Thursday, July 03, 2008

Photoshop Software...Learn More About Photoshop

By David Peters

Abstract art can be quite amusing, when you are working with Photoshop you can do pretty much everything from, creating an ocean to making pebbles looks softer. Backgrounds with light soft looking pebbles can be quite popular. To do it start by creating a new document. Fill the background with black color. Select gradient tool with the settings shown at the top bar. Apply it several times to create an interesting effect. From "Filter" menu select "Distort>>Ocean Ripple ". This will create an awesome background that you can use for anything really, your desktop, messengers or even on the internet.

A useful tool in photoshop basics is how to clone. Cloning can be important when you want to know how to take something off of one picture and putting it onto another. When you are cloning you can do anything you want to. You can put someone in a different place, create a "clone of them" Anything you do is quite simple, here is a step by step tutorial on how to do it. 1.Click CLONE TOOL in toolbar 2.Click right click and set HARDNESS to 40. 3.Click what you want clone and hold. Hold mouse and press ALT. 4.Hold and move mouse where you want clone.

Digital art is a fun thing to experiment with, you have all probably sometime seen picture that is entirely made of text. Here's how to do it... 1. Go to "Image -> Adjustments -> Threshold", and move the slider left or right, until you get satisfying picture... 2. Open the notepad, and type the words you want to it like this: 3. Next, copy that text, and paste it in new text layer you have created. After that, set up style and size of font, and rotate text until you are satisfied. 4. Next, right click on text layer, and click "Resterise Layer". Select the template layer and with the magic wand at a tolerance of 32 select the white area. Go to select>similar to select all of the light areas and then select the text layer from the layers palette. Next select text layer, and hit delete to clear the excess text and drag the template layer into the bin icon. Back the image up in white by making a new layer (Go to "Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color") with a white fill and dragging it underneath the text layer.

In Digital art you can easily create a "mac" style background. You can use these in all sorts of situations, including the obvious - your desktop as well as part of your designs or for corporate work (power point presentations, flash work etc) in photoshop. BACKGROUND LAYER We begin with a blank canvas and then draw a subtle gradient across it. (I'm using a 1280x1024 canvas here) Don't be fooled by the black border incidentally, that's just photoshop. So anyhow I've chosen two orange colors that are very similar to each other to make a very subtle gradient indeed. Add a NEW LAYER Now take your Polygonal Lassoo Tool (shortcut key L) and draw in a rough triangular selection as shown. Then take a really fat soft brush (size 300 or so) and draw some faded in white with the edge of it, again as shown. Be careful not to make it too strong however. Set your white from step 2 to 'OVERLAY'. NEW LAYER Now again take your Polygonal Lassoo Tool and do a similar triangle but back and against it (like shown). This time add some black. I actually used a gradient fill here using Black and nothing. You can get this type of gradient by selecting your gradient tool then dropping down and choosing the second one along: Set your black layer to Overlay & 34%. NEW LAYER Now use the Pen Tool and draw a nice looking curve. The secret to nice curves with the pen tool is dragging the handle a long way. Join the path back up so its one continuous blob, then right click and select "Make Selection" You should now have a selection of a nice curve (as shown). Once again use the gradient tool this time with White fading to nothing and add some white. Set this layer to Overlay and you should have something similar to whats shown. NEW LAYER And again grab the Pen Tool and this time make a new even more interesting shape. You can see the shape I created on the left Close the shape back in on itself so its one continuous path and again right click and choose "Make Selection" Now with your selection, grab that fat soft brush again (size 300) and add some Black just at the top on one side (as shown). Don't let go of your selection as we'll need it for the next few steps NEW LAYER Now choose a selection tool (doesn't matter which one) and hit the Down arrow key 10 times. You need to have a selection tool on or else you can move your selection around and instead Photoshop will try to move some of your artwork (since you are on a new layer it will give you an error) so make sure you've chosen a Polygonal Lassoo tool or one of the others. Now press CTRL-SHIFT-I to inverse your selection. Then with your soft brush (size 300) paint some black down the bottom as shown. When you're done set the layer to 'Overlay' and fade it back to 60% NEW LAYER Now press CTRL-SHIFT-I to inverse your selection again (back to the original) and this time paint some nice white as shown. Note that because we've moved our selection down back in Step 8, this won't quite align with the black. NEW LAYER Now grab your gradient tool, choose white to nothing and set it to 'Radial Gradient'. Then add a white light up the top left as shown. Set this layer to 'OVERLAY' Now at the moment the colors aren't looking quite right, if I was really energetic I'd go back to the beginning and start again with a different set of oranges, but instead we're going to do a quick adjustment NEW LAYER On the new layer add a fill of a good orange similar to as shown. Set the blending mode to "Colour" and opacity to 55%. This should adjust nicely. NEW LAYER Now once again use the usual method of using the pen tool to draw a nice curved selection (as shown) and then right click and choose "Make Selection Use the White - Nothing gradient and add a smooth white transition from left to right as shown. And set the layer to 'Overlay'. NEW LAYER As you can see we're getting close. Now create one final curved selection down in the bottom left add a white gradient fading to nothing (our favorite tool as you can see) and switch to 'Overlay'. For the final touches I added a tinge of black overlaid bottom right and a bit more white overlaid on the top left. But these are inconsequential changes. You might want to go through and polish yours up a little too at this point because other than that you're done!

