Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Why Is Movie Downloading The Best Choice

By Billy Wolfe

The internet has improved the processes of many industries and the entertainment industry is no exception. Where you once had to go to a theater or drive to a rental store if you wanted to see a movie, thanks to online movie downloads you can now purchase the latest releases from the comfort of your home. That beats standing in long lines or getting caught in bad weather any day.

It might be hard to see the value in downloading movies from the internet especially if you have a DVD player or rent movies via pay per view. Here are a few ways renting movies online is a better use of your time and money than getting them from your cable provider or renting them from a video store.

Convenience: Dealing with rough traffic on the way to the rental store doesn't sound like a lot of fun. In fact, in the time it takes you to get in your car and drive to the end of the driveway, you could have ordered a movie online. Since the internet is open all day every day, you have the ability to order a movie whenever you feel like watching one, even if it's in the middle of the night. Additionally, you won't have worry about returning your movie to the rental store. Online movie providers allow you to keep the movie for up to 30 days before your access to it expires.

Variety: Cable companies and movie rental stores don't offer nearly the selection you have access to online. You have your choice of literally thousands of movies online, including DVD versions of your favorite television shows, versus the dozen offered by your cable service. Even rental stores are constantly turning over their inventory so you don't know what they have from one day to the next.

Pricing: Renting movies online saves you both money and time. Internet companies have much lower overhead costs which allow them to rent movies at a much cheaper rate. On top of that, you'll save wear and tear on your car as well as gas. Late fees are a thing of the past too because once your rental time expires access to the movie is simply shut off.

Portability: One unique benefit to downloading movies from the internet is the fact that you can put them on a portable video player. This will give you the ability to take the video with you to watch whenever the mood strikes. Riding on a local bus, long distance travel and even waiting in line can be perfect opportunities to watch that movie you've been waiting to see all year.

One cautionary note is to make sure that your online movie provider only sells legitimate movies. Unfortunately, many websites sell illegal copies of movies and the last thing you want is to have the feds pounding on your door because you unintentionally bought a bootleg copy of a movie.

While movie downloads probably can't be considered the best thing since pre-sliced bread, it is pretty close. You get all the same entertainment benefits of a regular movie in one convenient money saving package. What's not to love about that? - 2361

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