Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Ultimate Wedding photography Ideas

By Amanda Maseko

The wedding day is probably the top moment for people to try and keep and why not. Digital wedding photography is instant and this is why some people consider the wedding photographer almost as important as the person performing the wedding ceremony.

Most wedding photographers have assistants so they can create a wedding album that will be memorable but if you want to take pictures of a friend's wedding, who will help you?Fortunately for wedding photographers they can use an assistant to help them get the right shots but if you're a friend taking pictures, then how do you take good shots of the day?If you want to take photographs of your friend's or relations wedding then you will have to do it on your own because you won't have an assistant like the professionals have. So, if you need some help for a wedding you are to attend and you are going to use a digital camera, then you may find some useful information in this article.

Many amateur photographers make the mistake of taking pictures with a boring background which is not something you want in a wedding photo. Often when there is a good background there are just too many people in the shot, so if this is the situation, just try and capture a nice head and shoulders shot of the couple.

Spectacled guests can be a problem as glare from their glasses obscures their eyes and reflects back at the camera. If there is someone in the group that you particularly want to take a photograph of but they are in a crowd then try using the zoom, it will give a good close-up that you wouldn't achieve any other way.

Natural, wedding photos always look better than staged ones but difficult to capture when you are too close so a powerful zoom lens is a great advantage. As you can't keep asking people to pose for you, always have the camera to hand because digital wedding photography is just as much about having natural, un-posed for shots.

The last thing you want to happen is for your digital camera to have half charged batteries and a memory card that is already half full as it will restrict how many shots you can take. A one gigabyte card should be the bare minimum you have if your camera is a six mega pixel model, a larger capacity if the camera has a higher mega pixel rating.

The higher the resolution you set the better the images will be and the larger they can be printed out. To ensure your pictures are safe and ready to print, save them as soon as possible to your computer's hard drive and create a CD you can present to the couple.

If you have a passion for photography and a good relationship with the two people getting married then your digital wedding photography images should come out just fine. - 2361

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