Saturday, August 02, 2008

A Guide to Building a Composer's Website

By SFXsource

A composer's website is their portal to the rest of the world. A website serves to keep your audience up to date on your work, act as your all-purpose 24/7 representative, and stores valuable media such as recordings, photographs, and biographical information for programming and press outlets. Having a quality website is essential to building your music career in an ever growing e-world. Here are a few important things to consider when building your site:

1. When choosing the design for your site make sure to consider ease of use so that visitors can navigate your site easily.

2. Show your activity by updating your site with new performances of your music.

3. Update your works list often. Performers do check composers' websites looking for new works for their instrument or ensemble.

4. Provide both a brief and full biography on separate pages detailing people you've worked with, press clippings, etc. You'll be surprised how often a short biography these come in handy.

5. Let online guests demo your work by having at least three music clips available in .mp3 format.

6. Social networking sites are active arenas of musical activity so post links in profiles on such sites. Participate in the action!

7. Use professional and easy to remember contact information/email address. That means you should ditch that old guitarhero99 at email address you've had since you were thirteen and simply go with your formal name or business name.

An effective website that follows the above suggestions will increase your visibility and undoubtedly lead to extensive career opportunities. However, while you should maintain a certain level of professionalism you should not be afraid to show a little personality. It is certainly good to show your credentials but visitors will feel a stronger connection to you if you show your human side.

Go forth and prosper!

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