Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Success Mindset - Cosmic Ordering

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Today many people are searching for a way to improve their lives. To live a more fulfilled life, where they are able to have the things they want and enjoy what it is they have. There are many options out there that promise to help you manifest your dreams, but none that work as well as cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering refers to a spiritual process in which the universe will give to you what you ask from it. You ask or order for something and it will be given to you. Although it is a spiritual process you need not be a saint and always do good deeds to get what you ask for. It is a benefit for sure but not a necessity.

Cosmic ordering, very simply is the spiritual manifestation of your dreams and desires. You can ask for anything from the universe. A change in your life or perhaps a change in situation, which will help you to attain your desired objective.

Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer opine that to place an order in the universe you must be in an invisible energy field which they call the 'field of intent'. This field is where our spirit connects with the universe and returns conscious desires.

This is actually not a fresh concept, in fact most of us have done so sometime or the other without registering it formally in our minds. There must have been times when your requirements were fulfilled once you had voiced your wants to the cosmos. This cannot be termed as a mere coincidence! It was indeed a spiritual design.

For cosmic ordering to work, you must have the power of intention, that is, you must really believe that what you are asking for is what you deserve.

Merely saying that you want a new car or that you want a promotion is not enough. You must believe deep down in your heart that you deserve them. If you don't believe or don't put in any effort, in all likelihood you will not be getting them.

Cosmic ordering isn't really very hard. But of course, like everything else, it has its downsides as well. If you think about and believe in negative things, those things will be manifested.

For example, if you think and believe that you are going to get fired, you probably will. So think positively and focus on what you really want.

Most people spend so many years in an unhappy state of mind that it is difficult for them to believe that they deserve good things and a change of circumstance.

Sometimes your own subconscious mind works against you and tries to keep things in your life the same as they are now.

For real success at cosmic ordering your subconscious mind needs to be prepared beforehand to accept that it is okay for you to change your life and receive everything you want.

Communicating with the subconscious mind is not that difficult. It can be done through simple affirmations, meditation and self hypnosis. Changes have occurred in the lives of many people by using cosmic ordering.

People have completely changed their lives using cosmic ordering. Isn't it time that you lived the life that you really want? Here is your chance, using cosmic ordering to enjoy a truly fulfilled life. - 2361

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