it's won the Peabody Award and the Best Comedy Series from The Writers Guild of America. It's also won the 2007 and 2008 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series, yet the show ranks 102 out of 142 television series according to the Nielsen Ratings system.

Fey is extremely enjoyable, playing a variation on herself-a head comedy writer for a TV show, with a cavalcade of hilarious characters surrounding her. None is more amusing than Alec Baldwin's characterization of her GE boss that seems to represent all that's wrong with big business, while making you like him at the same time.

NBC certainly is hoping that the third time's the charm, with a third season beginning. If history shows us anything about the television industry, sometimes when you hold onto a show long enough, its viewership significantly improves. Seinfeld took years before it became a hit.

Their hope is even higher, given Fey's recent success and popularity as a guest starring on Saturday Night Live as Sarah Palin. No doubt her dead ringer performance has contributed strongly to SNL's great ratings this season. Whether that helps Fey's show will be seen.

I hope so too, because I want to see more episodes of this show. I don't want "30 Rock' to become one of those smart shows that America was too stupid to watch.

Just as an FYI, "NBC Direct" and Apple's iTunes carry complete episodes and downloads (for Americans only). 30 Rock is also found on video services, such as Enjoy. - 2361

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Comparing Plasma TVs and LCD Tvs

By Gray Rollins

Anyone out to purchase a flat screen television usually has only one big question on their mind and that is - whether to go for a Plasma or LCD? This is a much debated issue and many of us face a similar dilemma when choosing between a Plasma TV and an LCD television. It is very difficult to compare the two and find the best solution for yourself, however this article shall discuss both and their features to help get a better idea.

PLASMA TV: the screen on these sets make use of millions of multicolored gas filled cells that light up forming an picture image. They provide you with a high resolution that offers a clearer, shaper picture.

PLASMA TV: the screen of a plasma television incorporates the use of multicolored gas filled cells, millions of them. When the set is on, electricity activates these cells and they light up forming a picture. You get a very sharp, clear picture since plasma TVs offer you a high resolution.

Plasma and LCD Comparisons

Angles for viewing: Plasma TVs feature more advantages by offering numerous angles for watching your favorite shows on television.

Angles for viewing: Plasma TVs offer more advantages of comfortably viewing various angles.

Screen burns: This problem is highly prominent in Plasma TVs though LCD does not suffer form this issue.

Picture quality: Plasma TV screen is sharper and shows more detail than LCD, but LCD is catching up fast.

Video games: Both Plasma and LCD are great for gaming but if you play a lot of games at a time then LCD would be better as it does not have the problem of "burn in"

Portability: Since the Plasma TVs carry more weight than an LCD TV, it will be easier to move a television around or mount it on the wall. LCD TVs are slender and lighter in weight.

Power consumption: Plasma TVs heat up quicker and require the use of fans for cooling, in comparison a LCD TV consumes much less power to operate.

HDTV: Both display HD (High Definition) signals. But even then LCD TVs offer a higher resolution than Plasma.

Motion tracking feature: Plasma TVs offer better motion tracking features than LCD TVs.

Hopefully the above gives you a better idea about the features being offered by Plasma TVs and LCD TVs. To find the best deal, it is advisable to compare the several Plasma and LCD TVs out on the market and choose one that offers the best image, suits your specific needs and fits your budget the best.

For home theater, both LCD and Plasma TVs serve as a viable option. So if you are looking for the perfect viewing solution, search for reviews on the internet that can help you make the best decision among the two. With prices going down and new products coming up offering with better technology every other day, both can serve as satisfactory purchases. So go ahead and hit the nearest store to make your buy. Happy shopping! - 2361

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Unlimited Time Games - Why the Fun Never Stops

By Davion W

With the conventional use of the web nowadays, many people are already on the lookout for unlimited time games. Since online games are already in profusion on the Internet, it won't be difficult having to look for the types of games that you require. From simple card games to the more complex war games, you can amuse yourself for an unlimited time, whether playing online or downloading to your PC.

