Monday, June 21, 2010

Steps To Experience Astral Travel

By Conran Beecham

Astral travel is very interesting and more important concept. It is a complicated form of out of body experiences, researchers say. Definition shows, while astral travel or astral projection occurs, our astral body or spirits leaves physical body and wander anywhere in the universe seeking information. Once it completed mission, safely re enter to physical body and resume common bodily activities.

It had been practiced among many religious practitioners and believers. Many of them get trained to practice this for spiritual purposes. Earlier it is known as Spiritual walking, a more religious term. It usually occur at the time of death, when soul leaving human body. When a body is in critical state, usually it does respond to any treatment because soul may leave body often and look down upon it floating above his head.

Astral projection had been practiced in early centuries by religious practitioners and believers. But unfortunately, people lost belief in the concept on the time being. Holy books and spiritual legends in the past claim that they have created wonderful transformation in their life and gained mysterious information about universe projecting their spirits into the heaven.

History stands with solid evidence that people f ancient cultures from India, China, Africa and Egypt had practiced the astral to projection to let their soul travels to astral planes. They believed this journey to sky and heaven.

You can practice astral travel; it does not require an extra ordinary mind or personality. Learn to concentrate on your thoughts and control your mind, you can enjoy out of body experience. Before you start to practice out of body experience you need to set up a clear mind which strongly believes that your astral body can leave your physical body and your astral body can re enter to physical body after completed its travelling.

Once you created such a mind set your attempt is 50 percentages finished. Even your slightest fear about getting back to normal state will not allow your mind to go on astral travel. Next is your concentration on your task and constant practice to achieve to attain the state.

You can practice astral travel once you achieved the ability to control your mind. Select a room or space which is away from crowd because nothing should be there to disturb your thoughts and attention. If you are not in a complete solitude you will not be able to practice. Close all windows and doors to shut light to room. Lay flat on bed looking up and put your hands on both sides.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Fresh up your mind and convince it that your astral body is leaving your physical body. Gradually you will a kind of connectedness to darkness which surrounded you. You will feel certain images are flashing before your eyes. Focus on one of those images and brush aside rest. Tell your body your soul is about to leave. You may feel a kind of shivering. Don't over exited or try to stop it. Encourage it and keep on your focus on that objects before your eyes.

Don't get frustrated after your failed attempts. It is only possible slowly. Write down your experience in dream journal and understand improvement and hope for the best next time. - 2361

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