Sunday, September 20, 2009

Build Great Companies with a Quiz Night

By Mike Tants

Great Teams Make Things Happen:

Great teams make things happen more than anything else in organisations. McGregor's X-Y Theory explains why empowering teams get the best results. It's more about attitude and behaviour towards staff than processes and tools.

Great teamwork is born from concentrating on the employees within that team rather than the task they are doing. By concentrating more on the employee and making sure that's right, more often than not the task will just happen.

Employees working together, for each other in a team is a huge resource for any company. They are more important than the individual skills they possess, the processes they follow and the policies of the organisation. They become part of a great team when the team as a whole decides to do something for themselves, not by being told they must do it but because they have decided this is what needs to be done and by achieving this goal they will make a difference.

Building a team:

There a loads of team building exercises out there. Companies could spend a fortune sending team out on team days if they wanted, but there are also cheaper ways to slowly build teams. This article will talk about the benefits that can be had by arranging a company quiz night.

Why a Quiz Night?

There are many reasons for choosing a quiz night as a corporate team building event.

It's inexpensive. You can create your own quiz if you have the time and inclination, or you could buy a quiz pack for a couple of pounds online. You may wish to charge a fee for entering which could also cover costs of a few beers or pizza.

Secondly, it's flexible - you only need a couple of hours after work, either in the office canteen or down the local pub (if you go to the local pub you may also be able to see if you could get the landlord to donate a free drink to the winner on account of the extra trade you'd bring in!).

Most importantly though it will get people all pulling in the same direction - i.e. winning the quiz! They will need to reason with each other, give opinions, and with this will come talking and joking.

Quiz nights can also be used in a wider sense - just to get people to know each other. I recently went to a quiz night where you were only allowed 2 members of the same business team in the same quiz team. This made us talk to people we didn't really work with and find out what they do.


This sort of fun evening makes the organisation a lot more transparent and friendly. Instead of people walking past each other and avoiding eye contact in the staff canteen they say hello and maybe have a chat or a joke.

Once the people in the organisation start to get to know each other they are much more likely to want to help each other, and it's at this point companies become great at what they do. The people in the business care and realise the impact of their work on others, and by wanting to minimise this impact they do the job better, and the whole organisation benefits. - 2361

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