Friday, July 25, 2008

Photoshop - Discover the Art of layering

By David Peters

A perfect photograph is constituted of a number of elements light conditions, the amount of exposure and selecting the ideal lens and the filter. It is only when these factors are at their most optimal, that a flawless image is created. However, sometimes even the most talented and exacting of photographers may find that his image lacks a certain "Something" or that the photograph would have looked a lot better, had he just fined tuned a few elements. And hence he turns to editing, which allows him to correct any inadvertent flaws that mar his image while also saving him the time and cost that he would have had to invest of he chose to re-shoot the image. With the passage of time and development of technology, several new kinds of editing software have been developed, among which, the most noteworthy is Adobe Photoshop.

Many photographers shy away from using editing software as extensive retouching of the image significantly deteriorates the image quality. But Photoshop effectively nullifies this obstacle as it allows you to touch up the image without burning the image itself. This it does through the use of layers. Layers function in a manner similar to transparencies, which when stacked on top of each other, form the complete image. Each layer consists of different parts of the image, to which you can apply different effects to modify only those parts of the picture which need to be worked on and leaving the rest intact.

Thus, you can work on the overexposed part of your image, building density and correcting the color until you are completely satisfied with the results. What's more, if you aren't too happy with the final outcome, you can even undo the specific effect on the explicit part of the image, as you are not modifying the image itself, but rather only the part which is superimposed on the screen or 'Layer'. Here, the multiple undo option proves invaluable, as it allows you to experiment with as many effects as you wish and retain only the ones that enhance your final product.

Adjustment Layers also allow you to undo all the effects that you have applied on your image, and start all over from scratch without compromising on the image quality. You can also view your editing process at every step by turning of the visibility of the layer you are working on to analyze the final outcome and then turn to visibility back on to continue with the process.

To create your customized adjustment layer, you can either opt to work with the Layer Menu, and choose an adjustment layer which is suited to your requirements from the New Adjustment Layer Sub Menu, or refer to the layer Palette Icon which lets you choose an adjustment layer type from the pop up menu. And once you have crated the perfect Adjustment layer which brings about the exact effect you wish to use, you can even save your layer adjustments to use them on future images, which will save you a lot of time and effort when the need arises.

Labeling your layers with distinct names is also helpful as you can distinguish between layers and switch to and fro without any confusion. To name the layer you are working on, double click on the Layer, and enter the moniker you've chosen in the name field and then click on OK to save your preference. To make your task easier, you can also hide all the other layers except for the one you are working on, while will also help you focus better by clicking on the eye icon next to the layers you're not using. To bring them back on, click on the eye icon again and proceed to the next layer. This makes your task a lot easier and more organized, thus saving you a lot of time and patience.

You may also inundate yourself with more layers than you can handle in which case, you can easily deleted the unwanted ones, without disturbing the others that you need. You can even select a combination of layers and merge them together by choosing the Merge layers Option in the Layer Menu. As any Photoshop expert will tell you, if there's one tool you need to master when you learn Photoshop and make the most of it, it has got to be layers. So wait no further get to work on that image which you've always wanted to work on, but didn't for fear of ruining it you can never tell just what you might unmask!

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