If you are still a novice to online gaming, finding a few games is relatively easy on the Internet. You can make numerous searches and settle with the ones which offer excellent visual and audio quality. Various websites make available a wide range of games for everyone.

Choosing games with unlimited time has excellent advantages. This technically means that you can play your favorite gaming pastime for as long as you like. It is important that you get to the right website, because otherwise you will only be allowed to play for a specific time.

You can also access an existing gaming website and see if the game choices they have appeal to you. On the Internet, you will discover that new types of games are introduced continually. There is already an abundance of designers who create games with different flairs and concepts.

Before downloading, you would naturally want to try out the games first online. This is why time unlimited games are perfect for anyone trying out the games for the first time. Since it is time unlimited, you could spend hours online, checking out the games uninterruptedly.

However, once you decide to finally download the game to your PC, you can always do so without much difficulty. Games with time unlimited for access on the web can also be easily downloadable for anyone with excellent web connectivity. If you have chosen a membership site, you can start downloading immediately after paying the set-up fee.

You can also find useful software and other tools so as to make the games more compatible for playing on PC. If you choose a reliable website, loading the games to your personal computer will be fast and instantaneous.

If you are looking for a good way to be entertained on the web, online games are among the most engaging activities to do. You can either play them online or load them to your computer for offline gaming anytime. If you want more information on unlimited time games and where you can get these, click on this website link now. - 2361

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Taking Photos of Water

By SFXsource

Water is a wonderful subject to photograph. Some people may think it is boring, but think again. Water is actually a very versatile subject. Here are some tips and suggestions for creating awesome water photos.

1. Drive to the ocean. Sunrise and sunset photos are great when the ocean is in the foreground. Notice the different colors reflecting on the water. You can also photograph a full moon over the ocean.

2. If you want to photograph moving water, such as waterfalls or rivers, you can either use a fast or slow shutter speed depending on the effect you want. The faster the shutter speed, the less time light is exposed to the film. A slow shutter speed means that the film is being exposed to light for a longer amount of time. For a smooth, blurred effect, use a slow shutter speed, and a fast shutter speed to freeze the water in motion.

3. Find reflections. What does the world look like in a puddle? Use reflections to create abstract images. Make sure you use at least an F11 stop to get the most detail (in focus).

4. Have you ever photographed underwater? Of course most people don't own an underwater camera, but you can just buy a disposable one. Next time you are snorkeling or hanging around the beach, bring one along to photograph the fish.

5. Don't forget about mist, rainbows, clouds and snow! An important note to remember when photographing snow is that you will want to overexpose by one stop. So, if you are at F8, shot at F5.6.

6. Experiment with a polarizing filter. When photographing water, they actually eliminate the reflection, making it more transparent. Shooting from above (i.e. on a bridge) will eliminate the most reflection.

The options never end when photographing water. There are a number of amazing images online, so get inspired and then go out and experiment. - 2361

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Canon SD770IS Review

By Ryan Alberts

I bought the Canon SD770IS to substitute a PowerShot A95. Few years ago, I bought a Digital Elph for my daughter and found myself using that small and light camera in place of my A95. Given the advancements in technology, it was time to upgrade.

The most essential feature in searching for a replacement was the small size and the use of a rechargeable battery. The resolution was less of a factor as the A95, with just five Mpixels, created clear shots. The most notable advance, even over the recent Elph, was the increased speed of all functions including boot up and picture recording.

Image quality is stellar and the color balance and metering is brilliant. If you now own a Canon digital camera and are upgrading, the standard navigation stays mainly the identical, so that will be common to you. Use of the camera's shooting styles requires the use of menus instead of a physical dial as on the A95.

The screen is fairly big, well enlightened and easy to see, even in shining light. Finally, the most important consideration with digital picture taking should be image quality and ease of use. I have lots of practice with manual SLR picture cameras and similar point and shoots, and this model fits absolutely for true "turn it on and shoot" picture taking. Pictures are crisp and clear with good detail and deep color.

