Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ballroom Dance Shoes: Informative Guide

By Darly Summers

Haven't found what you want? Then this is just the article for you in order to stop looking further and enjoy an excellent written set of details regarding the above topic.

Ever since I watched Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck dance elegantly to some beautiful tunes on the movie "Roman Holiday" I have always wanted to be able to dance the ballroom. There is something so romantic about being swept around a ballroom floor by a handsome man in the lead. But what would be the fate of those of us dancing with the wrong ballroom dance shoes?

There are several qualities good ballroom dance shoes need to have. For one, and obviously, they need to be comfortable. No one is capable of waltzing gracefully wearing shoes that pinch their feet. Ballroom dance shoes need to fit well and shouldn't slip off mid-dance. Heels height has a part to play too. Ballroom dance shoes for women cannot afford to be too high, as then the lady will be more worried about if she may trip and fall or may even be worried about her grip on the floor. Despite the fact that ballroom dance shoes do need heels, wearing heels that are too high dramatically shortens the amount of time that they can be worn comfortably and could cause injury. The same goes for men too.|Surprisingly, this applies to men too. Men need ballroom dance shoes that have a heel as well, but anything too short or too high will only make the pair of shoes too uncomfortable for the man to dance in. And comfort plays a huge role when ballroom dancing. Ballroom dance shoes can be store bought or custom made, depending on the preference of the individual and also the price range that you are looking for. While store bought shoes do have variety, buying them makes it more likely that you'll purchase a common design. Custom made shoes are a tad bit more expensive as they are made to fit your feet perfectly, but they can be varied in design, and so will definitely stand out in the crowd as well.

When learning ballroom dancing, the dancing instructor always should make it a point to advice students on the proper kind of ballroom dance shoes they need to invest in, as after all ballroom dance shoes are an investment you make. The right ballroom dance shoes will be an added highlight to a perfect night.

In conclusion, I hope the ideas, issues and information I have brought forward help you in the future. - 2361

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