Friday, November 07, 2008

10 Creative Photo Ideas

By David Peters

1. Watch films. Hard work I know. Films have an infinite amounts of ideas for inspiration with different concepts for lighting and composition. With 30 images per second, you'll have some great ideas in no time.

2. Enter photography contests online. Contests often give you topics or themes which can give you inspiration when you don't know what to shoot.

3. Plan a trip to your local botanical garden. Plants are great for experimenting with light and tone. If you can't find a botanical garden, go to a garden shop and snap away. There are some really beautiful flowers to take photos of.

4. Look at things through the eyes of creativity. Pick anything and shoot it just to see what it looks like: things around your house, in the refrigerator, etc. The subject doesn't really matter all that much, what matters is how you shoot it. Shoot, shoot and still shoot even more. Digital is cheap.

5. Composition is king. Take time to consider the layout of your image. Imagine the photo in your head. Try and discover new angles and lighting- see things like you've never even thought of seeing before.

6. Watch movies. Movies can be extremely innovative in experimenting with lighting and concepts. So learn from them. After all, movies are just lots of photographs shown in quick succession.

7. Shoot boring things. Take a look around you in a whole new way. Make an effort to shoot things that you would never consider shooting. A bottle. A phone. A lamp. Anything, just shoot it in lots of different ways and see what comes out.

8. Enter online contests. It's great inspiration to find interesting stuff to photograph. You have a topic, and it can make it easier to find interesting stuff to shoot. Try Contests at

9. Join a photo community and interest groups. It is cheap, informative, and fun. You can post your photos, participate in critique and discussions at forums. Some very good and interesting stuff to be found there!

10. Join photography forums. It's free and fun. You can discuss photography, post up photos and meet some cool people who love photography as much as you. - 2361

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