The light measure does a great job of assessing the settings and choosing the best possible combination of shutter speed and aperture.

A high capacity (SDHC) storage card will hold a large amount of photographs even at the highest resolution. Uploading photos to a PC or Mac is smooth with either the provided software or Apple's iPhoto software, which works seamlessly with the camera. I would recommend both a high capacity SD card and the optional leather case to protect the camera, especially if dropped.

This camera just blows me away. It makes amazing pictures in full-auto mode. In situations where full-auto doesn't quite do the job as well as possible, this camera lets you change the ISO settings, light balance, focus method, and lots of other factors.

I extremely recommend this camera for someone searching for an easy-to-use, light, small and good digital camera. It's just a superb camera at a good price. - 2361

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Story Of The American Flyer Model Train Series

By Mike Martin

The American Flyer is probably the most famous of all model train series. They did achieve their peaks around the 40's and another peak in the 60's, they are around longer than that. Their popularity is also very popular today too and they are, I feel they are going to be hanging around another 100 years!

A toy maker in Chicago addressed as William Hafner, in the very early 20th century developed a model train built on a clockwork motor, actually for the use in toy cars. By about 1905 however he made up his mind to put them into use in model trains as well. Luckily he did, the car did not sell as well as trains.

William Hafner and his close friend share the same name, William Coleman approached a small manufacturer of hardware, Edmonds-Metzel. They used this firm to start making model trains in 1907.

They were first commercialized under the name of Edmond Metzel trains, because they were so hot on demand they required a entirely new name and they came up with the name of the American Flyer. This came about in 1910. Even the name of the hardware firm they were using had also changed its name to incorporate the American Flyer name in it.

They started selling like hot cakes for some reasons. They were quite cheaper then some other popular makes of model trains at the time and because they were also quite a bit more realistic then more budget style model trains of the time.

Mr William Hafner draw out from the partnership around 1913. He used the cash he had already made and built up his own firm. Colemans American Flyer Trains. It did well for quite some time around the first world war. In 1938, the founder's son with the same name, who was in charge of the business after his father pass away in 1918 sold the American Flyer to a company called A C Gilbert Company. Gilbert already had experience in producing toys, but he is clueless about trains.

At the same time he also moved the enterprise from Chicago where it was made to New Haven in Connecticut where he lived. He also began to drastically re design the American Flyer and turned it into an S-scale model train in 1939. This scale is a modification of the popular O scale or model which was then the leader on the market.

The S-scale was much smaller then the O-scale and this made it more popular with enthusiasts as it needed less room to setup a proper track. The scale is 1:64, considerably smaller then the O-scale yet still very detailed and accurate.

He also made some other change in 1946 that amended the realisticness of the American flyer more so. Model trains, electric model trains at that time had been run on 3 rail tracks. Not practical. He adjusted it so they ran on 2 rail tracks, much like their huge counterparts. These tracks had 7/8th inches 'tween each rail. This made the trains function better as well.

However, television was starting to take hold at this time too. This distracted many from their hobbies they would commonly spend their spare time on. Likewise at this time, discount chain shops came into play, discounting train sets that enterprises like A C Gilbert could not compete with. in 1962, Gilbert traded the American Flyer to Wrather Group. This enterprise made toys as well, but most of the time on a large scale and tended to make poor quality as well. Sales of course fell through the floor and in 1967 the firm went bankrupt.

A higher-ranking toy train maker and the market leader at time, Lionel Corporation bought the American Flyer. This organisation itself was having trouble with finances also and they too went bankrupt in 1969, so they sold off the rights to the American Flyer to some other maker, General Mills.

This corporation, General Mills, started trading numerous of the designs of the original designed Gilbert American Flyer, it however sold off everything it purchased from then Lionel Corp to Kenner, who then in turn sold the corporation to a man named Richard Kughn. This happened in 1985.

