Saturday, July 19, 2008

Learning To Play Guitar Fast

By Mike Cole

Do you want to learn how to play Guitar or do you just want to play it? This is what my guitar teacher told me. I thought it was a strange question. I said I wanted to learn guitar fast.

He said to let him explain. You can learn all the notes and scales and how to read music and how to stay in time and so on and so on or do you just want to play?

Most people start taking lessons and never finish. They are bored and you might learn to play some basic song in a month or two. I said forget that and teach me how to play songs I want to learn.

He gave me a copy of Guitar Tutor Pro and said to follow it. I did and was playing songs that were on the radio in a few weeks! I still have a lot to learn but I can play rhythm guitar with his band. Still working on my leads but I can blow away friends of mine that have been playing for years.

Learning how to read and play tabs is a lot easier and faster than learning to read music.

If you want to learn how to play guitar the fastest way possible this is the course for you. Learn all the core guitar playing essentials such as, hammer ons, pull offs, palm muting, string deadening, slides, a variety of bends, and lots more!

Unless someone shows you how to do these techniques you will never get them down. I had many forehead slapping moments following the Guitar Tutor Pro Course. Like oh... thats how you get that sound...

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