Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Breathtaking DVD Voyage

By James Q. Juniper

My friends dragged me shopping the other day. It was this absolutely huge electronics shop. We were just looking around at all the cool stuff. I didn't expect to buy anything, just a way to kill a Saturday afternoon when you don't have anything to do. My friend might have mentioned that he was shopping for a vacuum cleaner or something. What changed my mind completely was when I saw what they had for sale.

They had these portable DVD players that you could take anywhere. I thought you had to have a TV or some kind of monitor to plug your DVD player into. But not these amazing little pieces of advanced technology. They weren't very big, kind of the same size as those electronic dictionaries you see foreign exchange students carrying around with them all the time. And they included the screen as well. At first I thought they wouldn't be that great, because you would still have to plug them in.

That's when the beautiful sales assistant came by and explained to me that they can also run from batteries. Some of these have batteries that run for up to six hours. I started to imagine all the possibilities. I could to sit in the park and watch movies, or go to the library and pretend to study, all the while watching my favorite DVDs. This was wonderful. Hold on a second. Wouldn't the sound from my DVD player bother all the people who were around me and trying to study or something?

That's when I was in for another shock. Quite a few of these DVD players come with headphone jacks. That means you can plug in and listen in total privacy. Nobody around you would feel bothered. It was the perfect solution. And no matter what the sound was in your environment, your headphones would block them out, enhancing your DVD watching experience. But just as I was about to pick one up for purchase, I was hijacked yet again by my imagination. There would be no way a man of meager means like myself could buy one of these, which likely cost upwards of a thousand dollars.

This is where I was delivered the most startling revelation I have ever heard. Some of these were less than a hundred dollars! Truly amazing technology at an affordable price. I probably have that much money on the floor in my car. But of course, in these modern times, most stores accept major credit cards. I grabbed the best one they had and sprinted to the cashier before I changed my mind. And ever since then, me and my DVD player have been best friends. - 2361

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