Mr Richard Kughn had great success with the organisation and design for eleven years, but he sold out in 1996 to a firm also known as Wellspring Partners, who then took on the original name of Lionel and named themselves Lionel LLC, which still operates today.

They sell the S-scale American Flyer still. They were at first concentrating on selling some other scale models, but they started selling more of American Flyer in 2002.

The American Flyer now is more then 100 years old and has gone through many extraordinary hands. This model train will not be going anywhere as it's popularity is still strong. - 2361

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Unlimited Zune Downloads: Guide to Getting Unlimited Music

By Rashel Dan

If you have a Zune player, the first thing you would probably want to know is how to get unlimited Zune downloads. Getting it is easy. To all dedicated fans of this player, the Zune is the best player out in the market and meets all of their entertainment needs. What makes this even more enticing to users of this player is how easy it is to get all the content they want into the player.

The Content

Next to Apple's iPod, the Zune is the hottest player in the market. It is capable of playing audio clips and video clips, displaying images, and can even be used to play games specifically designed for the platform.

Getting the Best Content - Being a new and high piece of technology, it is common for many people to get used to Zune content and the initial process can be quite difficult but not impossible. When it comes to downloading content, the most practical thing to do is to sign up with subscription-based sites. These sites charge a minimum fee for their users to be able to download and enjoy the content that is offered.

Zune Sites - There are also some sites that offer free content but chances are that the content offered on free sites are not of a wide variety and the quality can be questionable as well. Those who use paid subscription sites for unlimited Zune downloads are most probably the happiest when it comes to widely varied content.

Unlimited For A Lifetime

Getting Music - Since the Zune has come out, there have been many sites built and dedicated to offering specific content for this device. Of course, the first thing that people download most is music. The new and most popular method for content like this is to pay a one-time, lifetime subscription for free Zune downloads.

Market Response - The response for this kind of service has been tremendous and more sites are starting to offer this kind of service to Zune users. All one has to do is sign in to an account, download the content to their computers and transfer the content (images, videos and music) to their Zune players.

Wireless Technology

Wireless Capability - About one of the most popular technologies that is packed into the Zune player is its capability of being wireless. This wireless technology allows the Zune to transfer files from one Zune player to another and it is this feature that makes this player stand out from other mp3 players. This is one way that people can start to share their content with each other, simultaneously developing a social community of Zune users. It is this feature that pushes the idea of free and limitless content even further.

The Zune might be a late player in the whole mp3 and video-player revolution but it is certainly a technology that should be dismissed. It is the first player of its kind that allows sharing between players over wireless methods, subscription to limitless content over the web, and allows Microsoft to let its customers to create their own music and video sharing communities. With subscription-based sites that offer unlimited Zune downloads, it looks like this player is set to grow a market that can compete with today's industry players. - 2361

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Would You Like To Take Flower Pictures Like the Pros?

By Ben Johnson

Imagine walking around in a garden on a nice sunny day. How beautiful everything looks! The sunlight seems to bring out all the colors and shapes so well.

However, people who think that they need that sunlight to take a good picture are sadly mistaken. When it comes to taking photos of flowers in a garden, an overcast day may actually work better.

That was the first practical photo tip in this article. And here are a couple more:

Use a piece of cardboard to create a shadow: Hold the cardboard to shade the background. This will help to make the background darker and thereby less distracting.

Want more light on that special flower? Then take some object with a reflective surface like a mirror, and use that to shine extra light on your subject. The pro's use this method all the time.

Need to soften up that harsh sunlight? Then make a diffuser - take a white plastic bag or some other semi-opaque stuff, and stick it to a frame made of a bent wire coat hanger. Use this to diffuse the sun's rays and create a more subtle effect.

If the sun is out, then experiment with backlit photos. This means you shoot the picture into the sun, making your flowers lit from the back. In some cases they will come out looking almost transparent!

