Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Super Cool Fushigi Ball

By Renae Walsh

The fushigi magic gravity ball has got to be one of the coolest things ever offered on late night television. The commercials are amazing. At first you are not even quite sure what you are looking at. Is it a toy or trick? Well, first things first. The fushigi is a little bit of both.

I had to see the ad a few times before I could finally remember the name but while researching online for information I realized this was just standard contact juggling. I managed to find similar products for sale everywhere but couldn't seem to find a retailer selling this Fushigi Gravity Ball. People have been doing contact juggling since the 1980's but there has never been a toy marketed to teach the basics. The current popularity of Fushigi will quickly change this and we will see a ton of new contact jugglers.

After finally figuring out how to order one, I received my Fushigi and got started. It comes with an instructional DVD which has a lot of great info, but I quickly realized that you can do these tricks with an ordinary ball. It will not look as cool and the element of floating will not be present, but once you master the basics you can contact juggle with anything. Having said that, I'm glad I got my fushigi because it is awesome.

I would say at this point that learning the basics of contact juggling is not hard, but requires a ton of patience and a lot of practice. The people we see in the commercial are definitely experts and have had to have been juggling for a long time. But learning fushigi is entirely possible and picking up the basics is achievable for anyone.

Everyone who sees the fushigi is immediately captivated by this thing. Whether you are trying to perform or just watching, it captures the attention of both young and old. Now that Fushigi is being mass marketed for such an inexpensive price compared to other acrylic balls, I fully expect this to be the next hot toy. Everybody wants one of these so expect to see this everywhere by Christmas. It is too cool not to be the next big fad.

The only problem with the Fushigi is that you cannot buy it in stores. Right now you can only order it online or by phone. I would imagine that retailers will get their crack at it soon but for now it is strictly an as seen on TV product. Having said that, if you want to buy fushigi be very careful during the ordering process. Steer clear of bonus offers and upgrades and expect to pay a standard shipping charge. If you pay attention while ordering, you will not end up with a bunch of junk that you do not want. - 2361

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