Thursday, July 03, 2008

Photoshop Software...Quick and Easy techniques for Photoshop

By David Peters

Abstract art can be quite amusing, when you are working with Photoshop you can do pretty much everything from, creating an ocean to making pebbles looks softer. Backgrounds with light soft looking pebbles can be quite popular. To do it start by creating a new document. Fill the background with black color. Select gradient tool with the settings shown at the top bar. Apply it several times to create an interesting effect. From "Filter" menu select "Distort>>Ocean Ripple ". This will create an awesome background that you can use for anything really, your desktop, messengers or even on the internet.

A useful tool in photoshop basics is how to clone. Cloning can be important when you want to know how to take something off of one picture and putting it onto another. When you are cloning you can do anything you want to. You can put someone in a different place, create a "clone of them" Anything you do is quite simple, here is a step by step tutorial on how to do it. 1.Click CLONE TOOL in toolbar 2.Click right click and set HARDNESS to 40. 3.Click what you want clone and hold. Hold mouse and press ALT. 4.Hold and move mouse where you want clone.

What we want to do is create a fractal. I use Apophysis but you can use any fractal program. Once you have a fractal you like open it up in Photoshop. To start off what we want to do is duplicate our fractal layer. So take your fractal layer and drag onto the new layer button. Then go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and insert any settings between 4 - 9. Each fractal is different so it will take some experimentation find the right one for your fractal. Then set your blurred layer on Linear Light. This will make the colors more vibrant and will make it brighter and seem to glow. Your fractal should look something like this now. Now duplicate your blurred layer. And take the layer settings and put it on Soft Light. This should add to more of the glow feeling. Yours should look something like this: Now I wanted to make my fractal look even brighter because its an angel and angels are known to be very bright. So make a new layer. Fill it black. Now go to Filter> Render> Lens flare. Then blur your Lens Flare. Finally set your Lens Flare layer on Color Dodge and move it so the Lens Flare is in the middle of your fractal. Your fractal should look something like this: If you have ugly green heads take a white soft brush and brush over it. And you are done!

While you are running though photos you may find one that you absolutely hate because of the acne, well there is a way to cure that by touching up your photo. First open your photo which you want to cure the acne on. Next, click on your "Healing Brush Tool" and set your brush to the size of 5px for this tutorial. When selecting your brush size, set your "Hardness" to 100% and your "Spacing" to 25%. Now press Alt+Click The Mouse over a non-blemished area and then clicked over the blemished area to replace it. To clear up areas where two distinct colors of acne are near, set your "Hardness" to 66% so you can blend the areas more naturally. Next, click on Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation to balance the colors. I increased the Hue slider by 12 points to even out the reddish blemishes.

While texturing you can add cool looking scan lines to your picture. This is easy enough: Open Photoshop and click on File > New and set the width to 1 pixel, the height to 3 pixels and set the "Contents" section to "Transparent" for this tutorial. You will have to click on View > Zoom In a few times so you can see the palette.Now, right click on the "Brush Tool" and select the "Pencil Tool" and at the top of the screen set your "Brush " to 1px, your "Mode" to normal and your "Opacity" to 100 percent. Take your "Pencil Tool" and click in the center of your new palette so the top and bottom third are still transparent. Go to Edit > Define Pattern and save your new image as a scan line pattern like the example below. Next, open any photo you want to add scan lines to. Click on the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" and drag it over the photo. Now right click on the photo and click on "Fill" and set your properties to the image below. The "Custom Pattern" will be the one you just created. You can set your "Blending" options to what appears best for your photo.

Adding texturing and smoothing texture out is helpful to photos. To add a seamless texture you would start with a simple ground texture here - 320x320 big. As you can see when we try to make a horizontal pattern an ugly seam is visible. We'll try to fix that. Go to the filter menu and choose filter/other/offset.. Our texture is 320 wide so +130 value for horizontal -that will move our image 130 pixels to the right. After that we can notice seam -place where ends of image meet. What we have to do know is make seam invisible by over painting cloning parts of image and so forth. I covered seam mostly with 1px brush picking colors with eyedropper tool When done, we have to move image to its base position by moving it 130px to the left -choose filters/other/offset.. and write "-130" value. Now we can see how it works. Repeating texture gives us nice pattern without seams. We can of course do the same thing vertically when needed. Ok, hope it's good enough for doing some textures...

Learn how to create a mac clock. Now we will have to create the shiny look. Please add noise both to your glare and your base as it will look more official compared to the Dashboard Clock. Now we have to create the clock it self so take out your Eliptical Tool and draw in a circle on top of your glare layer and fill it in with black. Now add the border around the black circle with the hex indicated below. Now we have to create the glare so if you want to get more detailed view, you can just follow my way. Place the original clock design near yours and draw a white circle inside the black circle about 1 or 2 pixels apart. After that grab your eraser tool and set the opacity to 75% and slowlu brush from the top until you get something like mine. I also added a small tiny border around the glare just to make it look a little nicer. Now we have to add all the digits inside. I personally liked how Arial Narrow looked on it so i added that font although i think Mac's designer used some other font that i am not familiar with or maybe just missed. Create a white circle in the center of the digits. Following that draw another red circle inside the white's circle center. Now by the alignment of the arrows on the clock, use your white circle as the base and grab your pen tool to draw out one of the arrows. Just by connecting to one side of the base of the circle and extending towards the numbered digit and then following back to the opposite base of the circle, you can easily acheive those fancy arrows. Repeat the steps again to create the short arrow as well. Now place the long arrow layer underneath the white and red circle layer. Following by going to the Settings of the circle and adding a drapshadow of about 75% opacity with the color filling of black. After you have done that, grab your line tool and set th weight to 2px and draw a line from the red circle to the selected digit on the seconds. Now your basically done, just grab your text tool and add the State and the AM/PM indicator on top. If your curious about the colors, you can just take the hex of the original design. Your final result should look like this:

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