Avoid taking photos of flowers in the middle of the day. That is when the sunlight is the most unforgiving. Instead, try to take photos early in the morning or right before the sun goes down.

Nowadays every camera has a zoom lens. Use that zoom function to make your flowers stand out better, by "zooming in". This tends to give you less problems with distracting stuff in the background, since it enlarges your subject relative to what is further away.

Even though you may not be a professional, these tips can help you take professional-looking photos of your flowers and your garden as you experiment with the tips above. If you use a digital camera you can take a lot of pictures, and simply delete those you do not like. - 2361

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Comcast Provides Unprecedented Access to Technology

By Dawn Amerson

In this age of an unprecedented level of technology, there are certain things that we all can benefit from having access to. These include access to a telephone, access to the Internet, and access to a wide variety of TV channels. Fortunately now you can get all of those things from one company: Comcast. That's because in addition to the digital cable TV service that Comcast is known for, it also provides high speed broadband Internet access, and digital phone service.

Digital phone service from Comcast is unlike any other phone service that's come before it in many ways. One big difference can be seen in the fact that it provides all calls made within the United States and Canada for free. This includes all times of day, every day of the week, and virtually anywhere on the continent! There are now games and no special rules. All of those calls are simply included in the flat rate of the monthly bill.

The other difference between Comcast phone service and the more common ones, is that with this one, that this one comes with thirteen features included, all of which you have to pay extra for in order to get them from traditional telephone companies! These features include great benefits like speed dialing, voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, and of course caller ID. These are all of the features that make using a telephone more convenient, enjoyable, and safe; therefore Comcast has decided that they should be included at no extra cost to the customer. In addition to those features, the calling plan allows you to access your account online and even the ability to listen to your voice mail over the Internet.

Of course, Comcast also has the best digital TV service possible. You can choose from a variety of programming packages, all of which provide access to the ON DEMAND pay per view service, forty five digital music channels, all of your local channels, and complementary digital TV receiver equipment. The individual programming packages can range in size from the programming mentioned above all the way up to a monster package with over two hundred and seventy five channels! That's a wide range of options when you get right down to it!

Many of the features available with Comcast digital cable TV go a long way toward helping you make the most out of the service. For example, the ON DEMAND feature combines the convenience of being able to stop, start, and pause a movie whenever you want- just like you'd get with a rental movie- with the convenience of not having to leave your home to get the movie like with normal Pay Per View service.

All of the channels you'll get, even the local ones, are all in digital TV format. That means you'll receive the best picture quality possible and be able to quickly sort through all of your viewing options with the help of an on screen program guide. You'll also be able to block offensive programs from being accessed by your children using Parental Controls.

In addition to voice (telephone) and cable TV, Comcast can also provide you with the best broadband Internet service available anywhere. With download speeds of up to eight megabytes per second, this service singes DSL and vaporizes dial up! With broadband Internet access from Comcast, you'll be able to download movies, songs, and software applications, as well as take part in virtual world type online video games.

All of these options and features contribute making Comcast the best choice for providing access to all of the technology that you need. - 2361

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Explanation of the Canon EOS Flash Photography

By Tim Harris

One of the most common confusion which occurs with the Canon EOS flash photography is the fact that the Canon EOS modes like the Program (P ), Shutter Priority (TV) , Aperture Priority (AV) and Manual (M) modes handle flash illumination is different ways. This is especially so when the ambient light is not strong. This guide will give a brief run down of how the various modes work when the flash is activated. This guide also assumes that the FP mode is not turned on.

The P (Program) Mode

The principle behind the P mode is that the camera will try to fix a high shutter speed to enable you to hold the camera without a tripod even though the ambient light is low. By doing so, you can avoid the "motion blur" effect on the image taken. It will operate in either by, when the ambient light is bright, assuming that you want to flash fill the fore ground subject matter. Thus it will meter the ambient light level then uses the flash at a low powered setting to fill in the fore ground. If the ambient light level is low instead, the P mode will illuminated the scene with the flash. It will also set the shutter speed at the camera highest as well. However picture taken in this mode will result in the background being dark.

