Friday, April 10, 2009

Batman costumes:Why they are so popular

By Mik Smith

When you ask a child which superhero they would most like to be you can guarantee that Batman would be a popular answer. The chant of 'Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner-BATMAN!' is synonymous with children's playgrounds everywhere. Most children (and a great deal of adults as well!) would get a real kick out of dressing up in Batman costumes. You can rest assured that anyone turning up at fancy-dress parties wearing Batman costumes would be hard pushed to find many people that asked who they were supposed to be.

He was initially called "The Bat Man" when hew appearedf in 1939. Incidentally DC stands for detecive comics. So his origins related to his ability to think out situations and use his mind more than other super heros, probably because he didn't have super powers.

Since conception our hero has enjoyed great success in newspapers, comics, films and television. H einitailly started out as a camp character in the first t.v. series and more recently as a darker character in later firms.

Batman costumes have evloved over the years and now you can get the barrel of 6 muscles front pad. As fabrics and materials have improved they have allowed different aspcets of the character to be emphasized.

Although our hero is not blessed with any strange or mystical powers like most of his counter- parts his life is still very much full of action and adventure. Like most superheroes Batman has a rather drab alter-ego (in this case it is Bruce Wayne) and a trusty side-kick known simply as Robin.

What other superhero has foes as well known as The Riddler , the Penguin and The Joker? Few if any.An the reason is dowen to his cult status which has develoiped over 60 years of just being around.

Over the years the Batman franchise has grown and grown. The range of toys, comics, sweets, Batman costumes and posters is a formidable one. Not to forget the seemingly endless movies, the most recent of these being 'The Dark Knight' with Christian Bale playing Batman for a second time.

So far that next big party you are throwing, it may be well worthwhile making it a special event by buying the complete outfit including mask, boots, gloves and tights. Now Johny can looking exactly like Christian Bale in the film. - 2361

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