Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Flaming Lips: Best Seven Studio Albums

By Jason V. Dobbins

The Flaming Lips 12th album, Embryonic, is set to come out sometime this year. With that in mind, here's a look back at the best seven Lips albums to date. They are ordered by time not by greatness!

In a Priest Driven Ambulance (1990) - For some Lips fans this is still their greatest album. While I personally don't personally have that belief, you are a noise rock fanatic then you may have that opinion too. If you are new to the band and have been brought into the fold by some of their more recent albums then you may find this one a bit difficult to listen to at first, but I recommend giving it at least a few spins to give it a fair shot because there's some great songs on this album.

Hit to Death in the Future Head (1992) - I think Hit to Death... is an underrated Lips album that deserves far more praise than it gets. I hear a big advance from Priest... to Hit to Death... as far as sonic experimentation and psychedelia.

Transmission from the Satellite Heart (1993) - This is probably the Lips most overrated album because it has their most overrated song, "She Don't Use Jelly," on it. It's still a great album though because a lot of the other songs are very good.

Clouds Taste Metallic (1995) - The pinnacle of the Ronald Jones era. After this album Jones (the lead guitarist) left the band and they went in an entirely different direction. For some this new direction was even better than the old, while others will always prefer the old style of the Lips.

Zaireeka (1997) - This is the Lips at their most experimental. The album actually consists of four CDs which are meant to be played simultaneously. This creates more of a "music experience" than just simply listening to an album. It's not for everyone, but for those who get it, it's a true masterpiece.

The Soft Bulletin (1999) - My favorite Lips album to date. It's just about as perfect as psychedelic pop rock music can get. It's experimental yet classic at the same time.

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (2002) - This was an exciting new direction in 2002. Sadly I think the Lips overplayed this hand with 2006's At War with the Mystics which is, in my opinion, the worst Lips album since the "bad old days" of the 1980s. - 2361

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