The TV (Shutter Priority) Mode

With this mode, the Camera lets you decide the shutter speed instead. It will decide on the aperture priority settings to suit the shutter speed that you have chosen to make sure that the exposure level is correct. The flash pulse duration will be decided by the flash metering system. In essence the Camera will always function under fill flash mode when in TV mode. This is the opposite of the "P" mode. The Canon EOS system will also indicate to you if the background is too dark. You will see this warning when the Maximum aperture settings begin to blink in the viewfinder. If this happens, you have to reduce the shutter speed and use a tripod stand to hold the camera to avoid motion blurring.

AV (Aperture Priority) Mode

With this mode, you can fix the depth of field (DOF) by adjusting the lens aperture. The camera will determine the correct shutter speed for exposing the background to the correct level. The metering system will decide also how long the flash pulse should be. You have to note that if the shutter speed is low, you will need a tripod stand to prop up the camera instead of using your hands to hold the camera. This is because at low shutter speed, your pictures will end up having motion blur. Just like the TV mode, the camera operates fill flash mode. There are several cameras which have the exception to this mode. The canon EOS10/10s and the Canon Elan II/ EOS 50 models has a unique function will lets you lock the X-Sync speed to the Shutter Speed.

Manual (M) Exposure Mode

With the M mode, you will choose both the aperture and shutter speed of the camera. You will also decide the exposure level of the camera. With the flash metering system, the camera will determine the correct flash pulse to illuminate the foreground. - 2361

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Discover How To Copy Wii Games Now - It's Easy!

By Cam Halladay

The popularity of the Nintendo Wii is something which has never been seen before in the world of gaming. The system works like no other and it shouldn't shock anyone that there is a lot of interest in copying Wii games to make backups in case of damage or loss of the original game discs.

These games typically come in the form of a disc which looks like any other CD ? but they cannot be as copied as easily as a music CD. The process is a little more complicated; keep reading for some tips on copying Wii games and a guide on when you should and should not back up a given Wii game disc.

Your usual burning software can't copy your Wii games the same way you'd burn a CD. Roxio, Nero, and other popular burning programs just can't copy these disks. That's because there's encoded copy protection on the disk that keeps your computer from being able to make sense of it.

However, no sooner is a new encryption method invented than someone finds a way around it ? the copy protection on Wii games is no exception. There is a lot of software out there which can break the encryption on WIi game discs.

Once you've installed this kind of software, making a copy of the game is relatively easy - your computer is suddenly able to understand the data that was unreadable before. This is true for games on just about any system, including the PS3, Xbox 360, and the Wii.

Many games made for PCs also use encryption which can be cracked with this software. If you have multiple gaming systems, you can use this software to make backups of these games as well as your Wii games.

With this encryption breaking software, you can make a disc image of the Wii game and copy it on to your hard drive. You can use your regular CD burning software to make a copy of this disc just as you would when copying any other CD or DVD.

Often, burning and copying functions are included in the decryption program, so you won't need to resort to your regular burners at all. This reduces the chances of an error when ripping and burning the disk.

The copying programs that are now available make it possible to copy Wii games without having to do anything but click a few buttons. Copying Wii games is a great way to make a backup copy of any game you want. It never hurts to have a backup in the case that the original gets lost or damaged. Enjoy! - 2361

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Death Valley Castle

By Penelope SanMateo

Death Valley is known for being one of the harshest locations in the USA. It's hot, it's barren and it certainly wasn't the location of the gold mine that was supposedly there and funding the construction of Albert Mussey Johnson's vacation retreat. There wasn't a gold mine, even though Johnson had invested in one.

