Monday, June 01, 2009

How to design digital scrapbook pages for a trip to the zoo

By Julie Gazaway

There are many different ways you can design your digital scrapbook pages. In this article well discuss creating digital scrapbook pages for a specific event such as going to the zoo.

How to design digital scrapbook pages step #1: Narrow down your pictures Lets say you went to the zoo with your children and took 50 pictures. Youre not going to use all the pictures, so the first step is picking out your favorite ones and getting rid of the mess ups.

How to design digital scrapbook pages step #2: Sort your pictures Once youve gotten rid of all the unwanted pictures, start sorting out the remaining ones. For example, you could sort the pictures according to the animals, such as tiger pictures, giraffe pictures, alligator pictures, etc. Or, another way you could sort the pictures is by which child is in the picture.

How to design digital scrapbook pages step #3: Decide on the number of pages Once youve sorted the pictures, itll be much quicker and easier to decide on the number of pages youll be creating. I like using an average of 3 pictures per page. Some will have more, and some will have less, but 3 is a good starting point.

How to design digital scrapbook pages step #4: Figure out your layouts Once you know how many pages youre going to use, itll be much easier to figure out the layouts for your digital scrapbook pages. I like taking my favorite few pictures and using them to create pages with only 1 picture on them. I will then follow that page with another page containing around 5 or 6 pictures. This way, my favorite pictures will be focused on, and the other pages can include all the other pictures I liked, just not as much.

How to design digital scrapbook pages step #5: Adding your embellishments Once you have your pictures laid out the way you like, you can go back through and add your embellishments. Just remember that youll want to balance out the number of embellishments according to the number of pictures on your page. If I use a lot of pictures on a particular page, Im only going to use a couple embellishments. Otherwise, my pages become too crowded, and the pictures get lost in all the clutter.

Now youre ready to print it out! And that is a quick and easy way of designing digital scrapbook pages. - 2361

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