The photo retouching technique liquefying, can take a while especially if it is a image. It doesn't help your computer isn't powerful. I've found a great way to improve the operations. If we will work not with the whole image but with the part of it the processing can be done more quickly. 1. Select the area for further retouching but rectangle tool: 2. Copy the area: ctrl+c 3. Create a new document and paste the area with the combinations of hotkeys: ctrl+n, ctrl+v 4. Open 'Liquefy' filter menu: 5. Make the changes. Click 'Ok' 6. Select corrected area: ctrl+a 7. Copy corrected area: ctrl+c 8. Go back to the original document 9. Paste the corrected area into original document (you may wish to place it on a new layer):

While texturing you can add cool looking scan lines to your picture. This is easy enough: Open Photoshop and click on File > New and set the width to 1 pixel, the height to 3 pixels and set the "Contents" section to "Transparent" for this tutorial. You will have to click on View > Zoom In a few times so you can see the palette.Now, right click on the "Brush Tool" and select the "Pencil Tool" and at the top of the screen set your "Brush " to 1px, your "Mode" to normal and your "Opacity" to 100 percent. Take your "Pencil Tool" and click in the center of your new palette so the top and bottom third are still transparent. Go to Edit > Define Pattern and save your new image as a scan line pattern like the example below. Next, open any photo you want to add scan lines to. Click on the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" and drag it over the photo. Now right click on the photo and click on "Fill" and set your properties to the image below. The "Custom Pattern" will be the one you just created. You can set your "Blending" options to what appears best for your photo.

Images on layouts are just as important as the layout itself. A fun one to would be the Alert Icon: Project09 tutorials photoshop Alert Icon Step 1 Create a new layer, and select the polygonal lasso tool. Draw a triangle as shown on the left. When you have the selection, smooth it by 6. Step 2 Set the foreground color to #FFEB90 and the background to #FF7131. Select the gradient tool, then choose the radious mode. Click and drag from the top to bottom inside the selection, using the gradient tool. You should see something similar to mine on the left. Step 3 Open up the layer styles box for layer 1. Add an inner shadow with these settings... Blend Mode: Overlay Color: Black Angle: -90 Distance: 2 size: 1 Leave the rest of the settings as default. Step 4 Add an outer glow with these settings... blend mode: normal opacity: 33% size: 9px Spread: 0 Add an exclamation mark using the text tool. Set the color to black, the to size to 48, and set the font to Times New Roman. That will give us a nice thick character. Open the layer styles box for the text layer and add outer glow with these settings... Blend mode: normal opacity: 13% spread: 25 size: 8 Step 5 Create a new layer. Select the rectangular marquee tool and set it to subtract. Cut the previous selection in half, leaving the top half. Contract the selection by 2 then smooth it by 4. Fill it with (white) and set the opacity of the layer to 54%. Step 6 De select the selection by pressing ctrl+d. Create a new layer. Hold down your ctrl button and click the first layer we made, in the layer palette. This should create a selection around our triangle. Make sure your still on the top layer, which we just created. Set the foreground color to black and stroke the selection, this will create our border. Congratulations! Your finished!

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