Monday, February 23, 2009

Hot topics that could turn off your date

By Tracy Anderson

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Nowhere is this saying truer than in dating. If you've found a new love interest that you plan to take out on Valentine's Day, you naturally want to say something memorable to impress her.

Oftentimes, however, men forget themselves and boldly speak their minds in complete disregard of the feelings of others. This can get you in hot water later, especially if your date doesn't share your beliefs and has a different opinion about the subject matter.

Since your main objective is to win her over, don't force your opinions and beliefs on her. You won't get her that way. Remember that most women are highly emotional about certain topics so it makes no sense in changing your date's mind about things overnight. Neither will it help your cause if you appear like an insensitive bigot or a one-sided fool.

When talking to her, choose your subjects wisely. Make her laugh and comfortable in your presence. Avoid controversial topics or those that produce negative emotions like guilt, anger, jealousy, fear, tension or depression. Learn to say what she likes to hear and you'll be surprised how far you'll go.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, steer clear of these hot topics. They won't get you anywhere and you'll only end up alienating your date:

Evolution vs. creation. Which came first - the chicken or the egg? No one knows for sure so don't ruin the perfect date by talking about something that can't be answered. You'll end up arguing instead of making love.

Religion. This is another highly debatable subject that you can both discuss for hours and agree on nothing. Many wars have been fought because of religion and even members of the same church are sometimes split when it comes to interpreting it. Don't put this in your list of topics.

Her boyfriend. Let her talk about her boyfriend if she wants to but don't make any bad remarks about him. Just listen to her and smile. Often she's just testing you to see how you'll react. Think about it: if she's not interested in you, why would she go out with you in the first place?

To get back at her, you can try reverse psychology by saying, "I'm glad you and your boyfriend are getting along pretty well and I'm happy for both of you. It's hard finding the perfect guy nowadays." That will make you the perfect gentleman and will give her something to think about.

Your frustration with women. This isn't the time to talk about your boring love life or your misfortunes with other members of the opposite sex. She'll think you're a loser and will have second thoughts about dating you again.

Don't be bitter about your past or dwell on your bad relationships. Keep the conversation pleasant and make it appear you love everything about women - the way they dress, their charms, their passion and femininity. Your date will love you for that! - 2361

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