Walter Scott had gotten Mr. Johnson to invest in a mine that didn't exist. It wasn't a bad deal for Mr. Scott until Mr. Johnson decided to come and see the mine for himself. There was no mine. Pretty hard to keep excited about investing in a mine that doesn't exist.

It was lucky for Mr. Scott that Mr. Johnson became enamored with Death Valley. Because he liked Mr. Scott and thought that Death Valley was truly spectacular he and his wife decided to build a vacation retreat in the valley. It was called Death Valley Ranch but was known to the locals as Scotty's Castle.

The rich and famous came to the retreat when it became a tourist attraction. They wanted to see the retreat built by one of California's richest gold miners. Of course, had he told that it wasn't from the riches gained from the non-existent mine there wouldn't have been nearly the attraction to it that there was at the time.

Today there are tours of the castle for anyone that wants to see it. There are interactive displays, living history exhibits and other displays inside the house. There are guided tours available daily on the hour.

There is a second tour that you can take while at the castle. It is the tour of the underground area of the castle. It shows you the technology incorporated a the time to produce electricity and see the 1/4 mile underground tunnel system that runs under the house.

The National Park Service is in charge of the castle now. It uses some of the underground area to preserve Scotty's Castle. Technology from the past is working with technology of today to keep the castle in good condition. - 2361

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=Great Service And Excellent Values All Packaged In Neat Bundles

By Dawn Amerson

When you want to get great choices and excellent quality along with the best values in your telecommunications service, Comcast is the perfect company for you. Comcast is the only company that offers hundreds of fully digital cable TV channels, extremely high speed Internet access, and low priced digital phone service for just one low price. Bundling your services is a great way to add convenience to your life and also to take advantage of special rates that apply when you subscribe to more than one service.

The Internet is quickly becoming one of the most important sources of information, entertainment, and productivity for children and adults alike. Having a high speed Internet connection can help you get the most out of your time online and prevent you from getting extremely frustrated with the lack of access to complicated websites and other advanced options. Comcast's high speed Internet is one of the fastest out there with a speed of about 8 Mbps. If you are unsure about just how fast 8 Mbps is, just imagine a connection that runs almost a hundred times faster than dial up and over 6 times as fast as normal DSL! Also imagine the possibilities that can be opened up to you by using such a fast connection. Instead of waiting minutes for each page to download with a dial up connection, you can spend your time getting the information you need or playing games with millions of other players. You can even use the Internet to optimize your video entertainment by downloading full length movies and other entertainment options to watch on your television.

To optimize your Internet connection, Comcast also provides the hardware you need. You get a cable modem that will get your computer online and you will also receive a wireless router. The wireless router is an especially important piece of equipment for letting you access the Internet from anywhere within your entire house. Whether you want to use your laptop in your bedroom or get your kids online from their rooms, the wireless router will give you plenty of options. Comcast even gives you special access to exciting websites like and Rhapsody Music Plus.

Of course, no matter how much entertainment you can get from the Internet, having great cable TV service is also important. That is because television is the most convenient and most complete way of getting a huge variety of entertainment choices. That is also why Comcast has put a lot of effort into upgrading its cable TV service. Now, when you become a Comcast cable customer, you get fully digital service and hundreds of channels of selection. All of your shows will be clearer and have better picture and sound quality, and will also allow a greater level of interactivity. For instance, you can find out exactly what is playing on every channel with the interactive electronic program guide and you can keep your children from watching inappropriate programming with the Parental controls. On Demand programming is also an extremely valuable service as it allows you to watch the latest movies at your own pace without having to leave your home. This is a great alternative to traditional Pay Per View as it increases your viewing flexibility.

Comcast's inclusion of high speed Internet and telephone service along with its cable TV service is making it easier for customers to get the high quality and excellent service that has always been Comcast's hallmark. By allowing customers to bundle their services into just one monthly plan, Comcast even makes it easy to save money and to bring a new level of convenience to getting telecommunications services. - 2361

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