Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Video Game Tester Guide

By Mary Solinna

It is not an easy job to be a Video Game Tester. You shouldn't treat it like a game. Make sure you have taken note of everything that the company that you are working for requires. Once you know something you should write down very detailed reports, making the game developer jobs easier and making you look very professional. These are five steps to be a good video game tester.

1.) Make sure to read and reread everything that is in relation to game they send. This will give you a lot of information about the games. The game developers want your feedback on how well the game held up against the instructions they've sent you. They will often give you a deadline and a standard format for submitting evaluations.

2.) Remember that you're not playing for fun and you are a tester not a player. It involves not just playing a game normally, having your own method of playing is more important for you to test out every aspect of the game. If the game features more than one character, play them all; be on the lookout for anything that doesn't seem normal.

3.) Through out your testing cycle, take notes of everything that doesn't work well carefully. To make them as concrete as you can when you are describing bugs, and glitches. If you make too many errors in detail, the company will just send you away, considering that you are just not good enough to be a tester.

4.) If you come across a bug, try to recreate it, find out what cause it, though some bugs are random. Location, level, character, what items you were using, every piece of information will be valuable and help the programmers recreate the error, so don't leave out every detail. Besides, be on the lookout for small errors like misspelling, music errors, discoloration and so on.

5.) If you still have some time before your deadline, try to start your entire game again, you might find something you missed on your earlier play. Once your deadline comes, write your final report, don't forget to make every piece of information included in your notes, make it look organized and professional, and organize your report vary from game to game.

This is something you need to know before you want to be a successful game tester. It is not a bored job if you love to play video games. Sounds funny, right? A Video Game Tester is a rewarding job, if you are serious about earning a living as a tester. - 2361

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