Friday, November 28, 2008

How to Increase Your Voice Range

By Elizabeth Schohl

Every singer has a special range where they can sing the best. If you try to sing up in the higher range, you will know that your voice will not sound as lush or intense because it will tend to sound like a falsetto. If you can hum in a certain range, you will note that if your mouth is closed humming your singing will be the same with no falsetto voice.

Only your favorite singer can sound exactly like themselves as no one can copy their trademark sound exactly. Keep in mind that you can practice and spend time to sound like them or get the same range, but your own voice is your sound. Learn how to work with your voice and cultivate your distinctive sound which people will learn to know.

If you want to increase your range you have to practice, no question about it. It sounds boring and tedious but remember that nobody ever stepped on stage the first time and became a star. They worked at it and practiced until they didn't want to even perform but when you hear them you think that you could do that too.

There are a couple of things that you can do to increase your range such as practice speaking, read something and fluctuate your voice so that it rises and falls with the words your reading. You'll notice that when you're excited your voice gets higher and thinner and when you have a cold your voice is lower. You can do the same thing with your voice to train its range.

Reading some children's stories is a great way to express your voice and expand it past what singing can do. You're teaching your voice to expand but not to break, when you lower your voice you're teaching it to relax. Your voice has a memory that tells your brain how far you can stretch your vocal cords before they separate and start to use your falsetto voice.

Try to teach your voice to relax as your vocal cords attempt to reach higher notes. One way is to practice speaking in a dramatic, almost musical way so that your voice gets used to higher pitches. It is possible you may learn to to sing higher pitches as a result.

Don't attempt to make your voice singer higher or lower than it can really go, as it may precipitate harm to your voice. The use of bad habits such as repeated abuse of the vocal cords will prevent the vocal cords from healing. Singers cannot afford to weaken their voice as they need their voices for speaking as well as singing.

If you practice properly you'll find that your vocal cords will begin to react to your requests. You'll hear a difference when you try to hit the higher notes which aren't really that high. Your vocal cords have adjusted to being loosened to allow you comfortably reach those higher notes. - 2361

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