Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Preparations To Have A Lucid Dream

By Helen Cheire

Say farewell to your dreams and nightmares which are taking place beyond your control and imaginations and prepare to have lucid dream. Normally dreams occur while you are asleep and that happens without your consciousness. Lucid dreams are dreams which occur with your consciousness.

Don't come to frown, it does not require an extra ordinary mind set or super natural power. If you believe, you are not able to see it with your mind set, just train your mind to have lucid dreams. Lucid dream may occur to all if you take a little bit effort to prepare a mind set for that. It requires a controlled mind and disciplined life style. Why disciplined life style? You life style will definitely affect your mind set and confidence. Your mind requires a minimum energy, which you can acquire only through disciplined effort.

To have lucid dream, you need to shape your mind and thoughts. Awareness is fully related to mind, so that you should be able to control your thoughts, reduce frequency of it and able to direct in a way you wish. Fist prepares your mind to have lucid dreams.

How is it possible, a relevant question? Human mind a world of mystery and you can shape and polish it according to your will, if you are constant in effort and disciplined in life style. In normal cases mind is full of thoughts and it work out without any proper control. As a first step to control your mind you need to acquire the ability to direct your mind according to your wishes, whenever you want to do.

Once you changed your perception, you can see and approach the world around you differently. The same is happening in case lucid dreams. You are approaching your mind in a different way, so that you can unleash power of mind. If you are able to unleash enormous power of mind, you can do many things which ordinary man think beyond their dream.

Develop your memorizing skills through various intellectual exercises. To have lucid dream, you should have a good memory power. Wake up every morning and meditate for a little time. It will be very effective because usually mind will be fresh in morning. Practice some puzzles and recite wordings which you have bighearted. You may know other exercises to improve concentration.

Next is preparing to have lucid dreams. To acquire this ability you need to develop recollecting skills. After each dream, try to recollect even minute details of it. Purchase a dream journal and write down on it. You can see progress in your observation and memorizing. When you are reading this journal, you will come to know the connection among these incidents and you will get a clear picture.

Visualization of your procession, enthusiastic applauses and showering prizes upon you will leave you in a trance. To realize all those things you may work hard. While you feel tiresome the beautiful memories of your dreams will fill up energy to fuel up your action.

Sit alone in a quiet place. Close your eyes focus your attention to certain points. Start to recollect your thoughts one by one. Gradually you will loose your connection with your surroundings and began to dream. Now you are dreaming with full awareness of it. - 2361

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