Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are Opera Glasses For You?

By Jeff Bridges

A lot of people wonder if they can use opera glasses. It does not matter if you wear glasses or you can not see very well, you can use opera glasses if you wish. They will not hurt your vision as long as you are not walking around looking through them all the time.

Opera glasses usually focus extremely well indoors as opposed to binoculars which are typically used outdoors. A lot of opera glasses look just like binoculars but are not binoculars at all. Opera glasses are a lot smaller than most binoculars and you can get them in a lot of designs and colors.

In order to see if Opera Glasses are right for you, you should see if you can borrow a pair from a friend. If you friend does not have any then you can always rent a pair from the opera, they usually offer the glasses at a pretty cheap price.

If you are thinking you do not want to put your eyes or hand on something that someone else has used then I suggest you bring some sanitizer with you or just stick with borrowing a friends or simply buying your own.

Opera Glasses can be designed to look as nice as the people that use them, hence the reason why you would pay a higher price. If you are not a regular opera visitor then you probably should not worry about buying opera glasses because you can always rent them once you get to the opera. Or if you have a friend that has a pair then you could probably borrow theirs.

Using opera glasses are very helpful in allowing you to see the complete opera from your seat. Some people may not need to use them because their seat may be close enough to the stage that they can see just fine. Or some people may not need them because their eye sight is just fine. In this case you save yourself the money of renting or buying a pair.

It does not matter what brand name, color or type of Opera Glasses you get as long as you get ones that make you happy and your not paying too high of a price for something that you can get cheaper somewhere else. Try to make sure that you try out Opera Glasses before you buy your own so that you can know if they are for you. - 2361

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